Twink Info Legend
Xyfa here again,
What do you guys/gals think about DW vs 2H for Brewmaster or Windwalker monks? I have seen quite a few well-geared BM/WWs (though primarily BM) with either Novice's Handwraps x2 or Butcher's Cleaver x2, while it seems rather clear to me that Thruk's Heavy Duty Fishing Pole should be the best non-BoA weapon for us. I was planning on getting Burnished Warden Staff eventually, but if the 1H BoAs are better overall then I'll have to go that route. I have done a bit of research regarding 2H vs DW as far as class mechanics at endgame go, but most of the pros for a weapon type are based on abilities that we don't have at lvl 20.
Any thoughts, experience, opinions, or math you care to share?
for bm go with something nice one hand maybe shadowfang and furlbrog pouch and for ww go 2x something nice like maybe shadowfang.