Questions & Answers

may be a dumb question. and a question that popup alot. but which realm in EU should I roll on? made a warlock on aggramar but havent met any polite person yet so i want another realm. thanks

You will find all the larger F2P realms very clicky. The worst I've seen is AP US.

Edit; You ever seen the film american werewolf in London? When the two Americans work into the pub in the middle of the moors?

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may be a dumb question. and a question that popup alot. but which realm in EU should I roll on? made a warlock on aggramar but havent met any polite person yet so i want another realm. thanks

I would personally suggest rolling on Aggramar to every EU-player. The vocal-idiots of the f2pchannel make us look like a community of idiots, but there really are a lot of great people on our realm. On every big realm there will be enough idiots to keep shit being stirred around for most of the time on the f2pchannel, but that's only because the minority of idiots always are the big mouthed ones.

There aren't many other very active realms though so if you picked another one the f2pchannel would probably just be silent for most of the time. What I suggest you do if you can't stand the f2pchannel is give the channel its own tab and only open it up if you need something from the other players or if the idiots aren't around. I personally think that a big community is an extremely important part of being able to enjoy your f2p-experience. As trial accounts we are limited in several ways, severely limiting the amount of things we can do, but together with others we can really push the boundaries of our possibilities.
Depending on what kind of lap top:
If Windows- you can use paint or something to crop it

If apple- good luck with that, never used an apple lap top

Option 3- make imgur account, upload, and edit SS from there
It's weird seeing bad players in game giving advice and making it sound like they are good in this forum.
Question: Why many 24 rogs start lagin right after ambush?
Answer: They feel bad about themselfs.
How do I take off the <Made by [name]> part on items that have it, assuming this is possible. I could've sworn I've done it back when I played P2P more.

Swag if you buy a shirt <made by Gucci>
How do I take off the <Made by [name]> part on items that have it, assuming this is possible. I could've sworn I've done it back when I played P2P more.

I don't believe it's posslble to do on a trial account. The tag will go away if you transfer servers, if the character who created the item transfers or is deleted, or if you put the item in Void Storage. Unfortunately, neither of those are valid options if you're on a trial.

Edit: It didn't occur to me that an addon might be able to do this, good call.
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I don't believe it's posslble to do on a trial account. The tag will go away if you transfer servers, if the character who created the item transfers or is deleted, or if you put the item in Void Storage. Unfortunately, neither of those are valid options if you're on a trial.

Edit: It didn't occur to me that an addon might be able to do this, good call.

I would be proud to show off that i made something as F2P, but I'm on a monk, so it's P2P. I probably should'ave put that in there somewhere, my bad. Thanks for the info tho guys.

Edit: Does this make it so others can't see the <Made by [name]> tag or just me?
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