On Double Standards.

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It's not a knee jerk reaction, I don't see any point in continuing a discussion with you. You were arguing how Lils/inoobupro's attitude was detrimental to the community and then turned around and said that the world is a cold unforgiving place, so this forum should be too. I'm not interested your contradictions, or your insults.

That is not at all what I was arguing. My arguments have been that there is no double standard regarding Lil/inoobupro's bans. That it is crucial for people here to understand that the way in which they were banned is the problem. That it cannot be repeated. I argued that double standard you are fixated on doesn't exist and your dilemma is laughable and stupid to the point of ridiculous to even be considered a topic of discussion or debate. It is the very nature of the game you are playing that you have a problem with. Without it we would have no game. But you want to sit here and discuss it openly and honestly as if this conclusion you dream of where both sides love each other and dance together in mid while singing songs is in any way possible or desirable. THE INTENDED PURPOSE OF YOUR THREAD IS LUDICROUS. I meant it when I said this thread was a joke, for more reasons than one.

I explained to you in layman's terms the nature of reality and you dismiss it as if I'm painting a picture of some horror show. You sit here and claim that you are required by (whom?) to feel a certain way and don't see why I am completly disgusted by it? Because you relate to Lil's reasons for constantly flying off the handle her actions are reasonabl?. Because of loleyepatch? The fact that you let something so inconsequential effect you to the degree that you'd use it in defense of someone who clearly abused the CoC is SAD. Of course you say you agree that her ban was justified but you are still defending her actions with the most fragile of arguments no matter how you describe it.

That you call me contradicting is beyond ironic. It's YOUR FAULT you're insulted when I describe you ACCURATELY. You claim to want openness and honesty, well now you're getting it and surprise surprise you can't handle it. Jack Nicholson anyone?

Again, if you wanted to better the community you would have addressed real issues. All you wanted was to condemn your opponents for describing your advantages and use that as justification for bad behavior because of the way it "made you" feel. I am truly sorry you are incapable of understanding these simple truths and for my inability to communicate them to you effectively.

I never claimed this forum should be cold and unforgiving, I explained that you shouldn't be so easily trod upon by words directed at a fictional character you play. Now run away, coward.

Umph, fan the flames feel the burn.
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