US Project: GG Nineteen

Like Nudge said, unfortunately the GG 19 program is meant to help new players enter the bracket. Here's what we can do: You could donate gold to the Ally side of GG 19 and we can reimburse you that exact amount on Horde so you can gear and enchant your Horde twink. I'll even help you out with fairly priced gear and enchants on Horde. Hope this helps :)

I have done this a couple of times and it is really helpful and I think it is an awesome idea.
Horde or Alliance?

Playing Horde right now but me and a friend plan to make Alliance alts in the future, but primarily focusing on Horde side.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

Currently looking for funding for my Survival Goblin Hunter, the gear is fairly easy to grind, (for the most part), but some of the enchants are brutal to get without having a max on this realm.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

Mostly need a Guild and Gold for enchants, a majority of the gear I don't mind grinding out but some pieces would be appreciated.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

I used to twink on my original account in Burning Crusade but never took it to brackets or anything to serious so its been a while.

Why do you need funding?

Despite having lots of alts on other realms I am brand new to Bleeding Hollow to try and enjoy the game again with the Twink experience.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Currently I can't afford any of the enchants I need to get, (excluding those that can be put onto the BoA's for my gear), and leaves me behind in comparison to other twinks.

How do you play your class?

I primarily keep up pressure, constantly checking with my team to switch targets and keep the healer dealing with the wide pressure I can apply, since hunters at this low level can't burst too tremendously on command this strategy seems to work best.

How do you contribute to your team?

I'm fairly open to adopting new playstyles/classes/etc. in order to fit well within a team, and have experience with multiple alts at max but need to get used to this experience at twink brackets.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

Competitive PvP has been what has kept me in the game, straying from a lot of the raiding content past BC, but thats primarily been Max Level PvP, with the exclusion of some Twink Experience back in early BC, so not much qualifies me for the Twink Bracket itself.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

After becoming annoyed with the current state of max level PvP and the game in general my friend mentioned the idea of the twink bracket here, I had fond memories of Twinking, (albeit much less serious), back in early BC and I'm hoping to find interest in the game as a whole again with this, and so far its looked promising.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

My friend Tomberkin mentioned the idea of this after max level content began to become a bore, he referred me to the thread and who introduced me to this bracket.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

Adding immediately after this is posted.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

If needed I can provide it.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I plan to add more competition to the bracket itself and become an active part in the community, whether it be giving advice as I learn this bracket myself or just helping others get started after I get on my feet in this realm.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

Currently have Tomberkin, (Tomburstkinz is his IGN), within Laughing Skull FTW as a Boomy who has referred me to this.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Im fairly flexible and open with whatever I need to do, so if people are needed for battleground groups/arena teams etc. I'm willing to reroll alts to fill that need or simply fill the time needed for that.

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?

Extremely interested in coaching, I'm very open to advice especially since twinking is something I getting back into and altogether is another new experience again.
hello im brand new to wow and the 19 twinks are so 90s, i want to be a 90s kiddo so can u help with donations plz im soo poor
hello im brand new to wow and the 19 twinks are so 90s, i want to be a 90s kiddo so can u help with donations plz im soo poor

It is my sincere pleasure to Deny ​your application. Please add more detail and resubmit if you wish to gain from GG 19.
1) Horde
2) I would like to make a Windwalker monk because they seem like a lot of fun.
3) I need gear.
4) Yes I have played in almost all of the twink brackets including the 19 bracket.
5) I need funding because I am unable to obtain the gear because I am new to the realm.
6) It will help me get used to the bracket more and more because I will be having fun and getting better.
7) I play my class very defensively, while protecting my healers and my FC.
8) I contribute to my team by playing the objective and killing the EFC as fast as possible while putting pressure on the enemy healers.
9) I am not interested in competitive pvp just yet, I feel I need to get better at the 19 bracket first.
10) I saw Ferathebuns stream the 19 bracket and thought it was cool.
11) Fearthebuns
12) No i have no because I don't know how.
13) I am unable to provide a screenshot for I do not know how to take a screen shot, if someone helps me I will gladly post a screenshot.
14) I have to offer a nice giving person who supports their team in the BG.
15) Delayed
16) I am unable to play Monday through Thursday.
17) I would be happy to receive coaching on how to play my class cause I know I am not always right.
18) I don't have any questions at this moment.

