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3% melee, 6% spell (for the spells that aren't broken), 8/15 hit rating with 24 scaling. 26% for most spell CC right now, which is probably 65ish hit rating.

So specific spells like root, fear, sheep take more rating atm?
what's the best class for soloing at 20?
has anyone tried Scarlet halls?

need something to do. i can't stand pvp atm. too many people going full retard.
what's the best class for soloing at 20?
has anyone tried Scarlet halls?

need something to do. i can't stand pvp atm. too many people going full retard.

Afaik, f2ps can't enter any instanced part of SM anymore.
I really really wish the IP bans worked. I have no idea why they don't. The IPs are the same as the other troll accounts. Every ban it says they get added to the list of banned IPs, but then he shows up again spewing the most frustrating nonsense. :/
Gun + Beastmaster's

119-160 DMG
47.97 DPS
340 AP
4.47 Hit
16.08 Crit
51.63 Resil
19.61 Dodge

Gun + Herod's

118-159 DMG
47.83 DPS
338 AP
4.47 Hit
17.39 Crit
49.75 Resil
19.51 Dodge

Naga Bow

118-156 DMG
356 AP
4.47 Hit
15.5 Crit
47.73 Resil
20.31 Dodge

Bone Bow

113-153 DMG
343 AP
7.72 Hit
16.86 Crit
47.73 Resil
19.71 Dodge

Which is the best and which would be the second best out of those 4? Imo it would be in the order I listed them but just getting other opinions
Does anyone know if Blizzard has acknowledged w/ a blue post that Hit Rating, at low lvl bgs, are not scaling correctly? Meaning it's impossible for someone who's lvl 20(scales to 24 in a bg) to get hit capped against other players.

Or did it get hotfixed?
Does anyone know if Blizzard has acknowledged w/ a blue post that Hit Rating, at low lvl bgs, are not scaling correctly? Meaning it's impossible for someone who's lvl 20(scales to 24 in a bg) to get hit capped against other players.

Or did it get hotfixed?


dont know of a blue post.

But maybe this thread on the first page is interesting for you:

Btw: As a boomkin or ele shaman its possible to get the 26% via spirit. Maybe an option @ the moment.

Question from me:

Whats the best tip to get Magefist Gloves as f2p?

Running Shadowfang?

Farming Rares?


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the best way is to grab engineering and bust open the Locked chests in SFK with the seaforium charges.
I've managed it by running SFK many times. Seen others get it the same way. Doesn't take too many runs.

Not sure about Seaforium Charges, though.
Interesting answer.

Don't you think it's legit to ask for changes in droprates when you see a so called "rare" item in 2 consecutive runs instead of once in a whole year?

They changed droprates in the past. And we just had a new patch.

But maybe i just dont understand you kind of "humor".

...based on 2 drops i do think its a bit of an absurd question, ergo my absurd answer. :)

If you run it 20 more times and see 10 more drop...then I'd say the question would not be absurd.

Unless they changed the drop rate to be about 1,000 times more common, the patch just happened and there's not enough data out there to guess anyway.
lillhunter said:
(Question on comparing gear sets)

It depends on role or situation.

If impromptu FCing with healers, the answer is clear: whichever has more resilience. Without healers and prioritizing survivability (comparing resilience, stamina, and dodge to a lesser extent)? That's another question.

If maximizing overall damage? Here's my (conjectured) ordering, given Gun+Beastmasters, Gun+Herod, etc, can be shorthanded as GB and GH, etc. respectively:
Naga Bow, NB, I haven't included in this ordering yet, since that involves comparing Ranged Attack Power (RAP), Weapon Damage (WD), crit chance and comparing damage output from abilities that scale with RAP, but not with WD (explosive shot, Kill Command, Serpent Sting, pet damage), and abilities that scale directly with WD (arcane shot, steady shot, aimed shot, auto-attacks, scatter).

If looking exclusively at WD and its outputs (including crit), or WD[SUB]c[/SUB]:
If exclusively abilities that scale with RAP, or RAP[SUB]c[/SUB] (conjecture):
Overall damage (conjecture, or guess):
GH ≥ NB ? BB ? GB

Why my ordering for max damage on WD? One may eyeball guess that 1 WD is worth less than 1.31% crit (GH vs GB), but if you're looking for something a bit more concrete, here's some of my small theory-craft (or more elaborate answer to why?):
The theorycraft is rather simple, as it primarily involves computing expected values from each gear set, or one's expected auto-shot, arcane-shot, etc, from WD and Crit rating from each set.

