US Project: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance?
Im a dedicated horde Lok'tar Ogar!!!
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would like to receive funding on a enhancement shaman i need funding because unfortunately all of my gold is on Aussie servers
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I know it sounds bad but i would like all three please as i said before all my gold and other twinks on a Aussie servers witch kinda disappoints me because i dont really like to ask people to spend money and stuff on me but gg 19 sounds very professional so i might as well
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Yes ive played all over the twink braket from 10-85 it is very exciting and i love twinking its a passion for me i have 4 fully BiS 19 twinks on Aussie (Resto shammy,Boomkin Druid,Disc preist,Combat rouge) i also have a fully bis 70 twink WW Monk
Why do you need funding?
I Would like funding because i am coming from Aussie servers and it would take a lot of time to build of a higher level toon on us and getting gold and finding a good guild that would understand my situation but i know Laughing Skull FTW will help me my freind Brøkèn is in there and he has told me alot of good things about you
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
It would help me twinking experience because it would take me at least 3 months to get fully bis and enchanted and all that
How do you play your class?
I Play defense i like protecting flag carriers throwing some pocket heals now and then i can also go after efc well i know all routes and know how all classes work
How do you contribute to your team?
i contribute by being a skilled player knowing all classes and throwing heals helping people and helping fc
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes i am very interested in competitive my good mate brøkèn was telling you guys do wsg every night and theres at least 7 people online at night every night i would love being in a active pvp guild
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Well i am a dedicated twinker since vanilla and it went up hill since then i was thinking about doing this last year for the twink cup but i didnt have enough time but anyways i have twinked since vanilla and i took a short break in mist bc it really pissed me off and now im back :D
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
My best bloke Brøkèn referred me
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Experienced knowledge of all twinks and game plans
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Do you have any questions for us?
Nope Cheers
Horde or Alliance?
Im a dedicated horde Lok'tar Ogar!!!
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would like to receive funding on a enhancement shaman i need funding because unfortunately all of my gold is on Aussie servers
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I know it sounds bad but i would like all three please as i said before all my gold and other twinks on a Aussie servers witch kinda disappoints me because i dont really like to ask people to spend money and stuff on me but gg 19 sounds very professional so i might as well
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Yes ive played all over the twink braket from 10-85 it is very exciting and i love twinking its a passion for me i have 4 fully BiS 19 twinks on Aussie (Resto shammy,Boomkin Druid,Disc preist,Combat rouge) i also have a fully bis 70 twink WW Monk
Why do you need funding?
I Would like funding because i am coming from Aussie servers and it would take a lot of time to build of a higher level toon on us and getting gold and finding a good guild that would understand my situation but i know Laughing Skull FTW will help me my freind Brøkèn is in there and he has told me alot of good things about you
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
It would help me twinking experience because it would take me at least 3 months to get fully bis and enchanted and all that
How do you play your class?
I Play defense i like protecting flag carriers throwing some pocket heals now and then i can also go after efc well i know all routes and know how all classes work
How do you contribute to your team?
i contribute by being a skilled player knowing all classes and throwing heals helping people and helping fc
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes i am very interested in competitive my good mate brøkèn was telling you guys do wsg every night and theres at least 7 people online at night every night i would love being in a active pvp guild
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Well i am a dedicated twinker since vanilla and it went up hill since then i was thinking about doing this last year for the twink cup but i didnt have enough time but anyways i have twinked since vanilla and i took a short break in mist bc it really pissed me off and now im back :D
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
My best bloke Brøkèn referred me
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Experienced knowledge of all twinks and game plans
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Do you have any questions for us?
Nope Cheers

Hey vanilla flavor!,

Thanks so much for applying. It's great to see someone stepping up and wanting to go into the Gulch as an enhancement shaman!

I just need you make your application a bit brighter, a bit longer and a bit more personal as well so we know who we are dealing with!

