US Project: GG Nineteen

Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

1. Horde or Alliance?
Which ever you guys need the most, I'm all about keeping the 19 bracket alive and in my opinion the best way to do that is to keep the factions balanced. Thumbs up for fast Q times! If I have to choose I would say Alliance. LOK TAR O..../train (gnome voice)

2.What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would prefer to play a druid, either resto or Doomkin. I can easily get the remaining gear with the gold I have on my main( and thank god I don't have to spend un needed gold on upgrades to lvl100 xD). Aside from a druid I would love to play a needed healer for a competitive group, I'm up for any healer that is mainly needed :).

3.What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
gold gold gold and gear gear gear (not Heirloom) , Like I stated above my main is on Wildhammer-US (Dead server but I have friends that play on it) so I have no way of buying those lovely thousand gold items. As accessible as it is on my main's realm, I am but a beggar paying for a cheeseburger tomorrow that I received today.

4.Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Oh yes! I helped fund my friends 19 warlock twink back in WOTLK and I myself played a rogue and an ele shaman. I also played a 39 rogue twink with mongoose on one of my weapons...I remember hitting 110% chance to dodge with evasion and mongoose procced, /tear nostalgia. I also hit 2050 as a frost mage at lvl 70, which was so awesome. The fun in twink brackets are from the community you dig your roots into. Compared to the level cap where the fun is in endgame which is full of pugs and people with no real connections aside from that shiny LFG button.

5.Why do you need funding?
Like I stated above my main is on Wildhammer-US (Dead server but I have friends that play on it) so I have no way of buying those lovely thousand gold items. As accessible as it is on my main's realm, I am but a beggar paying for a cheeseburger tomorrow that I received today.

6.How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Well by helping me with a lovely funding experience I can make new friends in a bracket I have always loved playing in. It never gets old and there are always people playing them. Regardless of what blizzard has tried to do to the twink community in the past, it just keeps growing. I also play competitively so I can help push ranking for the twink cup if spots are of avail so that we as a team may RISE to the top.

7.How do you play your class?
Macros, mouseovers, modifiers, focus', addons( bartender,xpearl,gladius), and in depth learning of every class so that I may perfect my class. I remember learning to fake cast as my lock, oh the lulz roll freely when you juke 3 silences at once.

8.How do you contribute to your team?
Well I am experienced in arenas and bg's. I have 2k in 2's and 3's and 1750 in 5's achieves. Unfortunately I only have a 1660 Cr in RBG's but I guarantee you my knowledge out weighs the rating. I literally have skype, TeamSpeak, curse, and vent downloaded...*drops mic*. *pics mic up* I call out cc, main focus targets, counter spells, and any other random things that are going on around me....EFC RUNNING UP MID, 2 HEALERS, ILL CC THE PRIEST WHILE U NUKE DOWN PALLY.(caps are optional)

9.Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I believe I just answered this question in question 8.

10.What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
What originally sparked it? Well it all started when I began the game and learned to first enter a BG on my lvl 10 rogue. In the beginning I never understood why every time the other faction picks up the opposing teams flag the color is that of the opposing team. After pondering this thought I realized I had been one shot by a rogue that had tipped his hat at me and re-stealthed with his assassins blade and shadowfang ( I would soon find out these weapons were way out of my cost range but had deadly damage boosters). So that in a clip of a nut shell, is what sparked my interest in the 19 twink community, Just doing crazy damage or heals and communicating with your team.

11.How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Icyveins on bleeding hallow, I was in /2 asking about how to get a twink rolling on a brand new realm.

12.Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
NOPE, but I'll add anyone if they have more questions or would like to talk to me :D.

13.Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
View attachment 6169 Everything is keybound and macroed btw

14.What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I'll try to keep this short because I believe I've answered this already, Skill, communication, Love of the community, a gigantesque sense of humor ( if you haven't noticed), training when I'm better caught up to this expansion as far as twinks go, competitive play, and...more /gnometrainsounds.

15.Do you have any friends or guild mates in the 19s community we should know about?
Nope, everyone I used to play with no longer plays in this bracket...sad panda.

16.Is there anything else we should know about you?
Not at the moment :D!

17.Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
PLEASE and thank you!

18.Do you have any questions for us?