It has come to the attention of GG 19 leadership that you are fraudulent and looking to scam us for free gold and gear. Not to mention your application is fucking horse shit. Please do not contact GG 19 again whatsoever. [MENTION=25480]Delayed[/MENTION] please reconsider this guy being a part of your guild.
1) Horde
2) I would like to make a Arms Warrior because they seem like alot of enjoyment and fun in mid field and in warsong games.
3) I need gear/enchants such as Thorbia's and a few enchants for other pieces of gear besides the looms.
4) Yes I have played in almost all of the twink brackets including the 19 bracket.
5) I need funding because I am unable to obtain the gear because I sadly have no gold to buy it D:
6) It will help me get used to the bracket more and more because I will be having fun and getting better.
7) I play my class very Agressively, and help my team win mid.
8) I contribute to my team by playing the mid field fight and helping my team win and hold the game.
9) I am not interested in competitive pvp just yet, I feel I need to get better at the 19 bracket first.
10) I saw Ferathebuns stream the 19 bracket and thought it was cool.
11) Fearthebuns
12) No i have no because I don't know how.
13) I am unable to provide a screenshot for I do not know how to take a screen shot, if someone helps me I will gladly post a screenshot.
14) I have to offer a nice giving person who supports their team in the BG.
15) Fearthebuns/Saxxon/Kayrekt/delayed
16) I am able to play whenever Needed and everyday.
17) I would be happy to receive coaching on how to play my class cause I know I am not always right.
18) I don't have any questions at this moment.
1) Horde
2) I would like to make a Arms Warrior because they seem like alot of enjoyment and fun in mid field and in warsong games.
3) I need gear/enchants such as Thorbia's and a few enchants for other pieces of gear besides the looms.
4) Yes I have played in almost all of the twink brackets including the 19 bracket.
5) I need funding because I am unable to obtain the gear because I sadly have no gold to buy it D:
6) It will help me get used to the bracket more and more because I will be having fun and getting better.
7) I play my class very Agressively, and help my team win mid.
8) I contribute to my team by playing the mid field fight and helping my team win and hold the game.
9) I am not interested in competitive pvp just yet, I feel I need to get better at the 19 bracket first.
10) I saw Ferathebuns stream the 19 bracket and thought it was cool.
11) Fearthebuns
12) No i have no because I don't know how.
13) I am unable to provide a screenshot for I do not know how to take a screen shot, if someone helps me I will gladly post a screenshot.
14) I have to offer a nice giving person who supports their team in the BG.
15) Fearthebuns/Saxxon/Kayrekt/delayed
16) I am able to play whenever Needed and everyday.
17) I would be happy to receive coaching on how to play my class cause I know I am not always right.
18) I don't have any questions at this moment.

You should really go more in depth for the questions otherwise you won't have a good chance of being accepted.
Hello Conq & GG19 Officers, please see & consider my funding application below :eek: :p :cool: <3

Q: Horde or Alliance?

A: Alliance.

Q:What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

A: I'd like to receive funding on my mistweaver monk, I chose mistweaving because healer's are where I really excell when it comes to PvP ( main is rdruid ). Also I haven't really had much experience with the monk class so it appealed to me just as something new.

Q:What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

A: Well I've already got an invite to the <UGGTW> guild which seem's to be the home of 19s for bleeding hollow alliance, but as for the funding I just need enchants and the boe bis bracers/gloves ( Mindthrust Bracers, Magefist Gloves ).