I'll briefly describe the expected value as a way of comparing raw damage and crit chance, show a table of expected value WDs from those sets, and then briefly describe RAP's extra role, besides boosting WD, in hunter damage. For those more knowledgable in probability, I believe it's very safe to assume that WD is a uniformly distributed random variable, giving out integers, on [m,M] (m≤WD≤M). In other words, each possible weapon damage, 120, 158, 140, or others, are equally likely to occur.

What's an expected value?
When comparing damage and crit, 1 or 2 WD boosts may be small, but so is a .3% or .6% crit chance. One may argue that more chances to crit means more damage, despite slightly weaker crits. Or other way, that one may not crit as often, but his/her auto-attacks and other sources of damage are consistently higher, and also his/her crits are also stronger, though less frequent.
However, for both, comparing numbers helps give each statement their context. 1 damage for 25% crit? crit please. 20 damage for 1% crit? damage please. The general idea, in both situations, is improving one's overall damage, or average damage, or expected damage, or expected value.

The expected value of a random variable X is the mean, or weighted average of events (values) given by that variable, each event weighted by their chance, or probability, of occurring. In general, given a random variable X, the expected value of X, which gives out value x[SUB]i[/SUB] with probability p[SUB]i[/SUB] (1≤i≤n), the expected value of that random variable is

For example, if we're looking at the largest Weapon Damage (WD) M (M a random variable, with probability p of being 2M, and probability 1-p of M), the expected value of M is simply E(M)=p(2M)+(1-p)(M)=(1+p)M.

One other note, given a, b, c are constants and X, Y are random variables, E(c)=c, and:
E(aX+bY+c)=aE(X)+bE(Y)+c. This is known as linearity of expectations.

Also, since WD is uniformly distributed (WD with no crit chance), E(WD)=(m+M)/2, and perhaps (WD[SUB]c[/SUB] being your typical WD, with a p[SUB]c[/SUB] chance to crit),

For abilities, aWD+b is also uniformly distributed (since WD is as well), and E([aWD+b][SUB]c[/SUB])=(1+p[SUB]c[/SUB])E(a(WD)+b)=aE(WD[SUB]c[/SUB])+(1+p[SUB]c[/SUB])b.
According to my enhanced tooltips, in order of level 20, and then level 24 (battlegrounds), these are how strong such abilities scale with WD:
Level 20Level 24 (battlegrounds)
Arcane Shot1.0(WD)+511.0(WD)+70
Steady Shot0.6(WD)+310.6(WD)+44
Aimed Shot3.5(WD)+2103.5(WD)+290.5
Scatter Shot0.5(WD)0.5(WD)

And below is a table of the Minimum Weapon Damage, Maximum WD, and Crit from each set, with a corresponding table of computed expected values [with E(abilities) calculated as if one's in a battleground, using linearity of expectations and E(WD[SUB]c[/SUB]). E(Careful Aim) takes into account the +75% chance to crit on players with more than 80% hp], though numbers are rounded to the .01 place instead of being given as integers. Of course, such values don't take into account enemy resilience, armor, and resists.

Min D (m)Max D
CritE(m)E(M)E(WD[SUB]c[/SUB])E(Arcane)E(Steady)E(Aimed)E(Careful Aim)MinAimCritMaxAimCrit

One may still think of some of this as a min/max choice, but the expected value is a way of taking the crit rating into account.

However, there's more than just WD. Kill Command, Serpent Sting, and Explosive Shot don't scale directly with WD, but instead directly with RAP, with chances to crit, and some of these make up a decent slice of a hunter's overall damage.
The simple theorycraft in my above probably wasn't needed to compare 1 auto-shot damage boost vs 1.31% crit (GH vs GB), but it may be helpful in tougher comparisons, like comparing wolf bracers versus serra'kis.
If you can share with me what the enhanced tooltips of each of the non-WD scaling abilities are, I could quickly generate another expected value table with those abilities for comparison.
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