US Project: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance? Alliance

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Holypaladin - always played hpala in 19s

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) all 3

Have you played in a twink bracket before? yes since end of tbc

Why do you need funding? i will be creating a new account to play purely US 19s

How can our funding help your twinking experience?Helping me enjoy and grow with an active 19 twink community

How do you play your class? Able to CC kill targets and great at reaction healing

How do you contribute to your team? Im a good healer and have been FCing since half way thru wrath

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes, its the only part of wow im passionate about

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I've always been passionate about

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Referred by a eu 19s guildy

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope may do if im accepted

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Imgur

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? i hope competitive and objective based game play

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? ermm where do i start: Gingerbred, Squidgy, Baldimort, Dramatised, Slack, Kiri, Soldjah, Ynidgo, Tehbaws, Chi and more

Is there anything else we should know about you? I've been twinking for 4-5+ years, Co Founder of <Same Score Different Day>

Do you have any questions for us? nope :)
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Important Note:

If you want to be taken seriously and you really want to join this community by our help, please write a good application with enough information at the asked questions.

Like i said tons of times before on replies to applications, we do loads for the applicants who get accepted and loads of money and time is being put into your guys so the least y'all can do is write a good applications which will only take 30 minutes at max for you.

This thread is made for the US version of GG19, there is an other thread made for people who are looking to join the EU side of GG19.

I hope everyone understand and respect this.

Kind regards,


Can't seem to find that thread, having a nightmare haha.

Any chance you could point me in the right direction? Cheers
Horde or Alliance? Alliance

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Holypaladin - always played hpala in 19s

Awful application man, god damn. But, you are one of my oldest tink friends, and quite frankly I don't even know if I would be playing right now if I had not met you way back then.

Accepted on alliance hpala, I'll speak to you on Skype.
First off I would like to say that I just LOVE the idea of recruiting old and new players into the 19 twink bracket, (I played back in Vanilla in the 19's twink bracket). I also love the idea that GG 19 is trying to grow and get all the 19 guilds and players together in one big community and not all rivals but more of a friendly competition.

Horde or Alliance?

I always had a love for the Alliance because I feel in almost every bracket they are the underdogs and I love it when they win because it shows how Alliance could come together as a team and defeat the Horde.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I prefer a Brewmaster Monk or a Combat rogue, (preferably a BM). If I am really not able to get a Brewmaster then I most likely would prefer a rogue or maybe even a Ret Paladin.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I will be needing all of the above, mostly just gear and a guild.:cool:

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yes I played 19's back in Vanilla on Bleeding Hollow, I did not play that long as a 19 maybe around 8 months tops. I was not really all out well known kind of twink but more like once people see me enter a BG people start to /afk ;P

Why do you need funding?

I need funding because my old account with all my twinks gotten hacked when I took around a 4 or 5 year break. Also because I have no gold and I realized 19 twinking know is wayyy different than what it was back in the day with all this BoA Sh*t. ;)

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Your funding could help my twink experience by showing me the ways of the twinking now a days. Another reason is because I'm almost clueless on which gear is BiS and what not. My last reason is because since my account was hacked I have no gold and no main character on the realm Bleeding Hollow.

How do you play your class?

I usually listen to the target caller in wargames and I will burst down which person we need to take out. I mean everyone loves a good Graveyard farm if your pushing for honor, but I personally think thats like kicking someones grandmother down 10 flights of stairs. ;P

How do you contribute to your team?

I contribute to my team by making sure I could provide any off heals as possible and make sure we are always grouped and playing in the Gulch objectively. Also if anyone needs anything I am usually always there to help anyone out to make each others gaming experience as best as possible.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I honestly love the idea of a friendly competitive PvP game. What qualifies me is that I have been playing since Vanilla and know a lot about the game and I just love the game since I started playing. World of Warcraft has always been a fun and competitive thing for me, I have always been a competitive person irl and in World of Warcraft of course. :cool:

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

What sparks my interest is that I love how GG 19 is trying to get all of the 19 community together for events like Twink Cup and other 19 twink tournaments. The idea of making 19 twinks all one big family just shows how much people like me care about the bracket and want the best for people to get into and make it a fun and competitive experience for them.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I am a newly member of Twinkinfo, I'm a new member because I actually did not know a site like this existed and I also recently just came back to playing WoW and noticed the change so I needed a helping hand to get back on my feet so I thought this would be the place. ;)

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

No since the first thing I did once I got on the site is check the hot topics and I saw this as kind of a "helping guide" to show me a way to the 19 twinks.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

Yes, right here :cool: View attachment 5698

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I do not have much, but I have my experience in the game. I do not have really anything good like gold or BoE's to offer anyone.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

No not that I know of. But I would love to make some new ones and maybe some enemies to go with them. :p

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Meh, not really just that I love this idea of GG 19 and bringing everything together I hope to see everyone in the Gulch.