Q:Have you played in a twink bracket before?

A: Yes, back in vanilla/bc I had a few old school 19s ( the account is disactivated now since it's really old and couldn't remember the email a few years ago) and just recently since I've got back into WoW I made a 19 lock twink quickly and almost got it BiS on my own realm (Ogdots @ Arthas - Community - World of Warcraft ).

Q:Why do you need funding?

A: Well honestly, I'm from a different realm (Arthas-Horde) so I don't really have any gold on bleeding hollow, and even on Arthas I'm pretty broke so the funding would help out a ton!

Q:How can our funding help your twinking experience?

A: The funding will allow me to twink 19 on Bleeding Hollow and join a seemingly awesome & great twinking community.

Q:How do you play your class?

A: I personally haven't had much experience as a monk, but I always try and play whatever class I'm playing to it's max potential (and only play how it's supposed to be played according to the current meta).

Q:How do you contribute to your team?

A: I try to keep a good attitude and I'm usually never salty.. I guess you could say that contributes to the community as a whole lol but um, I really couldn't say other than playing the battleground how it's supposed to be played going for objectives and being where I need to be for my team. (I try to be a team player 110% of the time).

Q:Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

A: Yes extremely interested in competitive PvP, been playing WoW since vanilla and I only got into competitive PvP back in MoP, so I don't have any crazy achievements I could link you (I haven't made any serious rating pushes yet), but I believe I could easily be a 2k+ rated player If I seriously pushed rating, and I might just do that soon so I can prove it easily :eek:

Q:What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

A: I've always been into twinks, since vanilla I've been into 19s so yeah when I heard through a friend that 19 twinking is still a thing and there's actually a fairly large community I was all over that :D :D :eek: (The fact that the bracket is actually competitive and has tournaments / events made me even more interested).

Q:How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

A: I found out about twinkinfo on my own, just through searching twinks out of a random spark of interest in WoW again. I found out about GG19 specifically from a 19 twinks stream (Trendy) and a mod in his chat (Purj) who actually linked me to the thread.

Q:Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

A: No I haven't yet but I'll go and do that soon for sure.

Q:Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

A: Yep, of course; Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (It could change over time obv, just made the character recently).

Q:What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

A: Just another friendly/helpful/active dude on the forums and in game, I love everybody <3

Q:Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

A: Not really, I just made friends with Purj today if that counts, however I'm excited to get to know more members of the community :)

Q:Is there anything else we should know about you?

A: My name is Chris, I'm 19(in the bracket irl) from Canada, I have no life and you will see me online a lot. Also I'd just like to say that with or without this funding I still want to be apart of this community and the outcome of this application will not affect whether I continue to twink this 19 or not.

Q:Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?

A: Umm that'd be cool I guess, if you think it's necessary, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to learn/master the class and the meta. (Tips never hurt obviously!)

Q:Do you have any questions for us?

A: *Insert unique and intriguing question here to boost my chances of qualifying for funding* - nah just kidding, but at the moment I really can't think of any questions for you.. your post pretty much covers everything I'd need to know about the program haha :) If I think of anything I'd like to know I won't hesitate one bit to whisper you ingame or PM you over the forums.

Armory: Astràl @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

and that concludes my funding application :cool:

Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Edit: I managed to get probably enough gold for my enchants by selling a pet on the AH however I still can't afford the boe's.

Accepted, add me on Btag Conq#1458
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would like to receive funding for this class and spec due to my primary interest for it and the ideal to bring competitiveness to the bracket.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
Gear/Gold, I am already part of the guild “Only Here For Hks”.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
No, I have not. But when I look at the grandfather gear some people have, I wish I had.

Why do you need funding?
Because it is an unfamiliar server thus I do not have the resources to fund myself at the moment.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Your funding will help me fit best in PvP due to a very rigid standard for gear. You would help me be a more competitive participant and also help the bracket in getting more competitive and interesting.

