More balance to the bracket

You must be having pretty odd games, if you are saying Alliance have more hunters. I have had games with 8 paladins, 9 paladins, a game of 50% paladins and hunters. I didn't even need to leave my spawn point and I can see arrows flying left and right from mid in WSG. Even in AB there are a ton of hunters and paladins and these two classes LOVE to hang out together to go cap nodes. So don't, don't tell me alliance has more hunters, because I will never believe you. I have seen two many games of these two classes on the horde side to be convinced otherwise.
You must be having pretty odd games, if you are saying Alliance have more hunters. I have had games with 8 paladins, 9 paladins, a game of 50% paladins and hunters. I didn't even need to leave my spawn point and I can see arrows flying left and right from mid in WSG. Even in AB there are a ton of hunters and paladins and these two classes LOVE to hang out together to go cap nodes. So don't, don't tell me alliance has more hunters, because I will never believe you. I have seen two many games of these two classes on the horde side to be convinced otherwise.
Ya, because people choose hunter and rogue on Horde side because the LFH/cloth googles are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than the skill patch.

Horde side has a far wider mix of toons. Alliance, not so much. I play both factions too.
Ya, because people choose hunter and rogue on Horde side because the LFH/cloth googles are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than the skill patch.

Horde side has a far wider mix of toons. Alliance, not so much. I play both factions too.

I don't agree with ex but saying horde has far wider mix of toons is kinda bs.. I've seen more games where horde had 5+ hunt/pally then I have where ally has 5+ hunt/pally. Horde is just as crowded in those 2 classes as ally is
I cannot believe even alliance players are agreeing that we have more hunters and more heals. WHAT BGS ARE YOU GETTING QUEUED INTO? This is NOT my experience at all...
I don't agree with ex but saying horde has far wider mix of toons is kinda bs.. I've seen more games where horde had 5+ hunt/pally then I have where ally has 5+ hunt/pally. Horde is just as crowded in those 2 classes as ally is
Don't get me wrong, I've seen games also where Horde have the deck stacked with Hunters and Pally's, but the Alliance side has it stacked with Hunters and Pally's far more often than the Horde. I've been seeing a lot of Mages, Warriors, Shaman on Horde side too lately.

Also, with Pally's, it usually seems on alliance side they are specced Prot or Ret, while most of the time horde side they are specced Holy.
I sat down with a snack and read the whole thread. Here are my 2 cents:

-Both sides have way too many of the 3 overplayed classes
-Horde seems to have more heals
-I don't know why, but ally wins at least 9/10 AB's
-BoA legs are gonna suck for us f2p
-asekjhgrlfk /tickle sffgkfgvhufaglh;haofaf

I roll classes to specifically target and defeat these 3 classes
Yeah the coming weeks will be quite horrid for the bracket. I'll just put it this way, when ANY healer can stay up against and in most cases beat almost ANY other class in a 1v1 then there is a problem. Last time I checked healing meant to heal, not decimate everyone as if you're a dps. This of-course being particularly aimed at druids and pallies, shammies not so far behind.
Høneybadger rogue has been wrecking , who the hell said rogues were not viable.

/Still out of Bubblegum and Kicking Azz

::Tickle ::
I'd hardly call my druid being able to go across the BG at 338% speed balance >.<
Blizz needs to get on that.

That and a few other things, yeah. It's hard enough to take someone down who can heal now, but druid mobility makes it insane.

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