Concussive Shot - Try to use this on cooldown but use it on the correct people, in mid putting this on a healer forces them to have to cast less cause it takes longer for them to reposition. Using this also on enemy Hunters makes it so when they break off its slower. This is your most effective spell if you use it correctly. When chasing a druid, only use this when they are in travel or cat form, if they are in bear let them stay in it, you want them to be slowed at the highest possible speed, if they want to bearform their way across mid which does not reduce the magic damage from your spells they can go crazy.
Mend Pet - Use this for combat bug, tell pet to kill a target, pull it back and start spamming the spell, your im combat, you can’t be sapped. Keeps your pet alive so it can box a melee while you get some sneaky bandages off.
Feed Pet - No joke, very useful, drop combat for a second use this your pets healed, YAY.
Disengage - Hunters most important spell, the way you use this defines your skill level, also can be used to do some sneaky jump shortcuts.
Steady Shot - Yay focus. Castable while moving, so you can line a starsurge and still get this cast off.
Dismiss Pet - Blah blah, your pet will glitch places or if your pet is extremely behind you it calls it to you instantly.
Pet abilities
Claw - Or any other pet basic attack ability, one use ONCE when at full focus, you want it to be fully up for when you have a proc and push out damage, use both when you think you can get kill etc.
Growl - Use this as a mouseover, great for taunt enemy pets and getting banages off, win hunter 1v1s with it. No joke if you get your timing down you can get 2 bandage ticks between the cast of steady shot while growling their pet, legit right in front of their face.
Dash - Keeps your pet on the target so you get that extra quarter of your damage output.
Tips and tricks
Use your fucking map, no joke legit one of the most important things as a Hunter, you are the eyes for your team, even if you are in a 1v1 or any situation if you aren’t looking at your map and positioning accordingly you will not be as effective.
Call everything for your team, once you develop some experience of how the game works you should be able to predict the movement of an FC at least 1 minute in advance. Mainly comes from experience.
It takes a lot of experience to know where to be at any given point in the game. Depending on how the game is looking you are either, in mid facerolling then helping your FC pick, or you are on D forcing the enemy team to bring up more than 1 person to pick the flag, this causes your team to have a chance to win mid and get you back into the game.
Pet names, if you name it the same as a well known healer or a healer you play with, when you say are walking up tunnel to pick the flag the enemy hunter has to determine if that is your pet next to you or an actual healer, you can fake them out if you dismiss pet and want to be Fancy.
You are a ranged magic/physical caster, you can flag carry and defend, you are one of the most important people in the game. If you play it right you should be able to be the changing factor in a horrible game. You are strong because magic resistances does not exist for fcs, and you can FC because you have a “displacer” effect where you can make distance and get to your team or out of sticky situations.
When 1v1ing a FC, at the start of it you just damage them down a bit, get your focus to full then burst them during flintlockes, forcing them to cast heal on themselves, once you get them into this position you have nearly won the fight. They will usually dot you before the fight starts to push out maximum damage, by doing this you will be able to bandage to full with LoS if you time it right. You healing 400 per tick is better then them healing that much cause you push out more dps.
In general you will never want to fight a FC. Rdruid should ALWAYS win the 1v1 in general, the aim is to stand near top of tunnel and block off wherever they go, fighting them in close quarters alike in the flag room is very risky and they should win.
If you want to be sneaky, carry some anti-venom, use it against rogues whom open you and you are very low, once you use it start using bandages, forces the rogue to start casting throw on you while their evasion is up giving you a free concussive shot slow
When you see a fight coming, use Roar of Sacrifice early on yourself or your partner, reduces the damage they take. Of course you would want to do it at the latest possible moment like when a cast is landing, but sometimes a random rogue will open on you so it may be better to be safe than sorry.
Have a drop flag macro bound, it's just good to have.
Make sure you have scroll clicking.
Have everything you think you may need or ever need bound.
Have Capping addon, so you can enlarge your minimap from shift M so you don’t have to constantly open map, you will get used to it, another map you should constantly be watching when you are going up to their roof as a team through tunnel, many start kiting early and you can notice this is you are watching your map.
/console cameradistancemaxfactor 5 - Gives you a fully zoomed out look, helps a lot on legit every class.
Have a cancel cast macro(if you wish) for when you get a gun proc and want to burst someone down at that point in time, you will find its mostly unnecessary.
In a 1v1 vs a hunter their right after their first steadyshot their auto attack will go off between their 2nd cast of steadyshot, this is when you can sneak in 2 bandage ticks and win a 1v1 easily.
Have track humanoids, beasts and hidden on.
Pick up Filled Festive Mug during the events, slow falling across the map from Top of Tunnel with disengage and the flag is like having 3 displacers. (Useable in premades, pretty sure it is banned in the rules somewhere.)
There are a buttload of tips for a hunter, sadly I cannot recite them all because they are mostly situational, keep practicing and you’ll get places.