As for now: Declined

I'll be looking forward to your 2nd application.
Horde or Alliance? Will start off as horde then Faction change to alliance.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? MWmonk, priest is lame, Rshaman is lame, Rdruid is shit, Hpala is shit and lame.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Gold and gear.

Have you played in a twink bracket before? played 19s since late Wotlk, 70s since early cata.

Why do you need funding? i need to make a BiS MWmonk ofc.

How can our funding help your twinking experience? it will give me a higher chance to enjoy games(wsg) on US.

How do you play your class? i like to top the healing charts and i will.

How do you contribute to your team? ive seen the games and quality of US players, i wont flame at all.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? im a competetive player. bcus i can.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? i was lvling my char and i saw a cool lvl 19 rogue with green glowing weapons, he told me to make a 19 twink.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? im on twinkinfo daily, its not hard to find out about this.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope, i play on EU.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? EU servers are down for 7 hours.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? a healer.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? nope.

Is there anything else we should know about you? nah.

Do you have any questions for us? nah.
Horde or Alliance? Alliance!!!
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Feral Druid. I have a BiS 70 druid, a BiS 10 druid and BiS 24 Druid and a max druid. I have much experience with druids and would love to be able to be apart of a guild to do bgs with and Help out the best I can.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Possibly some of the gear you cant farm on a lvl 19 efficiently, and help with the Arena Trinket. I am probably gonna purchase a wow token to get some gold on BH to get started. So I should be good on gold.[/B]
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Pretty much all I play when I play wow. I live for the twink life.
Why do you need funding? My main server is tich (H), So i will not be able to grind any gear on BH with a main character. That being said, I may move a higher level over to help others in the future.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? By helping me with funding my twink, It will save me the time that it would normally take me to grind the BiS gear for twinking at 19, so my twinking experience will be astronomically better.
How do you play your class? [B]I will have 2 sets of gear. One will be my damage set, where i will take out flag carriers. My other set will be a flag running set. I will adapt to the game.

