Botched a reverse disengage trying to return a flag, ended up launching myself backward instead of forward, level 24 Horde Protection Warrior grabbed it. He would have gotten it if I hadn't tried to reverse disengage, I was too far to get the return without a speed boost or gap closer, so it was a lose/lose. I always pull off the move perfectly, but the one time I didn't we lost over it.
Naturally my entire team trolled me until the battleground ended. They wouldn't have said anything, or even praised me for getting a win or lose return not that I'd expect or prefer it, that's just the way the bracket works though.
Naturally my entire team trolled me until the battleground ended. They wouldn't have said anything, or even praised me for getting a win or lose return not that I'd expect or prefer it, that's just the way the bracket works though.