If i am wearing Spell Power Goggles Extreme on my engineer when my sub runs out, will i still gain benefit from them or will they go red?
Can you join guilds that are not on your server? Like the servers are not connected eg. Dreamaul joining a guild on barthilas....( both are not connected but are in oceanic)
for auction house where you cant buy your own items, does this apply to the same bnet account or wow account? can i buy my own items on a different wow account linked the the same bnet?
i cant find a way for it to bring me to the $5 upgrade page. is it even possible to buy the game for $5 anymore?
im pretty sure that when a GM opens a ticket he can immediately see if your account is starter/frozen/paying, but i think it's not a problem for them resending a mail from an achievement, it is pretty easy afaik, and it shouldnt be against the f2p restrictions to ask for a mail to be restored
they can check if you have the achievement completed or not, that is enough to have the mail resent. I dont have a screenie of the GM response, but it said that they checked if i had the achiev (which i did) and they just sent the mail again
Your trick didn't work for me. =( I had completed the WoW 10th Anniversary achievement on 11/22/14 so I opened a ticket politely asking for the pet to be to mailed it to me. The GM refused because of the starter account restrictions: "As this account is a Starter one it has certain restrictions which includes not being able to access the mailbox so none of the characters would have been able to open the mail containing the pet. And since not being able to access the mailbox is part of those restrictions we are not able to work around it and provide the pet to the account. "
I just got my mount. Should I wait till mail expires or is there a quicker way?here's what i did: open ticket for "Restoration-Mail return request" , tell them that u completed the achiev but u couldnt retrieve the mail and it expired, ask them to resend the mail, and (given that it's a mail sent by a GM) you can open it, worked on first try for me on loom mount, hearthsteed and molten corgi
I just got my mount. Should I wait till mail expires or is there a quicker way?
yea same for me when I asked to retrieve the chauffeured chopperYour trick didn't work for me. =( I had completed the WoW 10th Anniversary achievement on 11/22/14 so I opened a ticket politely asking for the pet to be to mailed it to me. The GM refused because of the starter account restrictions: "As this account is a Starter one it has certain restrictions which includes not being able to access the mailbox so none of the characters would have been able to open the mail containing the pet. And since not being able to access the mailbox is part of those restrictions we are not able to work around it and provide the pet to the account. "
I just opened a ticket for the Corgi. I'm on a Veteran account now, but was on regular starter account on same Bnet for achievement. Will update with status when I hear from GM.Your trick didn't work for me. =( I had completed the WoW 10th Anniversary achievement on 11/22/14 so I opened a ticket politely asking for the pet to be to mailed it to me. The GM refused because of the starter account restrictions: "As this account is a Starter one it has certain restrictions which includes not being able to access the mailbox so none of the characters would have been able to open the mail containing the pet. And since not being able to access the mailbox is part of those restrictions we are not able to work around it and provide the pet to the account. "
BiS OH wep for BM monk excluding Shadowfang? Thanks in advance
BiS OH wep for BM monk excluding Shadowfang? Thanks in advance
I have a couple of questions I was hoping to get answers.
1) Just curious, why is the number one populated level 20 twink server on a PVE Normal server? It just seems rather counter intuitive and seems like it would hurt the chances of world PvP.
2) I'm really enjoying my lvl20 twink on my current server, but it's dead as far as other lvl20's to interact with. Would it be worth it to start all over and reroll on another server with a greater lvl20 population? I like the thought of everyone on the same server, which it looks like people tried to do with Aerie Peak, but it's a PVE Normal server.... no thanks carebears. Is there a highly populated PvP server for lvl20?
3) With the F2P addon does it work cross realm or with different battlegroups? I know they did away with battlegroups for battlegrounds. I'm just confused on if you have to be on the same server with the F2Paddon or can you be on different servers?
Look up <Nagaz withAttitudez> on Bleeding Hollow