How do you contribute to your team? I have great synergy with most teammates i play with. I listen very well when it comes to shot callers and I have a level head. Other than that, my knowledge of the game would contribute to the other teammates.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I would be interested in competitive pvp, but I would like to get more involved with the guild and playing at 19s for a little bit before i jump into competitive. As for qualifications, It is nothing to toot my horn with, but I was 2400 in 2s at 70, 2200 at 90 and I have much experience arenas and rated bgs.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I have taken a year break from wow to play other games and such and now that I am back playing wow, I was looking to join a group/guild in an aspect of the game that I enjoy. That being said, I enjoy twinking and excited to join a 19s group.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? [B]I used to be on this website alot back a year ago doing 70s bracket. Now that I am back on wow, i thought i would look on the best twinking website out there for info on what twinks are active atm.[/B]
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No, but I will once I finish this questionnaire. (I will edit a link here I suppose)
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? As I have stated previously, I have much experience with pvp and twinking in general. That knowledge can/will be passed on to others. An experienced druid in other twink brackets and I kind guy just looking for a group/guild.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I am not sure if you are aware of a player named "Somfas" But I have been playing 24s and 19s with him before I stopped playing. He is the GM of a big twink guild on tich.
Is there anything else we should know about you? I am a pretty chill dude (420) and fun to chat with. [/B]
Do you have any questions for us? How active is the 19 community at this moment? Is there another class that you guys are in need of? (I am pretty flexible when it comes to comps and in need of different classes.)
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Horde or Alliance?
Alliance possibly looking to switch horde for Bis rings
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Enhancement Shaman because it is a class very commonly overlooked at the 19 level bracket with a ton of hidden potential from flag carrying capability to quick steady burst damage.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I am in need of just 1-2k gold to help me finish off my bis setup with the necessary enchants.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Yes I have experience in the 19 think bracket since vanilla as a sub rogue and as the 19 bracket started to disappear towards the beginning of Cata I started in the 70 think bracket playing a holy pally, sub rogue, as well as a frost mage. Most recently I have not been fully thinking out any toons at a certain level due to my dead server but now that I have found Bleeding Hollow I have committed myself once again to the 19 bracket.
Why do you need funding?
I need funding because I currently only have my twink alone on the Bleeding Hollow server and I am dead broke with still some major enchantment improvements to be made. I normally am not one to stress over a single enchant being off of anything like that yet with the many fully winked out toons in the 19 bracket you can hardly afford missing a single agility or stamina.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Your funding can help me reach the level I believe possible as an enhancement shaman which I believe can be very influential in not only team battlegrounds such as WSG but in Arena's as well. I want for my name to be known amongst the twinking community and to be not just another noob but someone who is going to be a team player and support my group to the last straw. It is tough to be such an influential player when striving to even compare to the other competition and I believe your funding will be all that is needed for me to take that least leap to twinking perfection.
How do you play your class?
I play enhancement shaman as a burst class as well as a key finishing class. Enhance is a class especially when played as a dwarf that can withstand a decent amount of damage while putting out an even more substantial amount at the same time. I am an agile player that knows we to get out of sticky situations and with a low level ability of Ghost Wolf I am sure to be out first and ready to help in a new situation. I tend to stay away from mass group activity because of the overall damage a group of twins can lay down in a short period of time yet I am great at small group encounters, dispels, silences, and off heals. I believe I could play enhance to the fullest advantage in a 19 WSG yet also strongly in both 2's and 3's.
How do you contribute to your team?
I would contribute as string dps when needed but mostly a utility player that could step in and save a bother with off heals and also step in to make the last second FC kill with a flame shock as he steps towards the node.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes I am. I believe my 2200 Rating as a hunter in Cata for RBG's qualifies me for any sort of competitive PVP. I have strived for 2200 in 3's as well but haven't been able to break 2000 as I am no longer able to play wow as much as I once was but that is a reason I can devote more of my time towards twinking. Search - World of Warcraft My hunt is no longer available to see on armory as I haven't had that account since the drop of WoD but he is the Orc from Illidan.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I have always been such a fan of thinking and thought it was one of the most fun ways to enjoy wow once bored on my main toons. I just recently noticed the increasing number of 19's on almost every server so I asked a couple people I saw and immediately decided it was what I wanted to do. I made a hunter on my home server and decked him out but then realized I was pretty much just playing by myself which isnt that much fun so I created a toon on Bleeding Hollow and started anew. When I realized how huge the 19 community was on Bh I fell in love and have decided I will eventually transfer my mains as well to keep my 19's alive once I have IRL cash.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I actually was just passing through google looking for BIS threads and came across the website and it has been the most helpful thing I have ever used when it comes to twinking.
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
No but I will as soon as possible I didn't know that was an option
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?êê/simple
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I have to offer a dedicated team player attitude and a helpful friend to anyone in need. I hope soon to not be one looking for help but to be providing and keeping the bracket growing so one day it can be as fun as it was back in the good ol days of vanilla.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
I have a rogue in my guild Twinknivid that I believe should just be recognized for his kindness and respect to everyone and his willingness to grow the bracket and help out upcoming members as much as possible!
Is there anything else we should know about you?
If there is anything you ever need from me wether it be to tank a raid for you on your main or run you through instance after instance yo get your bis slot I'm always there to help one another and I hope to be a detrimental factor in the 19 bracket as soon as possible!
Do you have any questions for us?
How can I get ahold of and play with any of the generous players donating and putting so much time into not only this thread but the community in general?
I had a great experience with the GG 19 program and Eggs was able to help me in more ways than I could have imagined. I went in looking for a single enchant and he went out of his way to make sure I knew everything I needed to know and show me a array of different options so I could toon my twin to my style of play.
Thank you guys so much for what you do, it is really appreciated and I hope to eventually be able to give back!êê/simple
Horde or Alliance?
My character is on Horde side.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I want to receive funding for a Monk BM, as does being not native to the US servers I can't afford to achetter too expensive some items.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
For my BM monk i need only some Gear and enchanting.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
I play twink since Vanilla on EU servers, i played twink during all of extensions in WoW.

