I like it at 45% i don't like it at any other lower number (and I would add more if "of the decimator" gear dropped where I could apply it), you go all in or its just bad. If you have a crusader proc with 45% you just have the random chance to maul any healer, I don't care about their funky BiS gear. Any lower and I would just make some hybrid Haste/Crit/Verse pile.
It just gives the most "fun" results of any build I have made, sometimes you just kill a full geared twink with 5 key strokes and leave them with the "what the fuck just happened" face. But, it still is RNG, just really high RNG. You just get surprised sometimes and get a good laugh in when you get 5 crits in a row.
Again, this min maxing only really works with Fury Warriors in the 29s and no other class because Crusader is where the real damage comes from, and you can't stack Strength like a Caster/Agility user can, so secondary stats Crit/Haste/Verse really make a difference. EG. if you don't stack intelligence on your Arcane mage or stack Agility on your Rogue and try to make some say "haste pile" you just have a bad mage/rogue, there is no argument to be made math is math. But Fury has all kinds of cool builds you can make that all work similarly well.