Questions & Answers

Quick question, If I start playing on my druid again; will half the team i fight be rogues?
druids are fun still . healing is a bit more challenging since the battle fatigue nerf but i quite enjoy it .
bear form got a buff since u left i think 40% stan now instead of 20 % . immmmmmmmmmmm seems like thats all . yes most ally teams are comprised of pink , yellow , green , and maybe a lil orange but i mean thats the way its always been yah know .
I was in an AB this week with 7 hunts, 6 rogues, one feral, and one arms war on the other team.

And I was in a WSG with 8 rogues on the other team.

Won them both lol

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I was in an AB this week with 7 hunts, 6 rogues, one feral, and one arms war on the other team.

And I was in a WSG with 8 rogues on the other team.

Won them both lol

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Very good question.

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During CtA I ground out enough honor (to JP) for the PVE mace on my shaman and I keep getting a refund with the intention of getting enough dmf tix for it so that I can use the 2725 JP for a trinket.

Would you do that? Is it dumb?

draenei ele w/ this guear:

agi neck for now (working on profs/dmf tix)
bandit/sorc/wsg spirit cloak
noble's robles
bear/owl/whatever bracers (difficulty getting proper bracers so far)
devout hammer
stocks shield
gloves of anguished wahwahs
bandit belt
bfd panties
corpse stomperompers
stendel's separation ring
seal of argas
rune of perf

i have the recipe for 1 spirit to bracers, just haven't done ench yet (and i need some bracers)

*goofy names b/c i get bored easily

Since I have MM and getting honor-JP for chest takes less time than getting it for a trinket. Plus the xtra crit from noble's (tho I realize it's less crit than both ele boas) and I can hit cap w/ shield and stuff instead of RoPerf.

Thinking I'll get the haste trinket since - faster cast = more chances for crit and quicker build up to foolmenation
Simple question, why do I get flagged when I entered enemies capital city? Rofl

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2
Quick question, If I start playing on my druid again; will half the team i fight be rogues?

Cer, you're playing on BWL with me (Biggie), and other friends. Let's go.
How much spell hit does a f2p need in a battleground now to hit another 20 (and if possible, a 24)?

What are the hit requirements for f2p now in general? Spell/melee/20/24, etc.

Hit's totally fixed now, everyone is correctly scaled up to 24 in BGs. 3% melee/6% spell will cap you. Secondary stats scale as if you were a 24, so you need 8/15 hit rating.

Every class except Rogues (and Hunters using a pet that doesn't need to be capped) needs spell hit cap for something or other (charge stun, HoJ, roots, etc), so 15 is generally the way to go.

Gear scales up 4 item levels but there's currently a bug where it shows the unscaled stats on most items you have equipped. You can see the actual stats on a piece of gear in a BG if you hold shift when you're mousing over the item.
bis hoard race for mage?

looking for:
helpfull racial
good baseline stats
nice animations and look

+ he/she has to wear a dumb name with pride

Goblin or Blood Elf.

Goblin has a good jump racial and a bank where you can store your consumables and pick them up if needed.

Blood Elf has the silence which is cool, sexy looks and animations and can use swiftthistle if you are the grinder type
question, would it be a waste of time to get a variety of heirlooms on my strongest characters for my lesser/newer characters before the heirloom tab comes accessible when WoD comes out?
question, would it be a waste of time to get a variety of heirlooms on my strongest characters for my lesser/newer characters before the heirloom tab comes accessible when WoD comes out?

well you can just save up jp/honor/dmf tickets until wod hits

as far as I know theres no cap on dmf tickets, and you can always loan out jp gear if you go over the cap
well you can just save up jp/honor/dmf tickets until wod hits

as far as I know theres no cap on dmf tickets, and you can always loan out jp gear if you go over the cap

This is pretty much my strategy. I'm stacking up DMF tickets, and capping honor/JP...

But I have a question regarding capping honor/JP: when is the next reset? It would seem to me that we need to spend those currencies before at least the pre-WoD patch...

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Is that why Yde quit? :(

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