On Double Standards.

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Not even remotely close, but wow you're kinda creepy for your efforts?

Listen I've been here since the beginning, and I have always heard both sides. Your confirmation bias may not be letting you see any point of view but your own, but of the two of us, I don't think I'm the one with the cloudier vision.

Double standards is the perfect name for this thread. Before you played on misha you did not and would not stand up for lil.

after all, you ap premaders are all scrubs no? Wonder who said that till misha was populated?
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Oh dear, I shouldn't post while drunk but all this is super interesting.

I have no idea about the circumstance of the banning, so I won't throw in an opinion on that, already quite a lot floating around.

I do hope it's temporary. I really still think permabans make an already small community unnecessarily tiny. Shrivelled. Anyway, why are her useful threads like for gear scaling deleted? Seems weird.

Uh, Kin darling, I am really fond of Lil, with all her scratchy parts and standing up for stuff and righteousness and being helpful and I never even minded the occasional spat. But I remember Lil going reaaaaallly way off what I'd think would be reasonable where hairy is concerned, so I don't think it's fair to get him to love Lil. Mostly lots of ingame stuff where no-one is like truly evil but where it's also just okay for both of them to not like the other.

Anyway just my thoughts. Forgive any weirdness in post, I probably won't have meant whatever seems weird tomorrow.

God bless autocorrect or you'd think this was written in Klingon.
>implying Lil was banned for eyepatch/hunter/alliance
>implying Lil was banned for having an opinion
>implying we are responsible for an individual's behavior

It's ok for Lil to bully but not for her to be bullied? It's not ok to scrutinize her in the same fashion she scrutinized inoobupro? Talk about double standards, this thread is a joke and a bad one.

sums it up perfectly for me. I'm not a fan of inoob (look at my post history (it's colourful)) but she set out in her last rant to have him parma banned for no other reason than not liking him.
Before you played on misha you did not and would not stand up for lil.

That's not entirely true. Before I starting playing on Misha, I wasn't playing or reading the forums at all. But I've felt that Lil was getting a bad rap for many years, and years ago I did defend her, to the point that she asked me not to. You are right that I hadn't said anything in the 6 months prior to joining Misha, but that's because I was playing War Thunder and getting reasonable amounts of sleep. And for what it's worth, I switched to Misha primarily because Rhae was there.
And Kincaide, please, enlighten me on what happened between Lil and I?

When I said both sides, I mean Lil vs the general attitude against Lil, I didn't mean Lil vs any particular person. as I posted above, I've had long periods away from the forums, so I don't know the first thing about any -personal- issues between the two of you. You began by speaking about how Lil treated people in general, not how she treated you. My response was in the same vein. If you want to talk about your personal issues with her, then you need to avoid talking about how she treats "everyone" and how "everybody" thinks this and that.
You began by speaking about how Lil treated people in general, not how she treated you. My response was in the same vein. If you want to talk about your personal issues with her, then you need to avoid talking about how she treats "everyone" and how "everybody" thinks this and that.

I have no real desire to delve too deeply in this argument. But Kin... there was a period of time (and still is) when many, many, many... people on these forums (and in game) were the subject of some sort of derision from Lil. I have no problem with her one way or the other now. But I'd wager many people have some history (in some fashion) :cool:. And while it may not be *everyone* I'd say many people have had some sort of memorable interaction. I've said my piece.

Disclaimer... I do play occasionally on Misha. I do occasionally play/premade with Lil. I enjoy talking to her. But that doesn't mean I'll throw on rose colored glasses about many an interaction that I bore witness to.
Nothing about twinking says you shouldn't buy gold or sell an account. You are posting in the free to play section, that in its self is a loophole in the game.

Leave it to you to make a useless post that completely misses the point.
sums it up perfectly for me. I'm not a fan of inoob (look at my post history (it's colourful)) but she set out in her last rant to have him parma banned for no other reason than not liking him.
That awkward moment when people are actually defending Inoobupro.

To me, this is like instant loss. The moment you try to suggest that anyone else was more deserving of a ban than Inoobupro then that's when you've lost.

Seriously though.. Tell me who is more deserving of a ban? His offences literally eclipse everybody else's offences on this entire forum.

I think it's disingenuous of you to say that it's because she doesn't like him. Are you forgetting who we're talking about here? First off, who actually likes him?

I asked the same question she did not that long ago and my reasons are not simply because I don't like him. I don't like you, for example.. but you don't see me campaigning for your ban. There is more than sufficient reason to want Inoobupro banned and this is compounded by the fact that he was already permabanned once before.

I think it's a joke that we can justify banning people when that guy is still around. He is proof that this forums rules are a joke.

I don't get why Lil was banned but surely she doesn't deserve to be banned any more than Inoobupro? Temporary or otherwise.
That awkward moment when people are actually defending Inoobupro.

To me, this is like instant loss. The moment you try to suggest that anyone else was more deserving of a ban than Inoobupro then that's when you've lost.

Seriously though.. Tell me who is more deserving of a ban? His offences literally eclipse everybody else's offences on this entire forum.

I think it's disingenuous of you to say that it's because she doesn't like him. Are you forgetting who we're talking about here? First off, who actually likes him?
Even the Ku Klux Klan is entitled to freedom of speach. What sort of community ostracizes a person because they disagree with their point of view? It's not about what he said or whether I support his message. It's about the way he communicated his message. His methods were inappropriate. Perhaps we should have given him the opportunity to change them before we stood by as he was removed. I read, as most of you did, that he was given numerous chances and was guilty of numerous offenses. He was a part of this community whether you liked him or not. He deserved an ultimatum at the very least.

But here you claim no one likes him as if that is the only evidence required to prove the justness of his sentence. That anyone who could defend him has to be a monster and must surely be cut from the same cloth as he.

