On Double Standards.

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Lil_ at least post some gore. Are you even trying?

The only bad precedent is the political action of an @thread: please ban "x" user. This was set by Lil.

Unless Lil was posting on the very first forum to be setup on the internet, I think people have been making threads like those for sometime. But that said, I tend to ignore @threads, so I cant say if that's the case or not.

I just think that if bans needed to fired at/into people, they hit a minor offender at best... at worst, said bans hit a minor offender while a cannibalistic psychopath was sitting across the street tossing babies out a window. Point being, there are people who deserved it TONS more.

On a side note, don't ask for things that most of us do not want to see lol.
Unless Lil was posting on the very first forum to be setup on the internet, I think people have been making threads like those for sometime. But that said, I tend to ignore @threads, so I cant say if that's the case or not.

I just think that if bans needed to fired at/into people, they hit a minor offender at best... at worst, said bans hit a minor offender while a cannibalistic psychopath was sitting across the street tossing babies out a window. Point being, there are people who deserved it TONS more.

On a side note, don't ask for things that most of us do not want to see lol.

Actions have consequences. Period. It is for the moderator's discretion to decide what that consequence will be. The point is, these @ threads circumvent the system. User's are meant to be reported, not publicly persecuted, for what I hope are obvious reasons to all of you. Such an action could not go by without a proper response and that was to mirror it. To show it for what it is. Let us not repeat it again.
Actions have consequences. Period. It is for the moderator's discretion to decide what that consequence will be. The point is, these @ threads circumvent the system. User's are meant to be reported, not publicly persecuted, for what I hope are obvious reasons to all of you. Such an action could not go by without a proper response and that was to mirror it. To show it for what it is. Let us not repeat it again.
For a guy who thinks it's not our right to decide who should be banned. You sure as hell think it's your right to tell us what to do.

Inoobupro was already given an ultimatum. That's what the infractions and temp bans were. They were chances. He's had tons of them. There's no need to give him another one. It's clear that he doesn't want to change.

He wasn't banned for ''free speech''. He was banned for trolling.
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I don't believe that's the case at all. As the OP said, its a double standard.

It's a shame [MENTION=20635]Upswag[/MENTION]'s thread was deleted. He did plenty of homework, to which Lil responded. She admitted to trolling.
I read the entire OP. You're still fixated on playing the victim as an Alliance player and it's been years now. This "professional victim" behavior is the same exhibited by Lil and the same argument used in defense of her.

Blame it on the trolls, but never mind that she is a troll. Next you'll be telling us to check our Horde privilege.

Let's not pretend you didn't create this thread to discuss her ban.

Lil_ at least post some gore. Are you even trying?

The only bad precedent is the political action of an @thread: please ban "x" user. This was set by Lil.

I don't even know Lil, in game or out. I don't play on her server, and were not on each others btags. The entire point of the thread was stated in the OP. I'm not playing the victim, just calling out double standards. It's completely okay to shit on alliance players, and it has been since the start. Any retaliation is considered "Wrong" You can go ahead and flip through old threads and see everything archived up to this point, proving everything stated. If you really want a healthy community then you have to accept that It's not okay to berate other players. No favorites, no bullshit. Complete transparency. I've already told you multiple times that I don't agree with Lils actions, but I understand them, and where they came from​. So you can stop trying to turn this into something it's not.
I don't even know Lil, in game or out. I don't play on her server, and were not on each others btags. The entire point of the thread was stated in the OP. I'm not playing the victim, just calling out double standards. It's completely okay to shit on alliance players, and it has been since the start. Any retaliation is considered "Wrong" You can go ahead and flip through old threads and see everything archived up to this point, proving everything stated. If you really want a healthy community then you have to accept that It's not okay to berate other players. No favorites, no bullshit. Complete transparency. I've already told you multiple times that I don't agree with Lils actions, but I understand them, and where they came from​. So you can stop trying to turn this into something it's not.

I'm certain you know that anyone who is reasonable can see the advantages and disadvantages of either faction. Therefore you should also note that someone expressing some dramatic inequity is either A) unreasonable B) trolling you. You've heard the phrase don't feed the trolls yes? I don't know why you'd carry that weight with you for so long. The only thing stopping you from relaxing about this issue is you. I would never recommend placing responsibility of one's own feelings onto another person.

A troll can be purposeful, beyond being a nuisance or irritant. By that I mean trolling can be used to teach. More often than not it simply antagonizes people, but in some cases an individual opens up to a perspective they might otherwise never see. In this case the lesson is to have thicker skin and a lighter heart.
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A troll can be purposeful, beyond being a nuisance or irritant. By that I mean trolling can be used to teach. More often than not it simply antagonizes people, but in some cases an individual opens up to a perspective they might otherwise never see. In this case the lesson is to have thicker skin and a lighter heart.