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Horde or Alliance? I would prefer to be on horde i have a level 19 already on bleeding hollow
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? I would like to have funding for a Combat Rogue because i prefer melee classes and iv always liked twinking as a rogue.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) I am looking to get gold and gear i have most of the best in slot items at the moment but i do not have the buyable gear or enchant's.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? I have never actually played in the 19 bracket its mostly been the F2P level 20 bracket and 29's witch i still have a couple of but have never really been considered "geared" because i do not have the gold for it and im new to the bleeding hollow scene.
Why do you need funding? I am Brand new to the twink scene in bleeding hollow and i dont have the gold or money at the moment and i would like to be able to scale with the people in the battleground and actually stand a chance.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? The funding that i would like to receive will help me out by being at the point i need to actually be able to compete competitively and actually stand a chance against other twinks in the bracket.
How do you play your class? I like to play my class balanced sometimes i like to push their flag and sometimes i like to hold defence and make sure no one can get to our flag and stop then if they do.
How do you contribute to your team? I think i can contribute to my team by Playing good defence and making sure to keep control of the game and pull to a win.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am really interested in Competitive pvp i have never really liked the end game i started out as a f2p so i got a lot of pvp practice and i just fell in love with it iv tried to level many times to max level but i always get bored and instantly go back to one of my twink's
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? What sparked my intrest is i was leveling a new f2p at the time and i met this rogue in a bg on horde who was so geared that he was pretty much one hitting everything and that made me want to beable to do that and then i started searching on here and found out that there is actually a big server of just twinks and i had to find that so i came to bleeding hollow with no gold little enchant's and boa gear.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I found out about GG19 By my guild mates in "Only Here For the hk's"
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No i have not but it is #Frost738
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? i have to offer a new member of the community A new chance that will hopefully make people turn to the 19 bracket and try my best to bring more people into the twink scene and make our community grow.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I am in the guild Only here for the Hks
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? Yes i am vary intrested in coaching i would love to get some help learning to play combat rogue i have not really played it so i would like to be able to learn it better.
Do you have any questions for us? What made you all start twinking?
^ would you mind editing to reformat it a little more cleaner? huge block is hurting my brain lol
Once I get out of my exam tomorrow I'll take a look at any applications for Horde funding.
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

1. Horde or Alliance?
Which ever you guys need the most, I'm all about keeping the 19 bracket alive and in my opinion the best way to do that is to keep the factions balanced. Thumbs up for fast Q times! If I have to choose I would say Alliance. LOK TAR O..../train (gnome voice)

Hey mate did you decide whether you want to go Alliance or Horde? Accepted. If you are Horde at me on Btag so we can get started! If alliance you'll have to contact Conq or Nudge. Cheers
1. I'll be playing both factions.
2. Survival Hunter because I like to play ranged DPS but casting can sometimes be tough due to not always having the best kite capabilities.
3. I would like gear to ready me for 19 xp-stopped Warsong Gulch BGs.
4. I have played low level characters for PvP but never xp-stopped, only while I was leveling that character.
5. I would appreciate the funding so I can do the most possible damage in BGs and provide the most possible help to my team.

Hey mate, which faction do you want to receive funding on?
Horde or Alliance? alliance

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Ret Paladin, its my second fav class/spec and one i have the most experience playing

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) ill just need boe and enchants excluding boa enchants

Have you played in a twink bracket before? yes

Why do you need funding? i gave all my gold away last time i quit

How can our funding help your twinking experience? it can help me play twinks in a more competitive bracket than 20-29 and more games overall than 30-39

How do you play your class? above average lol

How do you contribute to your team? objective focused gameplay

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? yes, ive been playing xp off since it was first introduced and have 2k experience at endgame

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? more competitive bgs

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Original/Felfiend

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? yes

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? use bg targets but not visible for obvious reasons
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? objective orientend gameplay, i dont really use the forums that often, but id be willing to help farm sfk to help the project

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? im familiar with many 19s and vice versa

Is there anything else we should know about you? no

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? no

Do you have any questions for us? no
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GG19 is Open and funding :


GG Nineteen - was created to Gear and Grow the 19s bracket by:

  1. [*=1]Recruiting new players
    [*=1]Bringing back old players
    [*=1]Promoting friendly and balanced competition
    [*=1]Increasing communication between players and guilds

*GG19 Does not support any activities that violate the World of Warcraft Code of Conduct

We offer full and partial funding packages, A <GG Nineteen> guild ambassador, event sponsorship and any ingame assistance you need to get into bgs, wargames, arenas, premades and Twink Cup teams.

Who Are We?

We are a team of Community leaders and personalities from some of the largest, most stable, and dominant US and EU 19 Twink guilds. We're all passionate about 19 Twinks and dedicated to growing the community.

We are "Guild Agnostic" and try and avoid bias towards one guild or another. Sorry if your guild isn't represented, we had to start somewhere. If you're a guild master on Bleeding Hollow you can get in contact with a team member if you have any questions.

Where is this all Happening?