I don't like you, for example.. but you don't see me campaigning for your ban. There is more than sufficient reason to want Inoobupro banned and this is compounded by the fact that he was already permabanned once before.

I suspect the only reason you are not, as you say, "campaigning" for his ban, is you don't have sufficient evidence to see it through. Clearly you are the sort of person who would exclude people whom you dislike and would politicize your efforts. Now where have we seen this before?

This is exactly what Lil did to inoobupro. She chose an easy target, with a long rap sheet already weakened by a previous "permaban". She boldly flaunted her willingness to break the rules in order to attack him. She posted that thread with the impression that she could never receive any real consequence. An infraction... maybe, if I recall her wording correctly.

Lil used politics to remove a member of this community because she disliked him. She is guilty of the same infractions as he; trolling, flaming and disrupting the community.

It just so happens that we are not blind nor do we forget. Most of us have witnessed her behavior here and the way she treats others. It's not a matter of opinion or playing the victim. Upswag mirrored her formula and this time she was in the cross-hairs. We see the results of that scrutiny.

Is this the manner in which we police ourselves? If we wish to be part of the greater whole it is our duty to care for our own. It is harmful to sic the mods on an established member of our community. If you do not appreciate someone here, I suggest you ignore them. If you disapprove of what they have to say, I suggest you use the features afforded you and block them.

If you all claim to care for the health of this community take care who you take action against. We are a sum of all parts and none are to be removed based upon some twisted popularity contest. Be you mod or user. Practice humility, kindness and patience in face of adversity. Do not weaken.

I do hope it's temporary. I really still think permabans make an already small community unnecessarily tiny. Shrivelled. Anyway, why are her useful threads like for gear scaling deleted? Seems weird.
PS She's only banned for a week.
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>implying Lil was banned for eyepatch/hunter/alliance
>implying Lil was banned for having an opinion
>implying we are responsible for an individual's behavior

It's ok for Lil to bully but not for her to be bullied? It's not ok to scrutinize her in the same fashion she scrutinized inoobupro? Talk about double standards, this thread is a joke and a bad one.

You can go ahead and reread what i wrote, if you want. Or you can go ahead and take that and run with it.

tl;dr: Something something be the change you want to see something something clichés.

I was actually thinking of using another one but it felt like too much :3

Anyhow, the rest of you guys are focusing too much on the Lil part. She was just an example, a symptom of the problem. Not the entirety of the problem. I've already said in my first post that i don't think her ban was unjustified. Just pointing out that i understand where shes coming from. When the majority refuses to acknowledge anything you say because of something as basic as a faction preference, or a class preference, or a spec preference. Add to that berating you for your choice, It's pretty frustrating, and it's this type of mentality that has basically been common policy since the brackets conception. Obviously fighting fire with fire didn't work. Just look at what happened to Lil. So maybe an honest, open discussion on the topic would be better. That's the theory anyway.
Not entirely sure what the story is/was with the "why she was banned" and all, and admittedly I only got through like page five of this thing before the trolls made me too disgusted to continue reading, but as far as I know, Lil has always been strongly opinionated, and I'd rather have someone like that around than a number of the trolls that cruise these forums.

Not sure I ever saw her post anything "HATEFUL" as some of these posts suggest; strongly worded, and at times defensive maybe... but I have seen her take lots of flak for telling trolls off.

PS She's only banned for a week.

I think even if it's just for a week it sets a bad precedent that only serves to empower the trolls, and that's really the worst part of this whole thing.
If you need to vent, so be it, but if you're sober and angrily posting on a forum, you should have calmed your tits. If you read such heated posts that it in turn angers you back, calm your tits. this is a site about a game. GAME. GAME. If shit bothers you, get over it. This is the internet. Welcome to the (cyber) jungle. I frankly don't give a damn if anyone reads my post, yet I write it anyways, because I want to, because I can do whatever the fuck I want behind an anonymous name. I've seen players, and even friends, come and go. I've seen leaders fall off the grid; you know who you are ;). People do what they will. I don't usually troll TI for much of the same reason I don't go on a homicidal killing spree: I don't particularly feel like it. When you oh so dedicated bastards who at some point were the epitome of twinking turn this into politics, you take the fun out of the game.

tl;dr: calm your tits or tear them off; idgaf as long as the ques keep popping and the games are fun.

Edit: The jackass the posted the gay porn went too far. Kids are on this forum.
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You can go ahead and reread what i wrote, if you want. Or you can go ahead and take that and run with it.

I was actually thinking of using another one but it felt like too much :3

Anyhow, the rest of you guys are focusing too much on the Lil part. She was just an example, a symptom of the problem. Not the entirety of the problem. I've already said in my first post that i don't think her ban was unjustified. Just pointing out that i understand where shes coming from. When the majority refuses to acknowledge anything you say because of something as basic as a faction preference, or a class preference, or a spec preference. Add to that berating you for your choice, It's pretty frustrating, and it's this type of mentality that has basically been common policy since the brackets conception. Obviously fighting fire with fire didn't work. Just look at what happened to Lil. So maybe an honest, open discussion on the topic would be better. That's the theory anyway.
I read the entire OP. You're still fixated on playing the victim as an Alliance player and it's been years now. This "professional victim" behavior is the same exhibited by Lil and the same argument used in defense of her.

Blame it on the trolls, but never mind that she is a troll. Next you'll be telling us to check our Horde privilege.

Let's not pretend you didn't create this thread to discuss her ban.

Lil_ at least post some gore. Are you even trying?
I think even if it's just for a week it sets a bad precedent that only serves to empower the trolls, and that's really the worst part of this whole thing.

The only bad precedent is the political action of an @thread: please ban "x" user. This was set by Lil.
Is this the manner in which we police ourselves?
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