How do you play your class?
I play my class fairly defensively because we all know that defense brings championships, but I am not scared of playing more aggressively in needed occasions.

How do you contribute to your team?
I contribute to my team through leadership skills, communication and focus. These are the pillars of an organized team and I try to embrace these qualities.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Competitive PvP is my primary focus in WoW just because I enjoy an opportunity to size myself against others. What qualifies me lies where I prove myself as a dedicated player and being a top tier player is always my goal. I also tend to be fairly adaptable and focused which I strongly believe are some of my best qualities that pertain to this situation.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I liked the concept of being part of a growing niche PvP oriented group. Furthermore, this community offers a lot more competitiveness and skill than the higher levels. I want to compete amongst players not peasants.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Curleysheen from “Only Here For HKs”

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I have to offer a filled spot in battlegrounds fairly often and an active personality on and off the court.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Curleysheen, that dude is my dog. Plus he’s not bad with his rogue, you already know that though.

Is there anything else we should know about you?
I’m Sadov, 17 year old guy with time on his hands. I live on the East Coast and I’m somewhat chill.

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
Yeah, I know how to play my classes in general but I understand that the 19 bracket is very unique and has its methods/ways.

Do you have any questions for us? Nope.

I just want to thank everyone for reading this in advance, even if I do not receive funding for this character, I still appreciate the time and effort taken to read this. I’ll be around anyways so don’t think you’ll get rid of me by not helping me out :).
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would like to receive funding for this class and spec due to my primary interest for it and the ideal to bring competitiveness to the bracket.

Hey mate. What class/spec are you looking to gear? Happy to hear you're friends with Charley, he's an old buddy of mine. Accepted. Add me on Btag and we can get started on your twink.

Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Hey mate. What class/spec are you looking to gear? Happy to hear you're friends with Charley, he's an old buddy of mine. Accepted. Add me on Btag and we can get started on your twink.


Oh sorry about that, I'm playing a Blood Elf Survival Hunter. Added your Btag by the way.
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Yes I have I played a Brew Master but I was on a bad server for twinking wanting to come to BH.

Why do you need funding?
Yes I need funding I just came to BH and having nothing but the heirlooms that i created.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance?
Alliance of Course why not thats where all my friends that twink are and its awesome playing a human with a free trink.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes in the future i have nothing to show for it but the fact i have pride and hope i can get into this program. :)

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on?
I want to Fund/Twink a Fury or Arms warrior I prefer Fury overall

No sadly not now but in the future i can when i have every thing ready to go.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community
Ever sense the game came out well twinking was thought of I wanted to try but did not know how to go about it.
after watching for years I tried it well real twinking that is.

How did you find out about this thread?
My friend told me about it his name is Sensei and hes a old vanilla rouge twink player hes a good friend of my high school friends and we met and hes a really cool dude.

You must sign up your information on the Twink Networking Thread

*Is there anything else we should know about you?
I have played for years and only ever pvped but was not good at anything but twinking at 19 because i felt it was not fun like 19 twinking :)

*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community
Im fun and loving and I help players that need help with gear or maybe even advice on how to play the class and i can help with funding in the future.


View attachment 6135

I am a hard working Wow player i grind so hard hours a day for simple stuff i have never wanted something more than to twink a warrior and do really good in pvp I can do anything im asked to do. This will not be the end of me if im not accepted ill try harder and harder every day to be able to do something like this I really want this Opportunity. Thanks Veggie ( Shastoos#1979)


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Just wanted to say this project is truly awesome, thanks a lot for helping me set up my twink on BH!

