On Double Standards.

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Taking a lesson from the podcast you linked, HB... there are people--newer players than yourself--who look up to you and who will inevitably take lessons from what you do on the subject of the "right way" to deal with drama. Do you feel comfortable that you're sending the right message? You said yourself in your post edit that "Many of these posts Lil plays the antagonist to my opinion, (which is fine, arguments add different perspectives)." And yet you openly condone in-game retaliation for her posts? Which you just said you didn't mind?

Is Lil such a strong influence on your psyche that you feel you have to destroy her, in-game and out? Honestly that doesn't sound like you, not the you that I listened to for over an hour talking about the right way to deal with drama and how much you admired the one guild leader who carefully, thoughtfully wrote a post to end conflict and strife within a community, not to to escalate and exacerbate it.

You're a leader. Please lead wisely, be aware of your own logical fallacies, and use your position, respect, and notoriety to END this stupid conflict, not to feed the fires more. Please, I'm asking you as one MVP to another.

I feel very comfortable that I am sending the right message, expressing my opinion on the manner. I strongly feel I have not gone out of my way to belittle Lil until she has repeatedly slandered and gone out of her way to make me look like the villain. I really feel that i have done nothing to hurt her psyche in or out of game. If you consider the game i farmed her to be "destroying", that is the only thing i can think of that i have done to negatively affect Lil, and to be honest (like i have explained before) I really don't feel bad for doing it after the continuous pecking she has done to myself, my friends, and to this point the image of my stream.

I feel that i go out of my way to be kind to people, lend a hand, guide people in the right direction etc, and even in this very moment I still believe this discussion is a guide for the right direction for people to look off of. I have not maliciously gone out of my way to embarrass or criticize Lil for her actions, I have only retaliated with forum comments and my in-game actions which in my opinion feel justified.

With all this being said, I will treat Lil with respect if she in turn shows respect to my friends and myself, as Rollop said in the OP, "Respect is a 2 way street".
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I feel very comfortable that I am sending the right message, expressing my opinion on the manner. I strongly feel I have not gone out of my way to belittle Lil until she has repeatedly slandered and gone out of her way to make me look like the villain. I really feel that i have done nothing to hurt her psyche in or out of game. If you consider the game i farmed her to be "destroying", that is the only thing i can think of that i have done to negatively affect Lil, and to be honest (like i have explained before) I really don't feel bad for doing it after the continuous pecking she has done to myself, my friends, and to this point the image of my stream.

I feel that i go out of my way to be kind to people, lend a hand, guide people in the right direction etc, and even in this very moment I still believe this discussion is a guide for the right direction for people to look off of. I have not maliciously gone out of my way to embarrass or criticize Lil for her actions, I have only retaliated with forum comments and my in-game actions which in my opinion feel justified.

With all this being said, I will treat Lil with respect if she in turn shows respect to my friends and myself, as Rollop said in the OP, "Respect is a 2 way street".

I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider what I wrote. I have my eye towards a long-term resolution for all this mess, which I feel on both sides stems from a misunderstanding of intent, and I understand that you'll continue to do what you feel is best for your interests as well. Lil is a defensive person and I know firsthand that she feels she's only giving in turn what she feels she's being dealt, but she is a good hearted person, she really is. Eventually someone is going to have to blink and say "I'm not going to keep escalating this, I'm tuning it out." I don't know who that's going to be but I hope someone does. Anyhow peace be with you.
I never saw this site as a site that should be taken seriously. Almost all, all of its consistent posters do the very things Lil did (most of the time, far worse). Almost none of them ever receive even a temporary ban, but honestly if these forums were moderated in such a way the site wouldn't exist. For better or for worse, these forums always have been and (part of me thinks) always will be, like this. It's part of Twink Info, it's the people. It's the mentality of our communities and the competitive spirit that we let flourish among us. Yes, competitiveness is what makes us act this way. Eventually, it gets personal, mean, and cruel. Insulting someone's character over a video game, is wrong but it happens a lot here.

Everyone has a competitiveness to them, it's human. Some of us lose sight of things and go too far. I know a lot of WoW friends like this. We make mistakes though, right? Lil was banned because she was passionate about something. She wasn't afraid to say what she felt. She cared a lot. Sure, maybe she said somethings, broke some rules but we all do. Most of us here do that just about everyday. I think we shouldn't judge anyone but that is a little romantic, to not judge anyone at all is kinda naive I think. So, I say we judge someone by the sum of their person-ish-ness instead of just their fancy eye-patch or their big ears. Those ears are very, very, very OP though.

Lil was a good member of our little dysfunctional, argumentative little cult family. I think kicking her out was a big mistake, she was vocal, proud, and competitive like most of you are. I don't get it, was she too intimating to you? Too competitive? Too vocal? I'm not a very competitive person, nor very vocal, so I don't know. All I know is, she did a lot for these forums. She gave and took and as long as someone does that I don't mind. It's the ones that take and take and take without giving anything back that bother me. Discussion is about giving and taking. Sometimes it gets ugly, personal, and even mean. Other times, it's dreadfully boring.

We need to try and find a middle ground.
>implying Lil was banned for eyepatch/hunter/alliance
>implying Lil was banned for having an opinion
>implying we are responsible for an individual's behavior

It's ok for Lil to bully but not for her to be bullied? It's not ok to scrutinize her in the same fashion she scrutinized [MENTION=13444]inoobupro[/MENTION]? Talk about double standards, this thread is a joke and a bad one.
This is about perceived gear and class imbalances, and this is also about Lil. Everything Sleepy said has been my experience as well. I first befriended Lil years ago because I saw how personally and passionately she took everything, because people DID bully her and abuse her for being A) an Alliance hunter B) with an opinion. The thing that makes me the most upset about Lil's situation is that I see this clear message from the forum bullies of "How dare she stand up to us, how dare she push back and not just take our abuse?" and when she does fight back, using no more serious tactics and language than have been leveled against her, she's the one that gets punished.

