Questions & Answers

Thanks. I've been killing all those mobs in there on a couple different toons over the past few days, and all I've seen is petrified shinbone. I guess the drop rate is lower now.

The kicker is that I've also been running stocks, and I've seen them in there several times, and I always lose the roll...

Oh well. Rng is RNG, and farming is farming.

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any1 knows an oceanic vet twink guild?

i would like to know too. or ill join if you create one. though can all oceanic realms join each others guilds or not? but ill only be subbing after children's week cos have some real life things to do before
Heard that WoD made the armor kits worthless to all specs except tank spec, comfirm or denied?

They are as worthless as they were previous expansions. They still provide damage reduction. Not to be confused with Bonus armor.
Is there any living trial with old Gloomshroud ?
They are as worthless as they were previous expansions. They still provide damage reduction. Not to be confused with Bonus armor.

I'm pretty sure they give NO armor. I have not seen a difference on my mage, but maybe I should check again. They still work for tank specs and provide bonus armor. The lights do nothing the mediums provide 1.

I will say scaling has made stuff really damn confusing. It's possible they work inside of BGs and not out...
What is the point of all this

What you are the master of a city that contains no one... how special and unique can this feel? And how does this make any sense lore wise... we go through the portal and "what the hell everyone split up and create your own town." Because that's easy to defend and all :-/
Unfortunately developers removed the initial flight path to Dalaran. I tried also the portal stone in Crystalsong Forest, but we can't use it. It seems Dalaran is unreachable for any new characters and for all the old one, which never was there before.

Or is there a portal somewhere?
Unfortunately developers removed the initial flight path to Dalaran. I tried also the portal stone in Crystalsong Forest, but we can't use it. It seems Dalaran is unreachable for any new characters and for all the old one, which never was there before.

Or is there a portal somewhere?

I had this exact same problem recently and also tried the portal stone in Crystalsong.
There is a portal to Dalaran at the Shrine in Pandaria though. What I am going to try to do is find two people with their HS set to the Shrine in Pandaria, get a P2P to group us up, and then have them summon me there with the meeting stone at the Shrine.

If you aren't on a populated F2P-realm then I think your only other option is to find a P2P to either make you a portal there or to ask/pay a Mage to make you one.
Alright, I admit it, two basic things i don't know how to do exactly - so i'm finally asking.

Body rez in BG - is this just going back to your body and waiting until you rez there?
corpse running - how do you do this? lets say in high lvl area. Don't you have to know where the graveyards are located in order to rez?
Advise please. thanks.

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