Why do you need funding?
I need funding actually, because the twink cup is in 1 Month and i can't buy all of items that i need before the cup. And i also need to integrate premade to fast for start my training class.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Your funding can help my twinking experience because, with your help i will integrate faster premade teams, to work faster on cohesion of our team.

How do you play your class?
I think i will do a hybride stuff, for take a lot of HP, because my main role in games its to slow all of the opponents, and do very good damages too. So For more resistance, and to deter the enemy from attacking me i want to take good HP.

How do you contribute to your team?
My role in my team, my BM is a control class, for protect FC, give the speed on my FC on critic situations, do a lot of damages cleave, and carry all of moove with my slow.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, really, im doing this twink for the TWINK CUP 2015. And im playing wow since Vanilla, 2K3 Rating BC in Dpriest.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Because i love twink since a lot of year, im the founder of a french Website twink 19. And i LOVE, this bracket.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I've speaking with Eggs on ally side, and he says me to read a application on this thread.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I am an avid gamer, present and very involved since my debut, I managed to get many EU side project and I wish I could start making set such a project such as Twink Cup 2015 US side to continue my adventure.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Roula, Eggs, Kancer, Smull, Livingforce, Artonk, Conq, Drcooperph...

Is there anything else we should know about you?
Just wanted to say that if I take the Project GG19, I agree eventually to make several donations to help Items for this project in the future and for next twink creations. And im just really sorry for my very bad english, but im french and i can't speaking like an english man..

Do you have any questions for us?
No, Thanks :)
Horde or Alliance? Will start off as horde then Faction change to alliance.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? MWmonk, priest is lame, Rshaman is lame, Rdruid is shit, Hpala is shit and lame.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Gold and gear.

Have you played in a twink bracket before? played 19s since late Wotlk, 70s since early cata.

Why do you need funding? i need to make a BiS MWmonk ofc.

How can our funding help your twinking experience? it will give me a higher chance to enjoy games(wsg) on US.

How do you play your class? i like to top the healing charts and i will.

How do you contribute to your team? ive seen the games and quality of US players, i wont flame at all.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? im a competetive player. bcus i can.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? i was lvling my char and i saw a cool lvl 19 rogue with green glowing weapons, he told me to make a 19 twink.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? im on twinkinfo daily, its not hard to find out about this.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope, i play on EU.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? EU servers are down for 7 hours.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? a healer.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? nope.

Is there anything else we should know about you? nah.

Do you have any questions for us? nah.

Heyyyyooo Gabh!

First of all, how are you man? Haven't seen you in a while.... Hope you're doing great! It's great to see you finally stepping up to come to US, would really love to have you!

For now, EU people have to get the full funding ( gold for looms, BoE's and enchants) so we need you to make a better application than this, tell us a bit more about yourself and your past. Go more into depth on the questions that are being asked. I personally already know you're a sick player and you belong on US, so please pimp up that application bro!

As for now, Declined.
Thanks for the app - I had to drag my mouse over the blue text to read ;)

We're not funding feral druids or rogues sorry. We've helped a few twink cup rogues out but won't be funding any ferals until blizzard balances the class at 19 some more.

If you're interested in another class, check my signature for what class slots are open at the moment.