A big shout out to ALL of the guys from GG19, keep up the good work and hopefully I can help contribute as well one day! :)
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

I cant get screen shop of UI i can do it another day my pc wont let me :(

You should also take the suggestions I gave you in game and improve your application in general. Funding a Twink is an investment in the bracket for us, and we only like to make good investments, the best way to prove that you are a good investment to us is through your application.
1) Horde
2) I would like to make a Windwalker monk because they seem like a lot of fun.
3) I need gear.
4) Yes I have played in almost all of the twink brackets including the 19 bracket.
5) I need funding because I am unable to obtain the gear because I am new to the realm.
6) It will help me get used to the bracket more and more because I will be having fun and getting better.
7) I play my class very defensively, while protecting my healers and my FC.
8) I contribute to my team by playing the objective and killing the EFC as fast as possible while putting pressure on the enemy healers.
9) I am not interested in competitive pvp just yet, I feel I need to get better at the 19 bracket first.
10) I saw Ferathebuns stream the 19 bracket and thought it was cool.
11) Fearthebuns
12) No i have no because I don't know how.
13) I am unable to provide a screenshot for I do not know how to take a screen shot, if someone helps me I will gladly post a screenshot.
14) I have to offer a nice giving person who supports their team in the BG.
15) Delayed
16) I am unable to play Monday through Thursday.
17) I would be happy to receive coaching on how to play my class cause I know I am not always right.
18) I don't have any questions at this moment.

We have verified that you have attempted to scam the fund by applying on multiple TI accounts. We have proof, and your accounts.
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You're right and wrong. I don't have 2 accounts. I have this one and Rektmeight. The only reason that I have 2 is because I forgot the password to the first. But you're also wrong. I got told not to sign up for GG 19. So I haven't signed up for it since I got told not to. So please next time you try to track my IP address please don't make it so easy for me to get yours too.

says the guy with multiple applications and a referral reference to a GG19 member attached to your user profile.

Also you've been blacklisted from BH guilds, TI, and Twink streams.
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Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

You should also take the suggestions I gave you in game and improve your application in general. Funding a Twink is an investment in the bracket for us, and we only like to make good investments, the best way to prove that you are a good investment to us is through your application.

Will do Conq :) thanks
1. Horde or Alliance?
I'm perfectly fine playing either faction, but I do prefer Horde; the racials are so damn juicy.

2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I'd like to play a Tauren Disc. Priest. In virtually every video game I play, I always end up landing on a support-type class. What I love so much about Disc. Priests is that they are incredible at keeping an entire group healthy, or burst healing FCs without breaking a sweat. On top of all that, the damage output possible with this class sends it over the top.

3. What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
This would be my first toon on Bleeding Hollow, so I'd definitely need help with gear and enchants (though I do have my BOA's enchanted already). I'm also really excited about the possibility of joining a twink guild. I'm really not familiar with any of them, but I'd love for someone to help me out with this.

4. Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Years ago, I was addicted to twinking. I first discovered it through a friend on the Boulderfist server, but that was back when you couldn't lock experience and were stuck playing with and against people on your own server. If I remember correctly, I only really played a rogue and druid in 10-19s in those days, but once Blizzard forced us to lock our experience and play with/against other locked players, I took some friends' advice and moved to the Medivh server for 10-19s (Finrazìel and Grumpybear), and Chromaggus for 20-29s. Back then, FCing was my passion; I knew all the jumps, had some great stam gear, and was actually pretty darn good at it. However, since I've been out of the game for so long, I think I need to get back into the swing of things before I attempt that role again.

I actually considered transferring one of my old 19s to Bleeding Hollow, but with how outdated the gear is, I'm really not sure if it'd be worth the cost.

5. Why do you need funding?
Okay, so obviously I could do things the old fashioned way and grind the gold for gear and enchants, but I've done some research, and starting from scratch on Bleeding Hollow, with the incredibly inflated prices on the AH, it'd take me months before I could complete a competitive twink. With your program, I could get settled in with a group of people and start healing the shit out of my teammates in no time.

6. How can our funding help your twinking experience?
I basically explained this in the previous question, but I'd much rather spend my time playing in WSG with you guys than farming gear and gold. I've also got to be honest with you and say that since coming back to WoW, twinking is really the only thing that appeals to me. I've really got no interest in the high level nonsense ( wtf is that about), and if I can't dive right into the low level BGs, I'm afraid I'll just call it quits and move back to League of Legends.

