Don't ignore my Appeals


I'm not for Sale.
Thread Title :: <username> - (Permanent/Temporary Ban)

Thread Content ::

1) Why did you think you were banned?I'm being Trolled by a Butt hurt mod because I have greater influence on Swifty and he will never be seen as anything but a leech. He was spamming me in game and then since hes a mod on here Decides he can just ban me because he doesn't want my content in his bracket thread even tho it obviously pertains to the bracket.
You should un mod Conq for mis using his power and giving a bad name to mods everywhere by spamming me while I'm live streaming and playing with Swifty its kind of Sad.
He should think about his actions and try to help people instead of put them down. You cannot grow a community with his type of toxic nazi behavior.
2) What have you learned from your ban? That Nazi mods must be un modded or should have rules set into place that do not allow them to ban people without certain permissions and decisions made with a group of mods not just 1 nazi who belives he has the right to the world.

3) How do you think you can contribute to this community again? I have been growing the community bringing in thousands of people by talking to Sodapoppin, Hotted89, chinglishtv and Swifty primarily into our brackets and showing them how enjoyable an experience it is.

Please unbann me
and Un mod Conq he can be a leader if he wants in thread but his nazi power is unaccceptable and should be looked down upon with pity. It sucks that he would soil your reputation as a community and brand.
This is Unjustified also because I had pointed out on the second post that it was meant to be on the thread I posted it on. I was only spamming because you where manipulating me to spam it
since you didn't allow me have my post on the correct forum thread. If you didn't do your job incorrectly I wouldn't have to "spam" as you would say. You can just turn something on his head and tell your boss what you want to tell him just because you feel entitled. The fact that you moved my
post from the 10-19 thread to un marked forum where no one will ever see it, proves the fact that you are indeed trolling just because you have mod and don't want to see it on your threads. This has no explanation since it is obviously just a way to get back at me for giving you no attention because as you say "raising your voice" doesn't make you correct. Well raising your hammer doesn't make you correct either, if everyone would just sit back and accept their punishment there would be so
many good people in jail. The reasonable doubt is there and you have no reasoning behind your toxicidity. If an explaination would even be given for the ignorance shown on these threads it would be a lot more
popular and a lot easier to promote the nazi mods such as Conq will kill these threads. It sucks when you don't have clear heads and go out on a whim just because they have power and a feeling of entitlement.
You seem to be under the impression you should be able to
control all content just caus type are the bracket pastor or man handled or what ever you are, but just because you don't like something or someone doesn't give you the right to move their post to an unmarked area. it's astounding you spoke to Myrm but there hasn't been one response here to even publicly show his hand in any action. I want to see what he thinks and why he would even give power to you even with the childish sntics you consistently involve yourself in. You think people can't see through your chard but you are just a
butt hurt fan like the rest of them. If only you know how much work it takes to be s positive influence to someone who usually sees everyone as just these fans trying to get something from you. You're pride will be the end of
this website. Humble yourself and look at the situation for what it is... Conq just trying to find an excuse to ban me after dilibrately removing my post. Tell me what should I have done deleted my old thread that was in the shitty general thread and then reposted it on 10-19s or would it have still be consisdered spamming?! How would I get through his thick skull without getting banned? Even made the titles
obviois that I was being attacked. Please tell me? Please explain...
Lol the Support staff on this site is rediculous really, you expect people to come to a website where the owner won't respond to his own thread for specific situations such as this. Instead you get pushed around by the ignorant grunts he leaves behind.
I moved your forum to the general section because the quality of the 19s forum is something that it is my job to ensure the quality off, I didn't violate any rules. At first when I moved your thread to the general forum because I accepted the "creative use of game mechanics" excuse for a bit, until you re-posted it in 19s, after I had moved it, now that is spamming videos of how to exploit if you want to get down to it, that's a pretty serious offense on TI. The video would have gotten reported by a user and deleted by me or another mod relatively quickly. If its okay with Myrm I will reverse your infraction if you agree not to try posting any more content of this nature, yet doing so again would put you at risk of a ban anyway.
Conq at it again.
Still doesn't learn 10-19s is 10-19s no matter how much he wants to deny it.
I will continue to post it where its suppose to be until I can speak to Myrm about the Issue obviously the power hungry mod must be donating a good amount to be able to manipulate such a person into not even showing his face.
You think this is a joke, you wanna keep attacking me for pure enjoyment continue to do so.
You're ignorance will be your down fall.
haha Forums no wonder all the good ones die, toxic mod's never learn.
Reversed infraction on condition of behavior after Initial ban wore off,posted exploits again, a one week ban.

Duo myrm is admin, its not his job to deal with this. It's mine.
Wait a minute I got banned because you guys actually think this is a Glitch in the game. This is actually not a Glitch since Its posted on and it is only cleaver usage of game mechanics its been used for years but they die too fast to make any actual impact in the actual gameplay itself. Also anyone can do it and it doesn't require any third party software or any difficult casting or exploitation.
Now unless you see a Blue admin from blizzard say its a glitch on the forums then you can say this is an exploitation, but as far as I'm concerned we arn't using high level characters in low level brackets we are using npc helpers from a quest in a battle ground. Which since cata has been able to be done.
Btw the Title of my video is purely for attention, ive even Tweeted at @holinka on Twitter and no big deal.
Another Nazi mod who feels entitled.
Wait a minute I got banned because you guys actually think this is a Glitch in the game. This is actually not a Glitch since Its posted on and it is only cleaver usage of game mechanics its been used for years but they die too fast to make any actual impact in the actual gameplay itself. Also anyone can do it and it doesn't require any third party software or any difficult casting or exploitation.
Now unless you see a Blue admin from blizzard say its a glitch on the forums then you can say this is an exploitation, but as far as I'm concerned we arn't using high level characters in low level brackets we are using npc helpers from a quest in a battle ground. Which since cata has been able to be done.
Btw the Title of my video is purely for attention, ive even Tweeted at @holinka on Twitter and no big deal.
Another Nazi mod who feels entitled.

This is a glitch or exploit by defintion of the words, and yes. You labeled it as a glitch and said it would be fixed soon. Now it's been around for years?

It seems like your just saying what you think is most likely to get you out of a ban/infraction
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