Among the douchebag culture there's this thing, often talked about in feminist circles, when a woman gets catcalled on the street, she's expected to just take it or ignore it. She shouldn't have to. But if she gives any lip back--or for that matter, if a woman in a bar even turns down a guy whose advances are not welcome--SHE is called a bitch. Think about that. Think about the twisted sense of entitlement that must come with the mindset that I can treat you any way I want because you are "lesser", and if you push back against it, YOU are the bitch who is stepping out of line. Frankly I'm impressed Lil put up with it as well as she did.


Kincaide how is it you can take the time to write and make sure you're using every S.A.T word possible, but you can't take the time to understand the issue people had with Lil? Are you THAT high up her ass? Have you read anyones posts?

This is NOT about class an gear imbalances, its about how Lil, unprovoked, went out of her way to publicly question peoples skill, motives, etc etc , among other silly things. THIS IS WHAT RESULTED IN PEOPLE CALLING HER OUT FOR PLAYING A HUNTER.

What you and [MENTION=8769]Rhaellia[/MENTION] are saying is correct, however you are applying it to the OPPOSITE PARTIES. That cat calling comparison is terrible, because Lil is not at all innocent. LIL would be the one cat calling in that situation. She is the one who started it. Any group that becomes spotlighted on TI became a threat to Lil, because they stole all her attention. The Ursin crew is the best example. A group of great players, with a great community. However, in Lil's opinions, premaders are scum. (If they arent from misha of course!) There is a point where logic outweighs someones opinions. Sure Lil is entitled to her opinions, but then I guess Hitler was entitled to his.

So, I say we judge someone by the sum of their person-ish-ness instead of just their fancy eye-patch or their big ears.

^ you're incredibly mislead

If you crawl out of Lil's ass far enough you may understand where the majority is coming from.
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In the end, people are banned and then unbanned for multiple reasons (real or imaginary)

Life goes on...
Kincaide how is it you can take the time to write and make sure you're using every S.A.T word possible, but you can't take the time to understand the issue people had with Lil? Are you THAT high up her ass? Have you read anyones posts?

It's here that you demonstrate you don't know me in the least.

... its about how Lil, unprovoked, went out of her way [...] She is the one who started it.

It's here that you demonstrate that you don't know TI history in the least.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. I can't take a person seriously that berated everyone who played anything op while defending hunters the whole of cataclysm.

She is whats wrong with this bracket...

a person that does but then points.
This whole forum is shit. Not the people, though a lot of you are pretty shitty posters and inhibit actual intelligent discussion with your irrelevant or trollish one liners that get a couple likes and that 'moderators' seem to ignore, but the forum as a whole. From the top down. What an actual pile of shit. No wonder Blizzard won't take twinking seriously; look at twinking's main community forum and website. Intelligent twinking discussion is limited to a handful of individuals, there is little to no MEANINGFUL moderation, the forum promotes account selling and gold sale, but Lil needs to be banned? LOL

For the love of god, if you all care about twinking let's go in on a brand new twinking website/forum and forget this cesspool.

P.S. I know the above isn't really relevant but who cares

P.P.S exactly
It's here that you demonstrate you don't know me in the least.

Oh, but I do Devon Williams of 92 Wright Street.

It's here that you demonstrate that you don't know TI history in the least.

No, I know exactly what I am talking about. You must be hearing Lil's side of the story, and believing that vs the many other people who Lil has decided to have some pointless vendetta against, which is I guess understandable. It is typical for people to stand up for their friends. You're a good friend, Devon.

Oh, but I do Devon Williams of 92 Wright Street.

Not even remotely close, but wow you're kinda creepy for your efforts?

No, I know exactly what I am talking about. You must be hearing Lil's side of the story, and believing that vs the many other people who Lil has decided to have some pointless vendetta against, which is I guess understandable. It is typical for people to stand up for their friends. You're a good friend, Devon.

Listen I've been here since the beginning, and I have always heard both sides. Your confirmation bias may not be letting you see any point of view but your own, but of the two of us, I don't think I'm the one with the cloudier vision.
This whole forum is shit. Not the people, though a lot of you are pretty shitty posters and inhibit actual intelligent discussion with your irrelevant or trollish one liners that get a couple likes and that 'moderators' seem to ignore, but the forum as a whole. From the top down. What an actual pile of shit. No wonder Blizzard won't take twinking seriously; look at twinking's main community forum and website. Intelligent twinking discussion is limited to a handful of individuals, there is little to no MEANINGFUL moderation, the forum promotes account selling and gold sale, but Lil needs to be banned? LOL

For the love of god, if you all care about twinking let's go in on a brand new twinking website/forum and forget this cesspool.

P.S. I know the above isn't really relevant but who cares

P.P.S exactly

Nothing about twinking says you shouldn't buy gold or sell an account. You are posting in the free to play section, that in its self is a loophole in the game.
Not even remotely close, but wow you're kinda creepy for your efforts?

Listen I've been here since the beginning, and I have always heard both sides. Your confirmation bias may not be letting you see any point of view but your own, but of the two of us, I don't think I'm the one with the cloudier vision.

My efforts? It was extremely difficult making up 3 names...

And [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION], please, enlighten me on what happened between Lil and I?

Anodder edit- Save it, it doesn't matter
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