A Sentient Pyramid
I'm updating my Ally shaman's gear and got stuck on what cape to use.
Everyone says use Tumultuous Cape of the Sorcerer (5 armour, 5 intellect, 5 stamina, 5 haste with scaling) and I have been using that in previous patches. But Stitches' Stitchings - Item - World of Warcraft (5 armour, 5 intellect, 7 stamina with scaling) now gives 2 stamina in exchange of that haste.
The haste reduces my Healing Surge's cast time by 0.01 seconds (from 1.50 to 1.49) and the reduction to GCD is probably almost just as small. 2 stamina feels like it'd be a lot more beneficial than shaving off a mere one-hundredth of a second off my casts.
Generally, as a healer, I'd pick haste / crit over Stam. However, in this case, the benefit from stam seems a lot more substantial than the tiny haste I could get instead (armour and int are the same in both). I feel like I should use Stiches' but have heard more people say Tumultuous is better. Am I missing something?
What's your opinion? Which one would you guys equip?
Goesid gives some good advice. I thought I'd weigh in with another consideration or two.
In my limited experience, I think it's not a bad idea to consider what other gear you are using. With feral, spriest, combat, an others' burst I would want a pretty hefty amount of stamina. In general I've been finding that for good survivability I want to have somewhere around 4300 hp at least in BG, and that number might be more when healing. If you don't go AGM or have LFH you really might consider using Stitches. Also, keep in mind the value of that extra stamina goes up if you are using Nature's Guardian and Mark of Tyranny. If I'm comfortable with where I am with stamina, which you may be, then I'd probably use Sorcerer just to round out stats/heals a bit more. If I'm getting blown up more than my heals can keep up with much of the time, I'd use Stitches.
Hope that's not too vague....