Do you have any questions for us?

Nope :p, just hope I put enough effort in this to get it accepted, again I just love you guys lol.
1. Alliance preferably!
2. I'd like a resto shaman simply because I enjoy healing and, well, resto shamans are fairly decent right now- or so I've been told. I enjoy arena and so far as I've been told also resto shamans are good- perhaps one of the best? Not only that but, as the thread states, they're open for funding!
3. Gear- my main realm is not Bleeding Hollow, and so I do not have the gold to gear myself. I come from an Aussie realm that doesn't have much 19 twink resources to play off of, and not only that but no friends, guilds or otherwise twinks to play with.
4. Yes, I've played in the 20-29 bracket, 20-24, and 70 twinking. I have mostly played healers throughout all of those and it just feels comfortable to me, I suppose!
5. As said, I don't have many, if any at all, twinking resources on my primary realm and, while I would enjoy if I did have other 19 twink friends and otherwise a community there, that wish hasn't come true thus far. Bleeding Hollow is, as said within this thread again; the holy hub of twinking. I can't even buy good 19 twink items there.
6. It will help me with actually having a community to play with, twinking friends to hang out with / duel etc between ques and generally a nice, twinking feel- not only that but /actual twink items/ on the auction house. It's nice to see such a thriving, bustling community within a realm built for such a small thing- or, well, as it's been described as thus far.
7. I prefer to think of a 'I must survive' mindset, where, I cannot help if I'm dead and thus I don't want to die at all. If I die, then that's shitty for me and for my teammates, and especially for my confidence after everyone pounces on me like rabid dogs to the flock, eating me like a fucking animal in /bg chat. Of course, I try to help as much as I can within my lifespan and, if I don't survive, hopefully I still bring good things within my life beforehand.
8. As said above, keeping everyone alive- trying my best within my lifespan to heal well and keep priority targets (fc, other healers, myself, high-dps chars and generally cc'ers especially) alive. I also play arena quite frequently and so, I try to heal my (generally 2s) partner- obviously! If I get focused, I try and keep myself alive- but remember that he can die too.
9. As interested in the idea as I am, I cannot for I live in Australia and, well, currently have school and other things going on in my life that would make me hard to play it during an American timezone- not only that but high pings make it hard for me to heal well in a competitive scene. If I could, I can tell you right now that I would!
10. As I said earlier in this post, I have twinked in many other brackets and really wish to try out 19 twinking. Not only that but I have friends that play in the 19 twink scene who want me to come play with them and who I want to try playing with- plus, I believe it may be as fun if not more than 20-29 which I play now.
11. Evan referred me- a friend I play with on Oceanic realms.
12. Yep, I have!
13. - pardon the lack of keybinds, it feels uncomfortable for me. I'll get into them soon, I've told myself!
14. I offer to the board a friendly, cool Aussie healer- I'm lenient and open for new ideas, I suppose. I play healer quite frequently, though fc can get on my nerves at times.
15. None in the 19 twink community, no! However, I have a guild on Oceanic in the 20-29 bracket- I'm sure you've seen them around. Locked Elite - Caelestrasz/Nagrand. Check it ;)
16. I'm a qt girl from down under. I really like koalas- always have. Want me to throw a dropbear on your ears?!?!?!?!
17. Mmh, not any that I can think of!

Juno0 ! My Man! We got a Refeugee camp set up and everything, your most welcome to the empty spot in the corner of the tent.
Only req is even tho we broke we look a million (mogs prio, who cares about gameplay anyway)
If I could spell my name I would.. Its in sig, hit me up when u get here !