I love shamans and warrior as well. My question for you is, "What specs are you looking for from a shaman and warrior? Does it have so be a specific spec or just the class is ok?
Horde or Alliance? Horde
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Afflication Warlock, I have always loved playing Warlock within twinking brackets, I have one on 19 EU and I've had so much fun playing it.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) All 3, I'm going to be coming from the EU server as during the mornings we have literally no chance of getting a BG pop and I would love to increase my skill within this bracket.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, I started in Vanilla and then took a break just before WOTLK and came back during Cataclysm.
Why do you need funding? As said in the previous questions, I'm coming from the EU servers so I have literally nothing on these servers.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? It will help me because I'll be able to get geared much faster than making my own gold to buy heirlooms etc.
How do you play your class? I am a very aggresive player and I love to be in the fights as much as possible!
How do you contribute to your team? dots, dots and more dots, a good attitude also goes a long way.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I've always loved PVP whether it be compettive or not.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? honestly I cannot remember it was so long ago (Almost 10 years now) but what keeps me interested is the awesome community we have here and how we all work together to keep this community running.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? seen it on TI
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? will do asap
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? a great attitude, willing to help anyone when they need help and I always put others needs infront of my self.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Rlyqt & Anonym
Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm 22 and from the UK, I have also recently started this Project but for the EU servers and so far it is going well, we have had 2 pops each night (apart from tonight but I believe that is due to it being reset day) and the reason I want to join the Us community is because in the early mornings of EU I don't think we can get a pop for at least a few weeks and I would love to improve my skill within this bracket and the only way to do that is constantly playing.
Do you have any questions for us? Not at the moment.
Heyyyyooo Gabh!

First of all, how are you man? Haven't seen you in a while.... Hope you're doing great! It's great to see you finally stepping up to come to US, would really love to have you!

For now, EU people have to get the full funding ( gold for looms, BoE's and enchants) so we need you to make a better application than this, tell us a bit more about yourself and your past. Go more into depth on the questions that are being asked. I personally already know you're a sick player and you belong on US, so please pimp up that application bro!

As for now, Declined.

will do when i have time, im working alot atm, btw, 30k gold and i will get a free wow account instead of having to pay, so ill make a really good post next time soon! :)
will do when i have time, im working alot atm, btw, 30k gold and i will get a free wow account instead of having to pay, so ill make a really good post next time soon! :)

Thanks for your reply! I'm looking forward to your new application!!

Make sure to get WoD as well, it'll get you that free 90 so you are able to enchant your heirlooms!
Horde or Alliance?
I generally only play on Horde, but am totally willing to go Alliance if it's needed.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Paladin, any spec. I am most familiar with melee classes, and have played a paladin before. I am not experienced with the 19 bracket, but as a hybrid I would assume paladin would also offer the chance to branch out to healing and flag running as well.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
Yes. I have no toons on BH at the moment. I have almost all BoAs, and should be able to cover some cheaper enchants by selling pets. Gold would mostly be used for difficult to obtain BoEs and expensive enchants. Would also be interested in a guild for obvious reasons.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
I have a level 1 twink, a veteran level 20 monk, and recently started gearing a 19 rogue. I also used to twink on Nostalrius as a 19 rogue, but have since leveled that toon.

Why do you need funding?
I'm new to the realm, so I have no gold and no high level to farm gold on. My home realm is dead, so the AH is too quite to find twink gear usually. I'm also bad at making gold in general.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Playing in twink brackets with no gear or enchants sucks. Having gear and enchants will make the ride much more fun.

How do you play your class?

How do you contribute to your team?
My main is a rogue, so I generally focus on dropping efc or healers. Play objectives.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes I am interested. I am not overly qualified in any way. I've never gotten Gladiator or anything fancy like that. I used to run rbgs at 90 with my guild during MOP, though.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I started my now GF'd BIS 1 rogue right after seeing this vid. Shame about level 1s being nerfed in every way though.
EDIT: Misread as "of the twink community". I have always been interested in 19s, but never rolled one since I thought that most of the BIS gear is no longer obtainable, and I wouldn't want to get destroyed 24/7. However, it seems to be more enchant focused and 2nd best gear seems more viable now. Also, GG presents a better opportunity than ever to take the dive.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I lurk Twinkinfo to check on news regarding level 1s, and sometimes bleed into the other subforums.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
No. I can though, just haven't met anyone from here in game.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
I don't use a ton of addons. Also, blizz changed the way my helm looks on goblins.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I'm very active, and I'm a friendly guy.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Do you have any questions for us?
Have rogues already been funded/will they be funded? I know a lot of people consider them over played, but if GG19 was planning on funding rogues in the future, I'd be more interested in that and willing to wait.

