Most embarrassing mistakes in a battleground?

Forgetting to lay on hands myself in premade, on stream and losing the game x.x
Feared a rogue, The fear path brought the rogue around the corner towards where my fc was kiting. Rogue kills fc, I lose game.
It's not so much an embarrassing moment for me, but I mainly play Tauren hpally and laugh a little when rogues are stuck to my hip and try to kick my racial stomps. Who needs to fake cast >.>
Same.... Then screaming at your team mates... 'Why is no one f**king helping me!?!?!?'.....

'Oh right..... I don't have flag'... ^_^

I remember having done this a while back (when I was still subbed up), got all the way back to base and "gg"'d for the last cap when I realized I had not in fact actually picked the flag. *bonk*

Oh, failing at the fence jump for like 2 minutes while other ppl either get mad, question me or go around and get to the other side before me.

I can now say with absolute certainty that this jump is somehow harder on my nelf than it is on my taurn, I feel your pain.

As for my own, I'm always the most embarrassed when chasing an efc that can successfully trick me into jumping off a ledge. Most ppl suck at ledge fakes in this bracket so I fall for it pretty much every time *hangsheadinshame.*
one time i was against a 24 premade i rand into flag room grabbed flag and made epic move to fc all the way back to our fr where when i got on cap spot i realised that i never picked up the flag to begin with and that the 24's were probably just chasing after me cause they were slightly unobjective. i cried.
Being bored while guarding stables, and then tabbing in and out. When i tab in a priest is stealing my flag, and i'm going to use moonfire on him to interrupt, aaand i forgot i had pushed enter. So what happens next is...

1.) 666666wdada666
2.) Horde has captured stables
3.) Horde ends up winning 5 minutes later
oh so many to choose from,

getting stuck on a light post for ten secs at on the game losing return

forgetting that penance doesn't heal me if i have an enemy on target

disengeing off Lm cause i got scared

forgetting i have certain abilities

letting efc run right past me cause i didnt have name plates on and didnt see him

getting owned by the map at all turns

dieing to fall damage as FC

rebinding my keys then forgetting what I rebound them too

trinketing for no reason other than i hit the wrong button

agm'ing for no reason other than i hit the wrong button

trying to mount up as FC

forgetting what class im playing

Penance somebody when trying to heal myself.

Jump off LM to go to BS, try to disengage to not take fall damage, but forgot you're not in combat.

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