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Roll what you will have fun with. Last month people wanted dps (even asked for hunters), a few days ago they was looking for heals to bg with.
Anyone heard from kinetic or billow? I miss them and want to revive alliance arenas,so I need them!

I have kinetics real ID, If you got in vent more I could tell you when he was on :p
If someone would be so kind as to PM me how to link my toons to my sig or send a link to a thread explaining such, it would be much appreciated. Sorry if this has already been asked, it would take at least an hour to sort through all the information.
If someone would be so kind as to PM me how to link my toons to my sig or send a link to a thread explaining such, it would be much appreciated. Sorry if this has already been asked, it would take at least an hour to sort through all the information.

1. Go to edit signature
2. Go to your armory page and copy the url
3. Type whatever you want the link to be like my sig, its just my character name, Klinda
4. Highlight whatever you typed in step 3
5. click the button that says link( it's the button that looks like the earth with a white bar underneath it)
6. it will bring a mini page that tells you to enter the url of what you copied in step 2
7. click ok and you should be set
Is it possible for a level 10 player to queue for a dungeon with someone else online. So at level 10 you could be guided through a dungeon to pick up gear etc.
Which of the three obtainable warlock pets does the most damage in this bracket? Specced Demonology.
Which of the three obtainable warlock pets does the most damage in this bracket? Specced Demonology.

I haven't tested damage, but Tbagr has, and according to him the imp does the most damage in demo spec. Succubus sucks, all specs (haha). Besides, imp out you have blood pact!

I tend to run imp, and then switch to voidwalker when I have fort. I play destro and have little experience as demo... but from what Tbagr has said, the felguard is pretty gimped at this level.
I tend to run imp, and then switch to voidwalker when I have fort. I play destro and have little experience as demo... but from what Tbagr has said, the felguard is pretty gimped at this level.

I played demo briefly before switching over to affl (and have never look back since as it just so much more fun). I can second the opinion regarding Felguard; I remembered it doing less damage than VW or imp.

Now as an affl imp is my main pet in bgs. VW gets its chance if I have to substitute-tank in dungeons.
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I'm curious as to what the situation is like for AGM. A friend and I want to make F2P twinks and are faced with the choice of joining AP for the community or a dead server in the same Battlegroup (for easier access to AGM). Is the community helpful enough to give up 12 stam?
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I'm curious as to what the situation is like for AGM. A friend and I want to make F2P twinks and are faced with the choice of joining AP for the community or a dead server in the same Battlegroup (for easier access to AGM). Is the community helpful enough to give up 12 stam?

AP over agm any day. I have toons with 2 agm that I never play, AP and no agm is where I'll play.
I'm curious as to what the situation is like for AGM. A friend and I want to make F2P twinks and are faced with the choice of joining AP for the community or a dead server in the same Battlegroup (for easier access to AGM), anybody who can give some pros and cons?

It's not impossible to get the agm on AP, just difficult. As some people have said community>gear. on a dead server you won't have the oppurtunity to premade with people and usually some pugs tend to be quite bad. AP is a community and it's probaly better to be there then some random dead server
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