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How powerful are warriors in the f2p version of WoW, will i be able to do enough damage to make myself noticeable. Also, how effective are any of the specs at DPSing and tanking. Finally, how long would it take to gear a warrior to pre boa bis. Thanks in Advance :)
How powerful are warriors in the f2p version of WoW, will i be able to do enough damage to make myself noticeable. Also, how effective are any of the specs at DPSing and tanking. Finally, how long would it take to gear a warrior to pre boa bis. Thanks in Advance :)
In PvP, as long as you aren't BiS, you'll need a dedicated healer or you'll die alot. Later on, you'll be able to take most baddies on solo. PvE wise, warriors shine in Prot due to their Blood & Thunder talent. Pre BoA BiS might take a day playtime. Most gear are quests or profession items.
Anybody getting errors like this with the f2p addon? Ive updated it but it still does this.
Try this macro from Yasueh's addon thread.

/run local f = GetNumFriends(); for y=1, f do local name,_,_,_,_,_, note = GetFriendInfo(y); if (note==nil) then RemoveFriend(name); end end will wipe your friends list , minus anyone with notes, and then the addon will refill it with online people. This has always cleared up text spam issues for me.
And for the warrior, what specs are good at dpsing and tanking, is there one that can do both comfortably?
Would anyone be kind enough to model my 3 characters in their current gear/mogs in Wow Modelviewer? I'm using Mac so it doesn't work. It should only take 5 mins of ur precious time. I'm looking to make a new signature.

Mialu @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Doing some castinglike thing.
Mialo @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Ready to slam someone down with a BARìalu/simple Seems to heal

Last time somebody did this for me:

It would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
Tried to do this for you, but I keep getting errors so I can't D:

But feel free to roll a toon, collect honor and hit up a gm yourself to verify this.

Next question: why do I keep disconnecting. :(
can i send boas to p2p accounts if i ask gms cuz right now i m farming honor for boas n paying but i want to farm honor and not pay on f2p account then send boa to p2p
You could if the first letter of your name was capitalized.
Tried to do this for you, but I keep getting errors so I can't D:
Too bad. Hopefully anyone else might try it.

can i send boas to p2p accounts if i ask gms cuz right now i m farming honor for boas n paying but i want to farm honor and not pay on f2p account then send boa to p2p
Or you could just play a F2P first, then upgrade after. Or you can just stick to a 20 and try to get good.
No.But feel free to roll a toon, collect honor and hit up a gm yourself to verify this.Sorry to hear that, could be router issues or possibly wow messing up, try to reduce your settings and see what happens. If that doesn't work it could be something wrong with your wireless connection if your on oneNext question: why do I keep disconnecting. :(

Sucks to hear that, could be a number of issues, possibly a wireless connection problem or maybe a problem on blizzards end, try to reduce your settings to minimum :)
So I was doing a premade AB last night, and after a couple of games, I was kicked (completely fairly), for being under geared. Firstly I want to apologise to anyone that was annoyed by my entering the premade, especially if i seemed a little irked afterwards :) Secondly, I was wondering what sort of level I should be at before premading again. Do I need to be pre BoA BiS, have over 1000hp or what?
Thanks for all the answers you guys give :)
So I was doing a premade AB last night, and after a couple of games, I was kicked (completely fairly), for being under geared. Firstly I want to apologise to anyone that was annoyed by my entering the premade, especially if i seemed a little irked afterwards :) Secondly, I was wondering what sort of level I should be at before premading again. Do I need to be pre BoA BiS, have over 1000hp or what?
Thanks for all the answers you guys give :)

All depends on how much ass you kiss.
So I was doing a premade AB last night, and after a couple of games, I was kicked (completely fairly), for being under geared. Firstly I want to apologise to anyone that was annoyed by my entering the premade, especially if i seemed a little irked afterwards :) Secondly, I was wondering what sort of level I should be at before premading again. Do I need to be pre BoA BiS, have over 1000hp or what?
Thanks for all the answers you guys give :)
Kind of the general standard seems to be;
1k health is fine
But, nobody can tell you when to BG and when to gear up...
I understand if you're doing Premades.... your fellow "raiders" should discuss your gear with you.
But as everyone knows there is 'some gear' that can be bought and is BiS for very little Honor and you shouldnt be discouraged from PUGGING BGs ever.
But, nobody can tell you when to BG and when to gear up...
I understand if you're doing Premades.... your fellow "raiders" should discuss your gear with you.
But as everyone knows there is 'some gear' that can be bought and is BiS for very little Honor and you shouldnt be discouraged from PUGGING BGs ever.

I would disagree. I regularly check gear in pugs, and suggest where people can get upgrades. Considering that questing or running dungeons won't level you out and you have all the time in the world to perfect your toon before throwing it into bgs (and also considering that it doesn't really take that long to BiS gear) I don't really see any reason to run bgs and handicap a team before getting gear. Now I won't throw a fit if someone didn't run out and farm the best available shoulders because they're gonna get the BoAs, but slot you won't be replacing should ideally already be at it's best.

Not only does this help the team you're running with out much more than lazy gear does, but it also gives you a greater chance of winning and getting that honor :)
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