(off topic sorta, soz)
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

As an active twink and new member to the Bleeding Hollow Community I am looking to receive some funding , I love the work and effort that GG Nineteen puts into this project, and the output of skilled twinks it has come out with. And now for a little about what I plan to do with my funding and why I should get accepted!
1. My plan is to start as Alliance and transfer to Horde due to my current activity on Horde.
2. Brewmaster Monk (Start Race Human/End Race Tauren) As a player of many DPS classes monk is my favorite. I main a monk and have experience in the 29 bracket from the past.
3. I will need all the funding I can get and an active friendly group to run with till I make my hop to Horde.
4. Yes, I have a toon of each Class on Sen’jin alliance, and 4 toons on Bleeding Hollow all horde(Relapsé/Pràdá/Vèrsacé/Døpey)
5. Lack of Alliance Characters/Funds and wanting to be able to take time and put work into a character.
6. Your funding will allow me to create a BiS character overtime that will optimize my end output in the 19’s bracket and allow me to be an effective and competive member of a team for the next Twink Cup.
7. I like to play aggressively but keeping a sense of awareness to what is going on in the lines behind me and keeping on those call outs!
8. As a Brewmaster Monk on the frontlines I will be able to put out high damage output with a great survivability rate. I will be able to slow players, follow call outs and be versatile in listenting to do whatever my team needs me to do.
9. I currently am an active member of LS FTW, I try and premade and run two’s as needed with my variety of characters! I currently run a combat rogue, a restoration druid, an arms warrior, and a Destruction Lock. Have many years of twink experience and love competing on teams and working together to achieve those high set goals!
10. Back in the days of vanilla I loved everything about twinking whether it was old school rogues or running around on my night elf hunter with that Twisted chanters staff. I stick with twinking because I find enjoyment in it and it keeps me busy with helping others and pvping on a daily basis!
11. I found out from Eggs, we talk quite frequently on horde and was talking about rolling out a new character and decided with this route.
12. At the moment I have not being new to TI and Bleeding Hollow for about three weeks now, and getting everything squared away!
13. View attachment 5708
14. As an active twinker I have already help fund a few twinks on bleeding hollow and offer services such as quest running etc. and donating a fair amount to GG 19. To the community I have to offer an abundance of characters and skill to all and hopefully a worthy Brewmaster Monk!
15.Shoutout to LS FTW, EGGS, and my buddy that followed me here from Sen’jin-Criting!
16. I love to have fun, and am competive and serious when it comes to WSG hope to see everyone out on the battlefield!
17. No questions would just to once again thank GG 19 for everything they do for the community and 19’s environment without you guys the bracket wouldn’t ever be the same!


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Juno0 ! My Man! We got a Refeugee camp set up and everything, your most welcome to the empty spot in the corner of the tent.
Only req is even tho we broke we look a million (mogs prio, who cares about gameplay anyway)
If I could spell my name I would.. Its in sig, hit me up when u get here !

(off topic sorta, soz)
I tried to pronounce your name and it ends up at: so aids
Was that intentional? O:
As I am not the alliance faction manager I'll leave relapse' application for my one of my fellow GG 19 mates however I would like to vouch on Relapse' numerous donations to the GG 19 program on Horde side. He has been a friendly and proactive member of LS FTW.
First off I would like to say that I just LOVE the idea of recruiting old and new players into the 19 twink bracket, (I played back in Vanilla in the 19's twink bracket). I also love the idea that GG 19 is trying to grow and get all the 19 guilds and players together in one big community and not all rivals but more of a friendly competition.

Horde or Alliance?

I always had a love for the Alliance because I feel in almost every bracket they are the underdogs and I love it when they win because it shows how Alliance could come together as a team and defeat the Horde.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I prefer a Brewmaster Monk or a Combat rogue, (preferably a BM). If I am really not able to get a Brewmaster then I most likely would prefer a rogue or maybe even a Ret Paladin.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I will be needing all of the above, mostly just gear and a guild.:cool:

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yes I played 19's back in Vanilla on Bleeding Hollow, I did not play that long as a 19 maybe around 8 months tops. I was not really all out well known kind of twink but more like once people see me enter a BG people start to /afk ;P

Why do you need funding?

