Most embarrassing mistakes in a battleground?

Botched a reverse disengage trying to return a flag, ended up launching myself backward instead of forward, level 24 Horde Protection Warrior grabbed it. He would have gotten it if I hadn't tried to reverse disengage, I was too far to get the return without a speed boost or gap closer, so it was a lose/lose. I always pull off the move perfectly, but the one time I didn't we lost over it.

Naturally my entire team trolled me until the battleground ended. They wouldn't have said anything, or even praised me for getting a win or lose return not that I'd expect or prefer it, that's just the way the bracket works though.
rolls prot pal/hunt/Dpriest/Rdruid/war/hunt into such a respectable premade

1 caps a 3 person premade which later comes back to win once they try

posts ss making themselves look stupid calling out a 3 person group that camps while you're in a 6 person group to faceroll

Why do you keep complaining about f2ps premading, specifically AP horde? It makes no sense at all... 100% if you weren't on a small f2p realm you would be premading. One of the best parts of f2p twinking is grouping with your friends for battlegrounds. It is great to beat a bunch of 24s and some times it is hard rolling a comp with a lock and a mage when they get 1 hit by 24s or close by f2p prot warrs/rogues. eyepatch nelf
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I woulda replied and tried to explain myself but your immaturity at the end doesn't deserve a thought out reply hpal reroll :)

Nice edit hehe ;P

One of my most embarrassing mistakes is I have always been a tab targetter but am trying to unlearn it.
My Shaman - as should be done I go and Flame Shock every stealthy I see once I see them, there is of course a Hunter there. I click the Hunter just before noticing the Rogue. Tab. And end up Flame Shocking the Hunter's pet instead of the Rogue. /palm
Nice edit hehe ;P

One of my most embarrassing mistakes is I have always been a tab targetter but am trying to unlearn it.
My Shaman - as should be done I go and Flame Shock every stealthy I see once I see them, there is of course a Hunter there. I click the Hunter just before noticing the Rogue. Tab. And end up Flame Shocking the Hunter's pet instead of the Rogue. /palm

tab targeter 4 lyfe
Nice edit hehe ;P

One of my most embarrassing mistakes is I have always been a tab targetter but am trying to unlearn it.
My Shaman - as should be done I go and Flame Shock every stealthy I see once I see them, there is of course a Hunter there. I click the Hunter just before noticing the Rogue. Tab. And end up Flame Shocking the Hunter's pet instead of the Rogue. /palm

Shhh.. No1 needs to know about the edit and that I did actually try explaining ^-^

Just use a mouseover flame shock and start getting used to that for stealths so you don't even need to change targets.

Hate to repeat what everyone else has but I helped kill a efc in efr then asked if I could fc and used mend pet to stay in combat for disengage but I disengaged before I picked up flag and almost left fr until I went back into efr with the group of 5 people probably laughing and crept my way out
Shhh.. No1 needs to know about the edit and that I did actually try explaining ^-^

Just use a mouseover flame shock and start getting used to that for stealths so you don't even need to change targets.

Hate to repeat what everyone else has but I helped kill a efc in efr then asked if I could fc and used mend pet to stay in combat for disengage but I disengaged before I picked up flag and almost left fr until I went back into efr with the group of 5 people probably laughing and crept my way out

Just pretend like it never happened, just RP walk back in and salute the fighters for such a fight that you had no part in :p
I woulda replied and tried to explain myself but your immaturity at the end doesn't deserve a thought out reply hpal reroll :)

First, I'm not the one complaining about facerollers so I'm not being hypocritical.
Second, I have and play every class. Thats not a reroll just last in line for toons to make. Good try :) hi

Also want to mention how hpal was one of the first classes I ever twinked... I've known a lot of people who continue playing their first class after they realize how Op it is coooough cough
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First, I'm not the one complaining about facerollers so I'm not being hypocritical.
Second, I have and play every class. Thats not a reroll just last in line for toons to make. Good try :) hi

Also want to mention how hpal was one of the first classes I ever twinked... I've known a lot of people who continue playing their first class after they realize how Op it is coooough cough

This is a pretty stupid arguement from all angles... You wanted to be immature and put eyepatch nelf when you are playing a Hpal reroll so there is no difference.. You played Hpal on ally before you went to bwl and you rerolled one in mop when they are OP so you can't make an eyepatch comment lol.

All I did was call out the 6 person AP faceroll wanting premade who tried making a 3 person 24 premade look bad.. 6 20s is worse then 3 24s. You can easily play with friends and not making super OP comps like AP horde is known for and I called that person out for so don't try that oh they are just playing with friends to have fun but again I'm wasting my time..
rerolled one in mop when they are OP so you can't make an eyepatch comment lol.

Since when has hpal not been OP? You clearly didn't read anything I wrote

First, I'm not the one complaining about facerollers so I'm not being hypocritical.

When I get bored of a class, I should just reroll another non OP class? I don't need 5 mages, 5 locks 5 ele shams. Like I said it is NOT UNCOMMON for people to CONTINUE PLAYING their first twinked toon, and alliance is a joke so I made an hpal on horde..... its a cycle, not a FOTM REROLL as you're claiming.

And he was making them look bad for farming, not for being an OP comp
By the way have you not seen Alliance AP, Moonguard or Vashj premades??
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and alliance is a joke so I made an hpal on horde..... its a cycle, not a FOTM REROLL as you're claiming.

/sigh... You win. No point in arguing with you if you wanna stick up for 6 person facerolls. The class I play should never have been a factor like you wanted it to be so I called you out on yours as well.. Like I said stupid argument is stupid.. Not surprised you are sticking up for AP horde though since you are starting to premade more and more with 24s
Not surprised you are sticking up for AP horde though since you are starting to premade more and more with 24s
Few reasons for that. They are our Wow buds, they make groups for us and help our community. If they ask if we want to bg with them we're not going to discriminate. Alliance is rarely 10 level 20s so why not get some extra help to carry the bwl baddies against opponent 24s. When alliance is 10 level 20s we always cap right away and don't turn the game into a complete hell hole. And it's not sticking up for AP horde, its calling out the obvious that it is the same on Alliance (AP alli and MG also premade with 24s) and your complaints are just not necessary. This is not the only thread I've heard it in.
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