GG Nineteen is based on Bleeding Hollow US, the holy land and hub of US level 19 twinking. Bleeding Hollow is a medium to high population PVP server in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Here's the deal :

We won't be giving hand outs for nothing, this isn't a twink welfare program and dedication goes a long way. If you want us to help you out, you'll need to complete a short funding application.

If you are interested in funding, take a few minutes to fill out the application below. If you are accepted, you will be given a contact, you'll be given your gear when you come to us with all your BiS BoP's and BoA's equipped

Funding Application :

Before you apply, please take the time to read thru this entire thread then apply by quoting the application below. We like long detailed applications. TLDR does not apply here. The more detail and effort you put into your application, the better your chances are of being approved. If you have friends here on Twinkinfo get them to LIKE your application.

  1. [*=1]Horde or Alliance?
    [*=1]What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
    [*=1]What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
    [*=1]Have you played in a twink bracket before?
    [*=1]Why do you need funding?
    [*=1]How can our funding help your twinking experience?
    [*=1]How do you play your class?
    [*=1]How do you contribute to your team?
    [*=1]Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
    [*=1]What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
    [*=1]How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
    [*=1]Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
    [*=1]Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
    [*=1]What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
    [*=1]Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
    [*=1]Is there anything else we should know about you?
    [*=1]Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
    [*=1]Do you have any questions for us?

Donate to the Cause :

GG Nineteen relies entirely on YOUR donations. We've helped achieve greatness in this community and have geared over 200 individual players already but now that we are past the twinkcup donations are more important than ever, and I intend to see that GG19 stays around for years to come. "Ask not what your bracket can do for you, but for what YOU can do for your bracket!"


Donation 1:


My Story: I am winding down my time in WoW to focus on the family and wanted to give a little bit back to the 19s bracket before the 2015 Twink Cup starts.

My Donation:
One Million Gold
300+ BIS blue items
A guild bank tab full of Bis chant vellums, glove reinforcements, leg amours, ect, an enchanter with all rare recipes on Bleeding Hollow US, if this project is successful I may donate more gold in the future.
My donation should be used:

To gear and grow the 10-19 bracket and to inspire and challenge others to follow suit and donate gold, items, and time to the cause.

Donation 2:
Shadowfang x2

Donation 3:
14 BoE's, Shadowfang x1, and 20k
Donation 4:

17 BoE's for 19s
Donation 5:

450k + <Laughing Skull FTW>

Donation 6:

Shadowfang x2
7 BoE's

Donation 7:
50k Gold to Horde

Donation 8:
7 BoEs

Donation 9:
10 BoEs

Donation 10:

Donation 11:

5k + Magefist Gloves

Donation 12:

Better nerf Leeroy:
100k Gold

Donation 13:

DOnation 14:

21 BiS BoEs


Team Members:





Saxxon - Alliance Faction Manager

Drugs - Horde Faction Manager

Funding Team:






Support Team:






We Need Your Help :

What would you do with millions of gold and hundreds of twink items? We’re using it to help gear and grow the 19s XP-off bracket. We'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions. If you can offer the project something outside of donations, perhaps your time, or a skill set; PR / marketing, events management, graphics, advertisement, recruitment, ect. then post on this thread. We are always looking for talented and trust-worthy people to help out.​

updated some answers on my app can i get a response on this?
updated some answers on my app can i get a response on this?

Can vouch for this dude, he doesn't like me much at all but I've played various brackets with him in the past and he's a solid player. Would be a good fund candidate.
Can vouch for this dude, he doesn't like me much at all but I've played various brackets with him in the past and he's a solid player. Would be a good fund candidate.

i dont have a prob with you bro, i just like to give u a hard time, its more like a scorned ex-lover thing, we used to play 39s together almost everyday and you stopped talking to me after u cheated on me with PTL </3

