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Are blue BOEs soulbound to trial accounts? Never really cared to know until Shadowfang dropped in a SFK run today.

Anything you get on your trial is technically BOP because you can't trade it.

Unless you get it without needing on it, and then activate the account, and then trade/sell it before you equip it.
Are blue BOEs soulbound to trial accounts? Never really cared to know until Shadowfang dropped in a SFK run today.

Grats on that, but you can't mail from a trial account. Best you could do is get a gm to do it for you I'd reckon but I'm 99.99% sure it won't work. But gms are people too and make mistakes, keep making tickets if you're that devoted, gl
So if I would have greeded it and won it then I could have subbed and sold/mailed/xferred w/ it? It's still sitting in my bags and I noticed it says Soulbound unlike the greens I have. However I was too paranoid to right click on it to see if the "Equipping this item will bind it to you." message would pop up.

that is correct.
[MENTION=13341]Swoops[/MENTION] (or anyone else ^-^ ) how expensive are the panther mop mounts?

Edit: Also can I just do ICC and kill the lk with someone who has frostmourne and I can loot the chest for the deathcharger or do I need to have the weapon in order to loot the chest and get it? Kinda confused about that
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So if I would have greeded it and won it then I could have subbed and sold/mailed/xferred w/ it? It's still sitting in my bags and I noticed it says Soulbound unlike the greens I have. However I was too paranoid to right click on it to see if the "Equipping this item will bind it to you." message would pop up.

think u also can need it then make sure u have bags full so that the item is mailed to u (know this isnt ideal as u r f2p, but maybe u could fool a gm - or ofc - just sub)
[MENTION=13341]Swoops[/MENTION] (or anyone else ^-^ ) how expensive are the panther mop mounts?

Also, how tough/long is the crimson deathcharger to get?

The crimson deathcharger is impossible to get on a F2P account. You have to be on a quest that is lv.80. The box drops from LK at 0.7% and contains the items needed to get the charger, as well as other things.
The crimson deathcharger is impossible to get on a F2P account. You have to be on a quest that is lv.80. The box drops from LK at 0.7% and contains the items needed to get the charger, as well as other things.

so it isn't a 100% drop chance when you have someone in the raid with shadowmourne? I was thinking I could just raid with some 90 who has that weapon, kill the lk then he lets me take the chest. I guess a sub 1% drop rate PLUS needing someone with a legendary weapon is what makes it over 100k >.< Makes sense
so it isn't a 100% drop chance when you have someone in the raid with shadowmourne? I was thinking I could just raid with some 90 who has that weapon, kill the lk then he lets me take the chest. I guess a sub 1% drop rate PLUS needing someone with a legendary weapon is what makes it over 100k >.< Makes sense

Yup :p Huge raiding guilds have disbanded because this one item dropped.

Edit: also your plan wouldn't work anyway because the chest can only be looted by the person on the quest. The individual items like the deathcharger are tradeable though.
Anyone else's hands get like, super icy cold when they sit and play for a while in a well air conditioned room? Is it because we aren't really moving our hands much?

Made little hobo gloves out of socks. Back to WSG!

Cold temperatures from open windows and air conditioning constrict your blood vessels. The lack of blood flow to the extremities (the hands and often feet too) is what's causing them to be cold. Increased movement will increase blood flow, but so would increasing the temperature near your hands.

It's adrenaline.

I don't experience this in WoW. SC2 however, does freeze my hands.

Epinephrine does indeed constrict blood vessels. The external cold temperature is more likely to be the reason in this scenario, but increased adrenaline could exacerbate it.

[MENTION=13341]Swoops[/MENTION] (or anyone else ^-^ ) how expensive are the panther mop mounts?

Edit: Also can I just do ICC and kill the lk with someone who has frostmourne and I can loot the chest for the deathcharger or do I need to have the weapon in order to loot the chest and get it? Kinda confused about that

Panther mounts are about 22-27k across the servers i visited. So Onyx Panther would be 88k-108k. I have no clue about ICC.
So Onyx Panther would be 88k-108k.

HA! Nvm bout that. thx

Yup :p Huge raiding guilds have disbanded because this one item dropped.

Edit: also your plan wouldn't work anyway because the chest can only be looted by the person on the quest. The individual items like the deathcharger are tradeable though.

The same was said about rivendares and look where I am now ;) and Ik lol I see ppl selling dupped ones in trade all the time. Was just trying to weigh my time/cost alternatives hehe. Thx for clearing it up though
HA! Nvm bout that. thx

Try contacting JC's on your server, because a lot of them have a couple of them just laying around that won't sell. I know I do on my main. I generally let them go for 30~K depending on if I need money or not at the time, a lot of JC's do the same.
Could someone put together a max int set for my mage? i assume i'll need like ivycloth wrists of intellect or some shit

Best I can find:
Brilliant Necklace
Slime Encrusted Pads
Ivycloth Cloak of Int
Tree Bark Jacket
Ivycloth Bracelets of Int
Serpent Gloves
Girdle of Nobility
Silk-Threaded Trousers
Corpse Rompers
Seal of Argas
Gloaming Band (A)- 6int in bg
Lavishly Jeweled Ring- 5 int 4 hit in bg
Garrosh's Pardon (H) - 5 int 5 stam in bg
Discerning Eye of the Beast
Discerning Eye of the Beast

NonBoa Weapons:
Evocator's Blade/Mystic Tome- 12 int outside bg/13 inside
Rod of the Sleepwalker - 11 int outside BG/12 inside
Staff of the Sun (H) - 10 outside/13 inside
Twisted Chanter's Staff- 10 outside / 12 inside +7 stam
Staff of the Blessed Seer- 11 outside/12 inside + 4 stam

Boa Weapon:
Dignified Headmaster's Charge

Sorry didn't have time to search more or provide links.
Best I can find:
Brilliant Necklace
Slime Encrusted Pads
Ivycloth Cloak of Int
Tree Bark Jacket
Ivycloth Bracelets of Int
Serpent Gloves
Girdle of Nobility
Silk-Threaded Trousers
Corpse Rompers
Seal of Argas
Gloaming Band (A)- 6int in bg
Lavishly Jeweled Ring- 5 int 4 hit in bg
Garrosh's Pardon (H) - 5 int 5 stam in bg
Discerning Eye of the Beast
Discerning Eye of the Beast

NonBoa Weapons:
Evocator's Blade/Mystic Tome- 12 int outside bg/13 inside
Rod of the Sleepwalker - 11 int outside BG/12 inside
Staff of the Sun (H) - 10 outside/13 inside
Twisted Chanter's Staff- 10 outside / 12 inside +7 stam
Staff of the Blessed Seer- 11 outside/12 inside + 4 stam

Boa Weapon:
Dignified Headmaster's Charge

Sorry didn't have time to search more or provide links.
no thats perfect, exactly what i wanted just a basic list
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