Horde or Alliance?
Hi, I like to Start off, I am asking to have four pieces funded on bakemaster-bleedinghollow alliance.
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Well, you can call me an oddball but I would like to be receiving items on my hunter for the spec Marksman. I may play beast Mastery with it and try it out but I am sticking away from survival for obvious reasons because I'm different. This video, is an example of me
playing Marksman in Premade scenarios and successfully using it for the benefit of the team and takes the audience by surprise making hb's mouth almost drop because no one knew what had happened. These moments are truly amazing to view as a player's point of view who plays an underrated class and it is truly breath-taking. As playing Marksman Hunter I hope to be a role model for other hunters who join the community and want to try a new class other than the ordinary, boring Survival Hunter. I have some gear but I am clearly no where near best in slot for Hunter's for Marksman but I also love that this spec brings an objective style to the bg. From being in midfight and securing killing blows are landing the kill on the fc when it is
most needed. Marksman is truly a cool spec and I'd love to pursue it. But also, I've been known to FC in pugs on my hunter and I found that maybe this funding would be worth to the community because I would be able to help teams who don't have the normal rdruid fc on their team and I could play as a Fc for the current game if needed.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I need four items for my Marksman Hunter, Gloomshroud Armor, Blackened Defias Belt, Forest Leather Bracers, and lastly Feet of the Lynx.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
I have played at the 70 twink bracket and the 19 twink bracket for a while and last season in 2s on my 70 ele I got 2700 in 2s and it was a cool experience. The 19 twink bracket has hit home though. I play endgame at a Rank one glad level but more times than not you'll see me in the gulch playing pugs with the guys from the guild or just messing around that playing arenas at end game because in my point of view twinking is more fun than playing endgame.
Why do you need funding?
I need funding because my Guild Master of Waka Flocka Adivsed me to come here to get more gear for my Marksman set because it is needed for premades and since I will be premading I need the best of the best gear. This is the main reason for the funding, but overall it helps the community in the long run because in pugs I will be an inspiration and role model for other hunters who want to play Marksman Hunter.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
It will help me in premades in the future and it will also help me in the Twink Cup over come other match ups because I will have the upper hand over the undergeared hunter. For sure, these items will also help my friends and I in the gulch overcome the impossible from being able to disgenage and land the aim shot on the efc to secure the win. Mainly though, it will help me in premades and will also help my team in the "underpowered" twink cup where I look forward to play Marksman hunter because it is my main spec.
How do you play your class?
I play my class objectively, from if there is no fc in my group, im the fc. Also, I play my class smart, I'm disciplined and I would sacrifice my life in the Gulch to buy time for my healers in the Gulch. Beyond this, there is a lot to explain about how I play my class but in the end, I follow my strat caller's decisions and I do my role in the gulch. Pull back to efc, protect my fc, and land the kills from having the strongest moving cast on the gulch. Therefore, I play my class for the benefit for the team and not self centered, because it the Gulch everyone has a role and I won't be the weak link on the team.
How do you contribute to your team?
I contribute my team something that no one else can, a mindset that is positive, an attitude that won't put there head down and keep going after being capped back to back in the first 5 minutes of the game. I will keep the team up and keep pushing. I will be the voice in their heads that keep them moving forward and keep swapping from dps, healer, healer, dps to finally reach the graveyard to get tunnel control. This is what I can contribute to any team, a positive mind set that will make the team advanced.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I am interested in tons of competitive PvP. As of right now I sit 3 Hunters at 2640-2650 range sitting Glad right now and maybe they'll get rank one glad but I'll make sure they will if the rating gets inflated the last week. Also I'm extremely excited for the Twink Cup because it will be the first big tournament I'll be apart of that had a year of preparation for.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I played the 70 bracket a lot, and twinking was always a thing that came to the attention of my eye that twinking was the star of the gaming experience in wow. I was recruited by some people from this bracket to play 19s because of my skills from 100 and have adapted to become a worthy hunter in the 19 bracket.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
My Guild Master who I said before referred to this thread because I needed better gear. This thread was brought my attention and I had known about it in the past before. Now I am ready to ask for some big gifts from the community because I have already contributed to the community too.
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Yes, I added Master#11830 and my armory Bakemaster @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft to the thread.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I have the keystrokes from the keyboard to offer to the community and my positive attitude. I can help the alliance side get better pugs for the main competitive guilds have gone horde and I have had really good games alliance so far and also I can help the bracket in my skill. Overall though, I help a lot of people in this bracket from forming a group for AGM, or flying someone around for the fishing Tourny, Go twinks!
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Shout out to Nastimyt for coming back to the bracket and starting the whole chain and growth of the 19 bracket again!
Is there anything else we should know about you?
I am an all around helpful person who is just asking for some help from the community, but saying that sounds selfish in a lot of ways. In words you can not explain the devotion that someone puts into the community from sharing my stream to the public, allowing games to be premaded from the use of the spectator addon, and showing my youtube videos of premades freely for others to improve. Beyond this, you should know that I'm a person whos looking not just at the Twink Cup but the next year ahead of it too.
Do you have any questions for us?
