Questions & Answers

Body rez in BG - is this just going back to your body and waiting until you rez there?

yes, you go back to your body (marked as tombstone on the map) and res there, often this is faster than waiting for res at the graveyard (after your 1st death you can res instantly, the time for res near your body increases with the number of your deaths, so if you died a lot this won't be an option anymore); however, if enemy takes your insignia (loots your dead corpse) before you can res, you have to go back to gy and res there

for example in AB you die at the flag, instead of waiting for res you go back to your corpse, res instantly and prevent enemy from capping the flag until reinforcements come (therefore it is also a good idea to loot neargy corpses before you start capping the flag in AB)
Unfortunately developers removed the initial flight path to Dalaran. I tried also the portal stone in Crystalsong Forest, but we can't use it. It seems Dalaran is unreachable for any new characters and for all the old one, which never was there before.

Or is there a portal somewhere?

What u meen the crystal dont work? Or is this becouse I've "been to dalaran befor"?
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What u meen the crystal dont work? Or is this becouse I've "been to dalaran befor"?

Yes, when I tried using it I was told I couldn't because I hadn't used the one in Dalaran yet.
I don't know if you just have to have been in Dalaran or if there is some other crystal in the city which you have to take to ground level before you can take the one from ground level up to Dalaran.
Yes, when I tried using it I was told I couldn't because I hadn't used the one in Dalaran yet.
I don't know if you just have to have been in Dalaran or if there is some other crystal in the city which you have to take to ground level before you can take the one from ground level up to Dalaran.

Yeh there is one in the middle (same house you come to when you teleport up with the crystal).
But yeh okay, so it dose say that? lame
There is a portal to Dalaran at the Shrine in Pandaria though. What I am going to try to do is find two people with their HS set to the Shrine in Pandaria, get a P2P to group us up, and then have them summon me there with the meeting stone at the Shrine.

This is exactly what I did with P2P help. I now have my HS set there and can get to Dalaran, Shattrath, etc.
If you are not a tank neither do anything. (except Bear Form any spec I believe)

If you are a tank:
Light does nothing
Medium adds 1 bonus armor and 1 attack power

recently I toyed around with my bm monk, it seems that the light armor kit adds +1 attack power in BG, so the light armor kit scales in BG,
I will double check this next time I am in BG

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