7. How do you play your class?
This is tough because I really don't have a strong pulse on the 19 twink meta right now, but from what I've seen and learned, my job is to first and foremost help get and keep control of mid. I tend to lean more toward the defensive side of my spec, and much prefer being the heal bot, rather than pumping out DPS at this point. Once my FC has snagged a flag, I will obviously then peel to cover him while we either make a stand in mid, or return to the base and play the waiting game. If I'm not needed on defense, that's when I'll start pumping out the DPS and help to push and heal my team toward the enemy base for the flag return.

8. How do you contribute to your team?
I have never been the type of player to focus on putting out huge numbers; what I care about is supporting my team to the best of my ability. If that means sitting on the roof for 10 minutes playing Candyland with my FC, then so be it. I also pride myself on maintaining a positive attitude. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people actually seem to believe raging/complaining/trolling will make people play better or teach somebody a lesson. Those types of people are actually one of the main reasons I drifted away from League of Legends, but from what I can tell of this twink community, it's a very tight-knit and positive atmosphere, which is pretty incredible when things are so competitive.

9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
To be perfectly honest, I don't think I am mechanically skilled enough to play on a competitive team right now. Back in the old days, I was a part of a premade, but we were more just a group of friends hanging out and having fun than an elite force hell bent on destroying all who oppose us. However, if I'm able to get the hang of things, and feel confident in my skill compared to that of my fellow twinks, then I'd definitely consider joining a squad.

10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
WoW is such an immense game, it was nice to find a little niche that I might actually fit in with. The problem I've always had with the higher level stuff is it always seemed so unnecessarily complex (I remember having to manage about 6 action bars full of abilities, items, etc.), but when my friend opened my eyes to the lower brackets, everything seemed so much simpler, more pure. Without too much effort, you could have a toon ready and dive right in. It became more about skill, decision making, and teamwork, which is what I enjoy.

11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
You're not going to like this story, but I'm going to tell it anyway. So I was playing in an experience-on low level battleground (I was leveling up a Disc. Priest ironically enough), when a guy on my team named "Duo" (yes...that Duo) was spamming his twitch stream in chat. I checked it out, found him incredibly cocky and annoying, but in the process discovered that the genuine twink community (the ones unlike Duo that didn't feel the need to steamroll people in experience-on BGs) was possibly still alive and kicking. I did some poking around, and came across HB's stream, and he talked about this program you guys are doing. I dusted off my old account on this site, and here I am!

12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
I have not, and that's mainly because I haven't even created a toon on Bleeding Hollow yet.. If I'm not accepted into this program, there's really no point in me creating a character on the server, and I'll probably just try updating my Medivh twinks and play that way.

13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Right now, I'm playing with just plain ole' WoW. Once I get back into the twinking game, I'll obviously be setting up the necessary add-ons, but for now I'm stuck with what Blizzard blessed me with.

14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Flash Heal. You're welcome.

Seriously though, I'm a nice guy who likes to have fun. I've been out of the game for years, but I would say I bring a certain level of knowledge and experience to the table, and I'm always willing to help out this community in whatever way I can.

15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Most of the people I knew in this community have long since moved on (though I do recognize a few names such as Pizza and Mocha). I have been watching HB's stream quite a bit lately, but really that's the only contact I've had with anyone in the bracket.

16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
I don't have a criminal record, I've never done drugs, and I pay my taxes. Oh, and my favorite color is orange.

17. Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
I'm really not sure what something like this would entail, but if y'all feel it could benefit me, I'm certainly up for it.

18. Do you have any questions for us?
I've been poking around the site quite a bit, and I'm sure it's here somewhere, but could you point me toward a list of recommended add-ons for a Disc. Priest?


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