There is no lesson in this... at least none that is worthwhile teaching. It's just sad.
It's completely okay to shit on alliance players, and it has been since the start. Any retaliation is considered "Wrong" You can go ahead and flip through old threads and see everything archived up to this point, proving everything stated.
There is no way to prove that the opinions stated here are the rule. Even if Rollop were to go through and cite every incident in this battle of factions and horde bias came out to be the majority, that would only be representative of TI. In any case it is his responsibility to cite evidence not the other way around. It's his argument after all. If he were to establish a horde bias on TI, as difficult a task as that would be, what is to be gained from this result? There is no gain, there is no point. To be troubled by these bias' is to waste one's time on unreasonable blathering.

It seems to me the only purpose is to establish victim-hood and commiserate with someone who was banned.

There is no lesson in this... at least none that is worthwhile teaching. It's just sad.

You cannot control the actions of another. But you can control your reaction to their act. This lesson is indeed worthwhile to take away from any encounter. Whether the actor intends to teach or not, we can always learn something. There are many lessons to be found regardless of the intent of the other. To learn nothing at all, is sad.
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There is no way to prove that the opinions stated here are the rule. Even if Rollop were to go through and cite every incident in this battle of factions and horde bias came out to be the majority, that would only be representative of TI. In any case it is his responsibility to cite evidence not the other way around. It's his argument after all. If he were to establish a horde bias on TI, as difficult a task as that would be, what is to be gained from this result? There is no gain, there is no point. To be troubled by these bias' is to waste one's time on unreasonable blathering.

Shining a light on the issues with this forum. People want a good community, and highlighting the issues in it is a step towards fixing them.

It seems to me the only purpose is to establish victim-hood and commiserate with someone who was banned.

Again, I used Lil as an example of what hostility has led to, and what It will continue to lead to. Fighting fire with fire isn't the answer.

You cannot control the actions of another. But you can control your reaction to their act. This lesson is indeed worthwhile to take away from any encounter. Whether the actor intends to teach or not, we can always learn something. There are many lessons to be found regardless of the intent of the other. To learn nothing at all, is sad.

I agree 100% that people are responsible for their own actions. However, It's not okay for me to antagonize you and then turn around and feel attacked because you reciprocate those actions. I'm not above all of this either, i have done it in the past. I've come to realize that It's not a good way to handle issues. Open honest discussions are much better, and for the most part this thread has had some great responses.
Shining a light on the issues with this forum. People want a good community, and highlighting the issues in it is a step towards fixing them.
loleyepatch is not a community issue. It's your issue. WoW is Horde v Alliance, that's why we play.
Again, I used Lil as an example of what hostility has led to, and what It will continue to lead to. Fighting fire with fire isn't the answer.
The only thing that lead to Lil's ban is Lil.

I agree 100% that people are responsible for their own actions. However, It's not okay for me to antagonize you and then turn around and feel attacked because you reciprocate those actions. I'm not above all of this either, i have done it in the past. I've come to realize that It's not a good way to handle issues. Open honest discussions are much better, and for the most part this thread has had some great responses.
It's not okay for you to feel the way you choose to? This statement nearly resulted in my abandoning this thread. What you feel and what you think are the ONLY THING you have a remote chance of controlling in life. Let that sink in.

Life is chaos. There is no safety, no cozy haven. Only chance. Even your thoughts are heavily influenced, the majority of it happening behind the scenes, out of view of your consciousness. Your consciousness simply regurgitates what your sub-concious has already worked out for you. Your feelings are heavily influenced by chemicals and your ability to think with logic and reason. Not to mention the effects of the media-run indoctrination that occurs without your knowledge. You and everyone around you are controlled and manipulated in ways you cannot imagine compounded by society reinforcing the brainwashing. Let me guess, your knee jerk reaction is to shrug that off and dismiss it immediately. Congratulations you're behaving exactly the way you're taught to.

If I attack you and you don't feel attacked, there is something wrong with you. I don't believe you want open and honest discussions. If I were open and honest I would insult damn near everyone on this forum.

If you wanted to better this community you would have started a thread in that vein, identifying real issues.
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Double standards as in lil hating on p2pcrutchers despite maining an ally huntard since cata? Or as in haying 24s despite creating one? Or her hatred toward premades and then later premading?
Looking for a mod to thread lock this... there is THE TAVERN to open threads of diff topics, this has button to do with this bracket... and all. The comments are about lil, if you have things against lil spit it out when she's there , on misha for example.
Please lock this thread.

What does the sheep say?

It's not a knee jerk reaction, I don't see any point in continuing a discussion with you. You were arguing how Lils/inoobupro's attitude was detrimental to the community and then turned around and said that the world is a cold unforgiving place, so this forum should be too. I'm not interested your contradictions, or your insults.

Looking for a mod to thread lock this... there is THE TAVERN to open threads of diff topics, this has button to do with this bracket... and all. The comments are about lil, if you have things against lil spit it out when she's there , on misha for example.
Please lock this thread.

It actually has everything to do with this bracket, and this brackets forum only. And again It's not about Lil, or Lils ban. Reread the topic, and the OP.

Edit: On 2nd thought, feel free to lock it. I think It's been seen by enough people by this point. Stay classy guys.
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