That's about it, thanks for the consideration
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Nous n'aidons pas les moines actuellemt,, mais pour toi, nous sommes contents de faire une exception :)

Passe le message a la communaute twink francaise que nous sommes la pour les aider sur les serveurs americains.

Nous acceptons les candidatures en francais, mais elles doivent etre longues et detailles et nous raconter l'histoire du candidat.

Merci beaucoup! :p
Horde or Alliance? Horde
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Afflication Warlock, I have always loved playing Warlock within twinking brackets, I have one on 19 EU and I've had so much fun playing it.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) All 3, I'm going to be coming from the EU server as during the mornings we have literally no chance of getting a BG pop and I would love to increase my skill within this bracket.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, I started in Vanilla and then took a break just before WOTLK and came back during Cataclysm.
Why do you need funding? As said in the previous questions, I'm coming from the EU servers so I have literally nothing on these servers.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? It will help me because I'll be able to get geared much faster than making my own gold to buy heirlooms etc.
How do you play your class? I am a very aggresive player and I love to be in the fights as much as possible!
How do you contribute to your team? dots, dots and more dots, a good attitude also goes a long way.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I've always loved PVP whether it be compettive or not.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? honestly I cannot remember it was so long ago (Almost 10 years now) but what keeps me interested is the awesome community we have here and how we all work together to keep this community running.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? seen it on TI
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? will do asap
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? a great attitude, willing to help anyone when they need help and I always put others needs infront of my self.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Rlyqt & Anonym
Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm 22 and from the UK, I have also recently started this Project but for the EU servers and so far it is going well, we have had 2 pops each night (apart from tonight but I believe that is due to it being reset day) and the reason I want to join the Us community is because in the early mornings of EU I don't think we can get a pop for at least a few weeks and I would love to improve my skill within this bracket and the only way to do that is constantly playing.
Do you have any questions for us? Not at the moment.

Hey there fellow EU,

This is the same with Gabh, you guys are from EU and that's why the applications need to be better. We have to bring out the full package for EU people, we dont mind doing this at all but we expect something in return, as in a really good application with information about yourself and more in-depth answers to the questions being asked.

As for now: Declined.

I'm looking forward to your second application.

Horde or Alliance?
I generally only play on Horde, but am totally willing to go Alliance if it's needed.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Paladin, any spec. I am most familiar with melee classes, and have played a paladin before. I am not experienced with the 19 bracket, but as a hybrid I would assume paladin would also offer the chance to branch out to healing and flag running as well.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
Yes. I have no toons on BH at the moment. I have almost all BoAs, and should be able to cover some cheaper enchants by selling pets. Gold would mostly be used for difficult to obtain BoEs and expensive enchants. Would also be interested in a guild for obvious reasons.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
I have a level 1 twink, a veteran level 20 monk, and recently started gearing a 19 rogue. I also used to twink on Nostalrius as a 19 rogue, but have since leveled that toon.

Why do you need funding?
I'm new to the realm, so I have no gold and no high level to farm gold on. My home realm is dead, so the AH is too quite to find twink gear usually. I'm also bad at making gold in general.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Playing in twink brackets with no gear or enchants sucks. Having gear and enchants will make the ride much more fun.

How do you play your class?

How do you contribute to your team?
My main is a rogue, so I generally focus on dropping efc or healers. Play objectives.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes I am interested. I am not overly qualified in any way. I've never gotten Gladiator or anything fancy like that. I used to run rbgs at 90 with my guild during MOP, though.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I started my now GF'd BIS 1 rogue right after seeing this vid. Shame about level 1s being nerfed in every way though.
EDIT: Misread as "of the twink community". I have always been interested in 19s, but never rolled one since I thought that most of the BIS gear is no longer obtainable, and I wouldn't want to get destroyed 24/7. However, it seems to be more enchant focused and 2nd best gear seems more viable now. Also, GG presents a better opportunity than ever to take the dive.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I lurk Twinkinfo to check on news regarding level 1s, and sometimes bleed into the other subforums.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
No. I can though, just haven't met anyone from here in game.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
I don't use a ton of addons. Also, blizz changed the way my helm looks on goblins.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I'm very active, and I'm a friendly guy.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Do you have any questions for us?
Have rogues already been funded/will they be funded? I know a lot of people consider them over played, but if GG19 was planning on funding rogues in the future, I'd be more interested in that and willing to wait.