Horde or Alliance? Alliance
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Disc priest (its what I'm familiar playing)
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Gear (I can probably farm my own gold)
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes. I used to GM a 39 guild for a few years and still have twinks in that bracket.
Why do you need funding? Because I'm not from this realm and I don't plan on transferring just to gear my 19.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? It would make it easier for me to play and heal you all. :D
How do you play your class? Mediocre.
How do you contribute to your team? Team player, doing my best to keep my team alive or sacrifice myself for the missions goal.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes. Nothing does other than my willingness to play.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I used to be a part of the 19 community back in BC and leveled due to nerfs.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I google searched. :D
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Sure?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? My healz! lol
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I was fairly active in the 39 bracket with the likes of Boostz and Jayden etc...
Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm a serial killer .... healer. D: lol
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? Sure. I don't claim to be a great player, but I do okay. I just have fun.
Do you have any questions for us?
Horde or Alliance? Alliance
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Disc priest (its what I'm familiar playing)
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Gear (I can probably farm my own gold)
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes. I used to GM a 39 guild for a few years and still have twinks in that bracket.
Why do you need funding? Because I'm not from this realm and I don't plan on transferring just to gear my 19.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? It would make it easier for me to play and heal you all. :D
How do you play your class? Mediocre.
How do you contribute to your team? Team player, doing my best to keep my team alive or sacrifice myself for the missions goal.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes. Nothing does other than my willingness to play.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I used to be a part of the 19 community back in BC and leveled due to nerfs.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I google searched. :D
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Sure?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? My healz! lol
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I was fairly active in the 39 bracket with the likes of Boostz and Jayden etc...
Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm a serial killer .... healer. D: lol
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? Sure. I don't claim to be a great player, but I do okay. I just have fun.
Do you have any questions for us?

nice App
Horde or Alliance? alliance

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Ret Paladin, its my second fav class/spec and one i have the most experience playing

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) ill just need boe and enchants excluding boa enchants

Have you played in a twink bracket before? yes

Why do you need funding? i gave all my gold away last time i quit

How can our funding help your twinking experience? it can help me play twinks in a more competitive bracket than 20-29 and more games overall than 30-39

How do you play your class? above average lol

How do you contribute to your team? objective focused gameplay

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? yes, ive been playing xp off since it was first introduced and have 2k experience at endgame

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? more competitive bgs

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Original/Felfiend

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? yes

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet use bg targets but not visible for obvious reasons
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? objective orientend gameplay, i dont really use the forums that often, but id be willing to help farm sfk to help the project

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? im familiar with many 19s and vice versa

Is there anything else we should know about you? no

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? no

Do you have any questions for us? no

Accepted add Conq#1458
Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
-Affliction Warlock

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
-BoE's w/ Chants, ring enchants

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Why do you need funding?
-unable to fund myself, trying to diversify my classes and my first alliance twink. (LETS GET MORE QUE'S POPPING!)

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
-Allow me to play Horde or alliance and allow for me to play faction that needs more players for more q's

How do you play your class?
-I play most classes well. I have lots of knowledge of them game

How do you contribute to your team?
-Playing objectives and being able to vibe well with others and see what everyone
else in the game is doing as far as who they're killing and being able to know who to attack and what not

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
-Yes, Lots of knowledge of all classes, lots of experience at 100(even though it's much different as far as what abilities are used) Solid all around player

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
-I've been part of the community since bc and I would love to be able to expand my classes and play more all around

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
-Browsing the website when I returned to twinking

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
-I have a very open schedule around the time q's pop so I am usually always on when everyone else is which allows for more players. Also love playign arenas(Q 2's!!)

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
- I was recently invited to the guild OH4HKS on the horde side, but all of the people I used to twink with back in the day have since quit

Is there anything else we should know about you?
-I get along with everybody, always willing to help push the community further

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
-hell yeah, any new information is always good

Do you have any questions for us?
-fund me please? =D
We are temporarily closing the fund, probably about a month. It's my goal too replenish the stocks a little bit in this time, I've been doing my best to work some auction houses and get a really nice transfer ready but I fear that because of the far higher than expected levels of activity (which we have done our best to keep up with, and I'm sorry if you have been missed) it is necessary to put a hold on things. So if you've been considering donating to GG19 you should know that we are in a stable financial and structural position, but as of now funding will be on hold for a month and afterwards slowed for the foreseeable future. Current applications will be reviewed and accepted or declined.
Horde or Alliance?
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Hunter, either marksman or survival. I've always liked ranged classes and I played endgame marksman hunter in MoP.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I would need ring enchants, glove enchants, feet enchants. It would be nice to have Gloves of the Fang and Feet of the Lynx. I would also need a guild.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Why do you need funding?
No gold on this server, and would like to play with other twinks (friends) at their level.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
It brings me to my full potential.
How do you play your class?
I play a well positioned, offensive hunter who knows when and where to push.
How do you contribute to your team?
I'm wherever I need to be, and I can adjust my play style.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, I have been playing the game for a few years and I have experience in almost all PvP situations. I also know people who play at high level and in the twink bracket.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
My friend was always doing tournaments/prepping for his games and I thought I could do it too.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Trilium referred me.
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Nothing too special about it.
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Another competitive player, who's always happy to learn new things.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Trlium on Rogue, NetflixnChill on hunter
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Im very friendly and would happy to teach others once I get the used to the bracket.
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
If I can't get it from my friend, yes.
Do you have any questions for us?
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