Alright after finishing day 2 (tech day 3 for me since I completed every thing from when DMF was open until the daily reset at 3 server) and I have a total of 42 tickets doing every single quest at level 10, daily or otherwise. It's worth noting a couple things. The kill 250 things doesn't seem to be repeatable, nor do ANY of the profession quests, only the fair event dailies like cannonball. Also, your old DMF tickets don't count, they got turned into "Tattered" tickets and apparently are just for vendor now.
That would put the estimated total per DMF at level 5-14 being 67 tickets, which really, REALLY sucks. Furthermore, the 10 tickets available per drop in 5mans/BGs/Raid are non-renewable, once you've done it that's it for that month. So that brings the TOTAL available tickets per month to a whopping 127-137 even at 85. So it would take one toon approx 3-9 months just to obtain ONE complete xmog set with buying nothing else like mounts/pets/etc. Add to that Blizzards level addition to xmog sets (PTR they were level 1) and the fact that if you aren't 15+ you can't even purchase ONE damn thing per month, the new DMF is pretty much crap for all but very long term players. But maybe that's the point, Blizz is desperate to keep subs and get new ones, so maybe it's all on purpose to take forever to get any real progress with the DMF.