How can I help the community more?
Hi, I like to Start off, I am asking to have four pieces funded on bakemaster-bleedinghollow alliance.
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Well, you can call me an oddball but I would like to be receiving items on my hunter for the spec Marksman. I may play beast Mastery with it and try it out but I am sticking away from survival for obvious reasons because I'm different. This video, is an example of me
playing Marksman in Premade scenarios and successfully using it for the benefit of the team and takes the audience by surprise making hb's mouth almost drop because no one knew what had happened. These moments are truly amazing to view as a player's point of view who plays an underrated class and it is truly breath-taking. As playing Marksman Hunter I hope to be a role model for other hunters who join the community and want to try a new class other than the ordinary, boring Survival Hunter. I have some gear but I am clearly no where near best in slot for Hunter's for Marksman but I also love that this spec brings an objective style to the bg. From being in midfight and securing killing blows are landing the kill on the fc when it is
most needed. Marksman is truly a cool spec and I'd love to pursue it. But also, I've been known to FC in pugs on my hunter and I found that maybe this funding would be worth to the community because I would be able to help teams who don't have the normal rdruid fc on their team and I could play as a Fc for the current game if needed.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I need four items for my Marksman Hunter, Gloomshroud Armor, Blackened Defias Belt, Forest Leather Bracers, and lastly Feet of the Lynx.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
I have played at the 70 twink bracket and the 19 twink bracket for a while and last season in 2s on my 70 ele I got 2700 in 2s and it was a cool experience. The 19 twink bracket has hit home though. I play endgame at a Rank one glad level but more times than not you'll see me in the gulch playing pugs with the guys from the guild or just messing around that playing arenas at end game because in my point of view twinking is more fun than playing endgame.
Why do you need funding?
I need funding because my Guild Master of Waka Flocka Adivsed me to come here to get more gear for my Marksman set because it is needed for premades and since I will be premading I need the best of the best gear. This is the main reason for the funding, but overall it helps the community in the long run because in pugs I will be an inspiration and role model for other hunters who want to play Marksman Hunter.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
It will help me in premades in the future and it will also help me in the Twink Cup over come other match ups because I will have the upper hand over the undergeared hunter. For sure, these items will also help my friends and I in the gulch overcome the impossible from being able to disgenage and land the aim shot on the efc to secure the win. Mainly though, it will help me in premades and will also help my team in the "underpowered" twink cup where I look forward to play Marksman hunter because it is my main spec.
How do you play your class?
I play my class objectively, from if there is no fc in my group, im the fc. Also, I play my class smart, I'm disciplined and I would sacrifice my life in the Gulch to buy time for my healers in the Gulch. Beyond this, there is a lot to explain about how I play my class but in the end, I follow my strat caller's decisions and I do my role in the gulch. Pull back to efc, protect my fc, and land the kills from having the strongest moving cast on the gulch. Therefore, I play my class for the benefit for the team and not self centered, because it the Gulch everyone has a role and I won't be the weak link on the team.
How do you contribute to your team?
I contribute my team something that no one else can, a mindset that is positive, an attitude that won't put there head down and keep going after being capped back to back in the first 5 minutes of the game. I will keep the team up and keep pushing. I will be the voice in their heads that keep them moving forward and keep swapping from dps, healer, healer, dps to finally reach the graveyard to get tunnel control. This is what I can contribute to any team, a positive mind set that will make the team advanced.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I am interested in tons of competitive PvP. As of right now I sit 3 Hunters at 2640-2650 range sitting Glad right now and maybe they'll get rank one glad but I'll make sure they will if the rating gets inflated the last week. Also I'm extremely excited for the Twink Cup because it will be the first big tournament I'll be apart of that had a year of preparation for.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I played the 70 bracket a lot, and twinking was always a thing that came to the attention of my eye that twinking was the star of the gaming experience in wow. I was recruited by some people from this bracket to play 19s because of my skills from 100 and have adapted to become a worthy hunter in the 19 bracket.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
My Guild Master who I said before referred to this thread because I needed better gear. This thread was brought my attention and I had known about it in the past before. Now I am ready to ask for some big gifts from the community because I have already contributed to the community too.
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Yes, I added Master#11830 and my armory Bakemaster @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft to the thread.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I have the keystrokes from the keyboard to offer to the community and my positive attitude. I can help the alliance side get better pugs for the main competitive guilds have gone horde and I have had really good games alliance so far and also I can help the bracket in my skill. Overall though, I help a lot of people in this bracket from forming a group for AGM, or flying someone around for the fishing Tourny, Go twinks!
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Shout out to Nastimyt for coming back to the bracket and starting the whole chain and growth of the 19 bracket again!
Is there anything else we should know about you?
I am an all around helpful person who is just asking for some help from the community, but saying that sounds selfish in a lot of ways. In words you can not explain the devotion that someone puts into the community from sharing my stream to the public, allowing games to be premaded from the use of the spectator addon, and showing my youtube videos of premades freely for others to improve. Beyond this, you should know that I'm a person whos looking not just at the Twink Cup but the next year ahead of it too.
Do you have any questions for us?
How can I help the community more?