I need funding because my old account with all my twinks gotten hacked when I took around a 4 or 5 year break. Also because I have no gold and I realized 19 twinking know is wayyy different than what it was back in the day with all this BoA Sh*t. ;)

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Your funding could help my twink experience by showing me the ways of the twinking now a days. Another reason is because I'm almost clueless on which gear is BiS and what not. My last reason is because since my account was hacked I have no gold and no main character on the realm Bleeding Hollow.

How do you play your class?

I usually listen to the target caller in wargames and I will burst down which person we need to take out. I mean everyone loves a good Graveyard farm if your pushing for honor, but I personally think thats like kicking someones grandmother down 10 flights of stairs. ;P

How do you contribute to your team?

I contribute to my team by making sure I could provide any off heals as possible and make sure we are always grouped and playing in the Gulch objectively. Also if anyone needs anything I am usually always there to help anyone out to make each others gaming experience as best as possible.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I honestly love the idea of a friendly competitive PvP game. What qualifies me is that I have been playing since Vanilla and know a lot about the game and I just love the game since I started playing. World of Warcraft has always been a fun and competitive thing for me, I have always been a competitive person irl and in World of Warcraft of course. :cool:

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

What sparks my interest is that I love how GG 19 is trying to get all of the 19 community together for events like Twink Cup and other 19 twink tournaments. The idea of making 19 twinks all one big family just shows how much people like me care about the bracket and want the best for people to get into and make it a fun and competitive experience for them.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I am a newly member of Twinkinfo, I'm a new member because I actually did not know a site like this existed and I also recently just came back to playing WoW and noticed the change so I needed a helping hand to get back on my feet so I thought this would be the place. ;)

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

No since the first thing I did once I got on the site is check the hot topics and I saw this as kind of a "helping guide" to show me a way to the 19 twinks.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

Yes, right here :cool: View attachment 5698

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I do not have much, but I have my experience in the game. I do not have really anything good like gold or BoE's to offer anyone.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

No not that I know of. But I would love to make some new ones and maybe some enemies to go with them. :p

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Meh, not really just that I love this idea of GG 19 and bringing everything together I hope to see everyone in the Gulch.

Do you have any questions for us?

Nope :p, just hope I put enough effort in this to get it accepted, again I just love you guys lol.

Bump just incase i got missed ;P idk if it goes it order or you guys just jump around and accept people :p
First off I would like to say that I just LOVE the idea of recruiting old and new players into the 19 twink bracket, (I played back in Vanilla in the 19's twink bracket). I also love the idea that GG 19 is trying to grow and get all the 19 guilds and players together in one big community and not all rivals but more of a friendly competition.

Horde or Alliance?

I always had a love for the Alliance because I feel in almost every bracket they are the underdogs and I love it when they win because it shows how Alliance could come together as a team and defeat the Horde.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I prefer a Brewmaster Monk or a Combat rogue, (preferably a BM). If I am really not able to get a Brewmaster then I most likely would prefer a rogue or maybe even a Ret Paladin.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I will be needing all of the above, mostly just gear and a guild.:cool:.

Sorry bro!! If you see my name you know i'm not the brighest person of all time haha!

Anyhow, We're currenty not looking for BM's and rogues soooo... Accepted on a Ret Paladin!!

Looking forward to get you too the point of joining bgs as soon as possible! Please add Slack#2638 and let's get this thing rollin'.

xo Slack
I leveled to 19 and I instantly got a invite from [MENTION=18303]Slacknul[/MENTION] and he gave me all I needed to become BiS and included a armory to show which gear I need. I love GG 19 and I hope everyone else gets a good experience from it like I did. Without these guys doing what their doing I dont think there would even be a 19 twink community as big as this right here. Im new to the Twinkinfo site and these guys treated me like we were the closes friends. Slacknul helped me so fast I just loved the idea of how they grow and invite new members to the twink 19 community. Again I just want to thank everyone participating in GG 19 for all the help i received.
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I tried to pronounce your name and it ends up at: so aids
Was that intentional? O:

I think I had some evil genius master scheme planned with it.. But was prob to baked caus have no idea what it was anymore lol

If I had to pronounce it it would go something like : Boieadch which strangly is quite close to bitch, i wonder if that was a part of the scheme hmmm.. Btw soz for mispellings on the phone since im lying handicapped in bed atm
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