New to the 20s Twinking First Try Need Some Help

get max leech as well to really make the build work

Yea I have a feeling I'm going to be BoE farming for a long time lol. I did manage to get leech on 1 item though and it seems like the stat would add up fast if it was on multiple pieces.
With no versa spells are gonna hit very hard when you don't stand in your consecration. I played alot of prot pala in 20 PvP and would recommend balancing versa and mastery with str/haste gems for faster holy power and more sader procs. But hey there is never one way to do it. Prot is amazing in PvP. Enjoy !
With no versa spells are gonna hit very hard

As I already mentioned that is what the Mastery is for, to block all spells and spell dots which is your greatest source of mitigation and sometimes damage. If you want to hard counter casters you need Mastery.

with str/haste gems for faster holy power

Yea that is a good option. Definitely need haste.

But hey there is never one way to do it. Prot is amazing in PvP. Enjoy !

This is very true :)
ye but then u give up Blessed Hammer. Not a good trade.

That is the point of the build though and it is a great trade. This is a Holy Shield/Mastery build that I made popular at Max level and want to tinker and see if it will work in Twink bracket. If you can get Mastery high enough your top damage and healing in the BG will be Holy shield and mentioned that in my other post with a screen shot. As for Blocking there is almost nothing you can't block.

Pretty much the only thing you can't block is Bleeds. You can block trinket attacks, you can block sieges or cannons, you can block rogue poisons, you can block engineer bombs, you can block all spell dots etc....

So the point of the build is you want a Lock or Priest to Dot you since you block Dots thus killing Dot specs with Holy Shield. Every tick of a Dot you block will send a Holy shard of damage back at them. This is also your biggest protection against Dots which means Dot classes can't kill you and they kill themselves by attacking you. This also means you can destroy Bramble bears as Holy shield creates a dmg feed back loop killing them.

Furthermore the range on Holy Shield is insane. I was at mid in EotS and killed a rogue that had poisons up on me, soon as he rezzed at MT my blocking his poisons sent Holy Shield shards flying at him in the GY from mid preventing his restealth after his rez. So attackers low on HP trying to get away if they have dots on you will also die as they won't be able to outrun it.

I never have used Blessed hammer, I don't find it to be very Prot like and find a Block build to capture the essence of Prot better for me personally. Which is why I use Holy Shield which is likely the most OP talent ever in the game if your Block and Mastery are high enough to support the talent.

The most OP I have ever felt was playing a Mastery Holy Shield Prot Pal. You can do very very naughty things. Just a shame Mastery is hard to come by at this level, hope some day they expand the gem options to work at lower lvl would be nice.
[doublepost=1631058230,1631057484][/doublepost]A final note - Blocking mitigation is factored in before other mitigation due to there being a 2 roll hit table. So you block reducing the damage by 30+% then all your other mitigation is factored in after (armor, versa, cons) One of the reasons I could be so tanky in BFA is Blocking reduced damage by 65% then it gets run through your other mitigation then finally hits your Absorbs. This allowed me to fully absorb 200k hits from Mages or Locks making me nigh-immortal.
Btw Abomb I'm like 1-2 days away from finishing my mastery / verse stacked prot pally (just have to level and do profs). Mastery in every single slot, all ilvl 28s except for the dragonling and the ilvl 25 one hand + shield. 13/15 socketed with steady talasites. I'll be able to give you some numbers after I queue a BG to check stats, might help with planning your gear.

This spec just became more powerful since bramble staff got nerfed :)

Also do any prot / paladin players know if procs crusader more on instant abilities due to the 3.6 speed? Or is that some ancient thing from past expansions. I get confused after playing so much classic.
Btw Abomb I'm like 1-2 days away from finishing my mastery / verse stacked prot pally (just have to level and do profs). Mastery in every single slot, all ilvl 28s except for the dragonling and the ilvl 25 one hand + shield. 13/15 socketed with steady talasites. I'll be able to give you some numbers after I queue a BG to check stats, might help with planning your gear.

