Questions & Answers

Hey guys before I start to grind on my f2p deathknight on moongaurd I need to know something, are 'albino drakes' usable by f2p accounts?

If I get the 50 mounts achievement what will happen will it go in the mail or in my bag? and can I ride it on my 20.

Some guy on aerie peak called deej said that you could.

let me know guys, thanx <3

The one called Deej is correct, F2Ps can indeed use (ride) Albino Drakes now. I'm not sure though if the mount gets mailed to you or just shows up in your mount collection.
Why discipline F2P priests choose Musty Tome of the Lost + Devout Aurastone Hammer - Item - World of Warcraft instead of Dignified Headmaster's Charge - Item - World of Warcraft?

14 Stamina
13 intellect
2 Crit
6 haste
63 Spell Power


13 Intellect
16 Stamina
10 Crit
66 spell power

6 haste is better than 2 stam, 3 spellpower and 8 crit? :(

It's a personal preference. Haste is hard to come by, but you are not wrong to use boa staff over boa 1h/boa offhand.

Let me say it like this: Priests gain an extra 40% haste from items when they cast their bubble; this means priests currently benefit the most from Haste(as a healer). GCDs are 1.5 seconds. Any hardcast that is under 1.5 seconds, means the opposing team will not be able to get an interrupt off if they both cast their abilities at the same time. If the two factors casts their spells at two different times, within the 1.5 second window, each point of haste reduces the chance that they will be interrupted by that factoring amount of haste.

What that means is, Lets say(Hypothetically) that a Priest has enough haste to make their 1.5 second Flash of Heal into a 1.0 Second cast. If a Shaman is not currently casting anything and wants to Wind Shear the priest's Flash of Heal, that Shaman will have to react 0.5 seconds faster than they normally would in order to get that interrupt off. Each point of haste makes it, that much more, difficult for the opposing team to get interrupts off. Not to mention, more haste = faster heals for your team.

While F2Ps may not have access to all the haste items in the world to have crazy fast heals, it still gives them an advantage over players who do not stack haste.
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Why discipline F2P priests choose Musty Tome of the Lost + Devout Aurastone Hammer - Item - World of Warcraft instead of Dignified Headmaster's Charge - Item - World of Warcraft?

14 Stamina
13 intellect
2 Crit
6 haste
63 Spell Power


13 Intellect
16 Stamina
10 Crit
66 spell power

6 haste is better than 2 stam, 3 spellpower and 8 crit? :(

For a person stacking Haste, yes. There was a long an interesting thread about haste last year. I was in the crit+sp>haste camp.

I am currently running hammer and tome on my rdruid. My impressions haven't changed even after trying it, I think the DHC is better.

Of course this isn't really the proper thread to talk about which one people think is better. To just answer the question of why people choose it, it's because they believe haste has more value than crit and SP.
any1 got news about scaling and arena?

There has been no additional information about scaling in arena. Chances are we will just have to wait and see what WoD holds for us.
Turned a prot pally into a ret just to see what all the talk is about. (dirty) Anyway, had a couple questions that may have already been discussed that I missed. Wowhead says FoL should heal for 300% of SP, not the 600% of SP that it is currently doing. Is there a ret passive somewhere that I'm missing as to why this is the case? Is it possible that this is absolutely unintended?

Also I noticed that ret mana regen in combat is strange. My character stats say that I should only get 8 mp5 regen while in combat, but when I watch the regen I'm getting strange spikes of about 30 mana every 2.5 seconds. It's almost like prot's Guarded by the Light regen. Again, is there a ret passive for regen that I'm missing?

There has been no additional information about scaling in arena. Chances are we will just have to wait and see what WoD holds for us.

i hope so.
got need for arena but i'm tired 2 play against 29s whitout scaling.
I'm an unapologetic ezmoder. Peeps care to rank the most op f2p classes right now?

From my understanding and in no particular order I think the big ones are Combat Rogue, Feral Druid, Ret Pali, and Maybe Arms Warrior (Fury is good this patch too!)
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Turned a prot pally into a ret just to see what all the talk is about. (dirty) Anyway, had a couple questions that may have already been discussed that I missed. Wowhead says FoL should heal for 300% of SP, not the 600% of SP that it is currently doing. Is there a ret passive somewhere that I'm missing as to why this is the case? Is it possible that this is absolutely unintended?

Also I noticed that ret mana regen in combat is strange. My character stats say that I should only get 8 mp5 regen while in combat, but when I watch the regen I'm getting strange spikes of about 30 mana every 2.5 seconds. It's almost like prot's Guarded by the Light regen. Again, is there a ret passive for regen that I'm missing?


I've seen a few posts about tool tips being wrong, maybe this is an example? But it could be this Sword of Light - Spell - World of Warcraft

Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Total Power Regen % (Mana)
Value: 6% every 2 seconds

Effect #5 Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done
Value: 100%
Affected Spells:
Flash of Light

I've been thinking about doing the same with my prot pally. Did you use the "DPS set" and add a level 25 2-hander dungeon blue like Reef Axe or Cold Iron Pick?
I've seen a few posts about tool tips being wrong, maybe this is an example? But it could be this Sword of Light - Spell - World of Warcraft

I've been thinking about doing the same with my prot pally. Did you use the "DPS set" and add a level 25 2-hander dungeon blue like Reef Axe or Cold Iron Pick?

I think you've got it with Sword of the Light! Tooltip isn't stating all that it does it would appear. Thanks!

I haven't spent any time refining what gear to use as ret. I had a Cold Iron Pick in my bags and then picked up the two-hander axe boa at DMF this week. Just to try it out I used the gear under Revwyn in my signature, but I would imagine there are better rounded sets to go with. Playing enhancement mostly, switching to ret made me laugh out loud.

Thanks again!
Does horde get shorter queues than alliance still?

A bit I think, it's hard to say, queue times are still a bit funky sine the patch but they've come down in time considerably. Average for me on Horde now is about ten mins for random (queueing random minus AV and queueing AV separately). It WAS near 30 mins last week. I've gotten into a BG during prime time hours in as little as three minutes, though the tool tip was still showing a ten minute wait.

I'm afraid the days of insta-pops for Horde are pretty well done so play whichever side you like. :)
Xyfa here again,

What do you guys/gals think about DW vs 2H for Brewmaster or Windwalker monks? I have seen quite a few well-geared BM/WWs (though primarily BM) with either Novice's Handwraps x2 or Butcher's Cleaver x2, while it seems rather clear to me that Thruk's Heavy Duty Fishing Pole should be the best non-BoA weapon for us. I was planning on getting Burnished Warden Staff eventually, but if the 1H BoAs are better overall then I'll have to go that route. I have done a bit of research regarding 2H vs DW as far as class mechanics at endgame go, but most of the pros for a weapon type are based on abilities that we don't have at lvl 20.

Any thoughts, experience, opinions, or math you care to share?

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