Questions & Answers

for vets, does Int = Spellpower?
or there some advantage in Int the i'm not seeing?

int is a tiny bit better cuz of stat buff from dog pet or 29pallies with the glyph
Can angerhide be put on foremans leggings without getting soulbound ? The tooltip says it will become soul bound but I read somewhere on TI that it doesn't?
As I understand it the only way to get around that soulbinding of leg armors, is to put them on an heirloom.
Are there any creative ways to increase mw fistweaving damage apart from weapon damage? Any odd buffs, enchants, etc....?

edit: for dungeons, going full crit, then haste, over all with best weapon damage makes a decent difference. Wouldn't be practical for BGs though. At least it makes dungeon running much less painful.
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Can anybody please tell me a good place to farm MM. I tried Hillsbrad and I've found quite some chests, but none of them had MM in it.

There is a pretty comprehensive guide here. I personally stick to Wetlands in mostly the northern half of the zone.
Are there any creative ways to increase mw fistweaving damage apart from weapon damage? Any odd buffs, enchants, etc....?

edit: for dungeons, going full crit, then haste, over all with best weapon damage makes a decent difference. Wouldn't be practical for BGs though. At least it makes dungeon running much less painful.

New DMF food gives versatility. Zen pilgramage food is very inexpensive. Felmouth Frenzy is supposed to be pretty awesome(vet/sub only).

In Mop I bought one for 65g :D I was looking at AH like wtf?
Some servers have them pretty cheap. I have amassed quite a collection of them.

Ok so I was told that it would be better to ask here, Ill do so =)

What do I have to ensure about my level 20 toon to use it as a veteran twink?

So far I know:

- Only 10 Gold (or will he just lose everything he has on top of that?)
- Level 20 max

Anything else? Like not guild leader or whatever. And, if my XP is not locked when I am finally on a veteran, am I still able to become level 21 (and not log onto it anymore unless I pay) or is it working exactly like a F2P account. Locked on 20 forever.
Ok so I was told that it would be better to ask here, Ill do so =)
- Only 10 Gold (or will he just lose everything he has on top of that?)
you will keep whatever amount of gold you had before sub ends but u cannot gain anymore and if u manage to spend all of it any new gold u earn is capped at 10 :)

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