Awesome! Gratz on the gear and look forward to hearing about it :)

This spec just became more powerful since bramble staff got nerfed :)

Is this a actual fact? Or still a rumor?
Nice, I have got some new stuff to try out then. If u like mastery so much you can just go for a full savant set.
[doublepost=1631082880,1631078502][/doublepost]How much mastery you reckon you need for it to be effective?
How much mastery you reckon you need for it to be effective?

This here
Bare minimum you want is 32% where you finally break the 50% block threshold. However the more the better obviously. In BFA I was over 60% Mastery base which gives you 65% block. The softcap DR for Mastery is 70% as this gives you 70% block. Any mastery past this point rewards less and less block from DR as you now begin to approach Block Cap. I could reach Block Cap in BFA with Wings, Seraphim, Azerite armor. Which was why you were nigh-immune to dmg with that offensive CDs up.

A note though is the Cons dmg reduction has no cap or DRs (well there is likely a hard cap like all other dmg mitigation) So not only is Mastery giving you the main source of damage and blocking but the biggest Flat dmg reduction in the game standing in Cons. In BFA I went past Block cap and had over 55% dmg reduction in Cons with CDs popped.

So the idea of the build is stay in Cons vs Casters let them throw dots on you and just face tank them and watch holy shield kill them as you block all Spell dots and Spell then you judgement/AV from far to finish them off. Obviously melee has to come in your Cons so it's just tank and spank them.

For my Twink 50% Mastery is the goal as you have 60% block and 22.6% dmg reduction standing in Cons. That is where you begin to get super beefy. If you can go past 50% Mastery well that is where you step back into feeling like a god again.

If u like mastery so much you can just go for a full savant set.

You have a favorite farm for Savant? So far I only been doing the Kobolds.
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My favourite spot is Val'sharah during invasion. With no invasion a nice spot for solo farm is Greywatch down by the coast in Stormheim or in Highmountian just under Toroks Bluff.

The mastery numbers, is it inside bg you are talking?
My favourite spot is Val'sharah during invasion. With no invasion a nice spot for solo farm is Greywatch down by the coast in Stormheim or in Highmountian just under Toroks Bluff.

Ok I'll check it out, thanks!

The mastery numbers, is it inside bg you are talking?

Those are the numbers of the build and what I have had in the past in PvP at max level. The question is can you do that in this bracket at 20. I was hoping down here to have an easier time stacking Mastery but unfortunately I think I need a 39 bracket lol.

I spent tonight farming and leveling Engineering just got my Dragonling but got to wait a few days for the Mastery Cog cause of the cooking recipe needed, sigh.... At least it's done for the most part.
A quick swaparound with gear I had in bank gave me 41% mastery outside bg. That's 131 stats and 56% block.
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Ok I'll check it out, thanks!

You know you could have a full set of mastery gear (no socket) easily for the price of one token. Make a lvl 1 on bleeding hollow and go look at the AH. Even savant gear (no socket) is cheap. Twink things like goblin BBQ, dragoninling etc are all available on BH too. And leveling to lvl 20 is fast. Obviously if you wanted sockets it's crazy expensive but it sounds like you don't need them anyways.

I'm no BH ambassador but that's how I made my full harmonious socket gear set in like 6 days. Also if you make a lvl 24 on BH the twink gear you find will sell for decent amounts. It basically doesn't sell on normal servers.
So put together some pieces I had in the bank Vet status atm, ran some AD with a friend and seems well rubbish….

My gear obviously not bis, room for more mastery (32%) but Holy shield overall damage was 1.6k ish and like 5th ability. Judgment was 8k something for comparison average running 2 Boss’

Not sure if my build is wrong or we get something at a higher level that improves it.

Edit: screenshot


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Ye, did abit of testing. Doesn't seem like something I'm gonna be playing with. But I'm very interested to see what gear you gonna come up with and how it feels in BG.

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