That's about it, thanks for the consideration

Hey man!

Thanks for that application, we all love a great video in the applications :D. I'm a bit confused on the " Horde / Alliance" answer but i guess we can discuss that later on.

I personally like the idea of you running a Ret Paladin since you're familiar with being a melee.

.... Accepted!

Please add my btag: Slack#2638 and we can start when you're ready!
Hey man!

Thanks for that application, we all love a great video in the applications :D. I'm a bit confused on the " Horde / Alliance" answer but i guess we can discuss that later on.

I personally like the idea of you running a Ret Paladin since you're familiar with being a melee.

.... Accepted!

Please add my btag: Slack#2638 and we can start when you're ready!

Well lucky enough I have enough time to get it sorted and updated for you guys! here it is.

Horde or Alliance? Horde as I have only played Alliance during my twinking days and now that I’ve played horde for the first time this week I’m loving it!
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Afflication Warlock, I have always loved playing Warlock within twinking brackets, I have one at 19 on EU and I've had so much fun playing it, there’s just so much you can do with the class.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) All 3, I'm going to be coming from the EU server as during the mornings we have literally no chance of getting a BG pop and I would love to increase my skill within this bracket. Gold would help me gear up and also help me making my own money so that I can eventually pay back for the great work you guys are doing here and a guild would be awesome to meet new people that share the same interest as me.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, I started in Vanilla about half way through when I was introduced to it by some random twink healer which sparked my interest in it when he was just casually beating people 10 levels higher than him, I even remember the level 1 days where you could beat like level 20’s and well since that day I’ve been striving to constantly be the best twink I could be but just before WOTLK I couldn’t afford the payments and then took a break just before WOTLK dropped and then returned during Cataclysm.
Why do you need funding? As said in the previous questions, I'm coming from the EU servers so I have literally nothing on these servers and it would help with getting gear so I don’t get abused in BG’s by people who are fully geared.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? It will help me because I'll be able to get geared much faster than making my own gold to buy heirlooms etc.
How do you play your class? I am a very aggressive player and I love to be in the fights as much as possible, I’ve always played DPS classes but only just recently picked up ranged DPS and I have to say it’s the most fun I’ve had on WoW for years!
How do you contribute to your team? dots, dots and more dots, a good attitude also goes a long way, it also helps that I’m mature so I can calm down situations within the BG or even guild if things start getting tense.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I've always loved PVP whether it be competitive or not, I’ve never been great at end game pvp I think my highest rating is 2k or something like that, but I always do try to improve and learn from my mistakes.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? Well as mentioned in one of my previous answers I seen a healer at goldshire that just amazed me when he was just casually beating everyone that was way higher level than him and since then I have always had a twink that is well geared, maybe not all the time best in slot but I do always eventually get them there and what keeps me interested is the awesome community we have here and how we all work together to keep this community running.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? seen it on TI and a few people recommended I try out US for the twinking community there
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? nope
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? View attachment 5627
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? a great attitude, willing to help anyone when they need help and I always put others needs infront of my self.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Rlyqt & Anonym
Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm 22 and from the UK, I have also recently started this Project but for the EU servers and so far it is going well, we have had 2 pops each night (apart from tonight but I believe that is due to it being reset day) and the reason I want to join the Us community is because in the early mornings of EU I don't think we can get a pop for at least a few weeks and I would love to improve my skill within this bracket and the only way to do that is constantly playing.
Do you have any questions for us? Not at the moment.

(woops replied to wrong comment)


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