EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

Will definitely try it thanks!

But what about my second question?
I don't even like hunter anymore, outside premades hunter has been shit for a very long time at least in the twink community, if you look at endgame hunter isn't even in the top 100 on any region, its in a very bad spot. They completely ruined enjoyable specs over and over again trying to make them unique every expansion, unlike back in the day where 1 spec relied on pet, another relied on traps, another relied on ranged fucking damage, its really gone downhill.
How do i get better as warrior, i tend to die alot in bgs and i really dont know what role a warrior really has in pugs and wargames. Pls help
I don't even like hunter anymore, outside premades hunter has been shit for a very long time at least in the twink community, if you look at endgame hunter isn't even in the top 100 on any region, its in a very bad spot. They completely ruined enjoyable specs over and over again trying to make them unique every expansion, unlike back in the day where 1 spec relied on pet, another relied on traps, another relied on ranged fucking damage, its really gone downhill.

Thanks for your response, i guess i will try nother class.
How do i get better as warrior, i tend to die alot in bgs and i really dont know what role a warrior really has in pugs and wargames. Pls help
Warrior has always been in a weaker spot than most other classes in pugs, if your team doesn't have a strong healing line up most of the time you being middle means you are dead, so this means you have 1 other option, the classic randylayhee option.

This is where you play D or deep O, playing nelf and melding in weird spots, taking unusual 1v1s and disrupting the course of the game, hopefully you will be able to do this enough so your team can take the advantage to win the gulch. I've seen him wait on roof for inexperienced FCs and just pop them like they are a tomato, picking up the flag just before they can cap and clutching a kill on their efc saving the team a cap, you're a warrior, you're gimpy and in a weak spot, have fun with it, test your limits.

I understand most things about it insofar as they relate to common sense I use in other situations... Keep healers around, kite, move with team, position yourself when you're about to die...

One thing I've never really understood or thought about much was choosing a path with the flag. When and why should you go tunnel, graveyard, ramp? When and why should you go roof, 2nd floor or like, running into GY? Advantages/disadvantages of these respective positions?

Ofc you want to avoid enemies and find friendlies. Is there more to it? Picking routes, how much calculation goes into all this? Is it simply a matter on long distance spacing-- go wide if your enemies will collapse on your go short if you can speed past them?

also (more complicated):

What makes the people who are so revered in the 19s bracket for their FCing so good? The best FC I can ever remember playing with in f2p/vet was Hida, and I could never put my finger on why he was so damn good except that he just... never died.... ever... He seemed to always pull magic out of his ass.

(sorry for the minor wall of text)
Being able to see into the future is the most important part of knowing where the friendlies and enemies will be. This will decide your path when you pick up the flag. Tunnel is the fastest route, and ramp/gy are safer alternates, and going roof is for more dire situations where the enemy has a lot of control around their top side and in mid.

A guy like Hida could probably see very far into the future and know exactly what position to be in and which direction to go in to give the enemy no chance to catch him.

Also, communication with your team. If you let them know what you are doing, that lets them aid you better. Though it is hit and miss in pugs.

Hope this helps... the answer to this is more an art than a science.
Any advice for your team seeing how Pizza runs circles around you
I would like to know what team you are referring to.

I see a lot of talk of 19s/20s wanting 300 engineer, but I see no reason to go past 225ish (rocket boots) aside from the goggles? Is that the only reason? Thanks
People do it mainly for the fun of it, the googles are quite strong.
Why don’t I like hunter class no more?
They deleted the wrong spec, bm shoulda been melee :(

so this means you have 1 other option, the classic randylayhee option.

This is where you play D or deep O, playing nelf and melding in weird spots, taking unusual 1v1s and disrupting the course of the game, hopefully you will be able to do this enough so your team can take the advantage to win the gulch. I've seen him wait on roof for inexperienced FCs and just pop them like they are a tomato, picking up the flag just before they can cap and clutching a kill on their efc saving the team a cap, you're a warrior, you're gimpy and in a weak spot, have fun with it, test your limits.

Can't say enough about how entertaining it was playing WSG pugs with and against him. He made a lot of games way more fun than they had any right to be.
Any advice for yourself in hopes of getting Pizza on your team ?
For me, my drive to play in any twink cup, is to face pizza, he wasn't around in legion so I didn't care, I had no intention of playing for GSC until he was offered a spot on LSN, pizza has been the rival since cata, if you played alliance you would know the gy farming and the struggles teams like traincow went through, that's my drive, if pizza doesnt play there is no need for me to play
I'd recommend grinder, far better than tinder imo, usually is quite good at finding twinks on wow.

probably has more to do with gays being less picky and you actually getting people matching/talking to you on grindr.
do you think I'll be able to get on one of the top teams bench for the upcoming twink cup?
Can you do a datailed like the hunter one for rogues? I belive alot of rogues will benefit from that, there are so many of them wandering in sircles. how to assist team, when to open, escort, when not to sap ect

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