More balance to the bracket

You need to lighten up. Everyone knows looms have inadvertently creating new problems for levelling brackets (becoming less pronouced as one advances up the brackets), but that doesn't mean Blizzard hasn't tried to improve things for non-twinks.At the end of the day Blizzard have become victims of the complexities of their own game. Every time they add a new facet, multiple elements are brought into dissaray. I don't envy the job they have to do.

blizz is the enemy
Indeed, that seems to be the mentality of some players. Sometimes it's easier to just hate. :rolleyes:

Funny how they manage to turn so many loyal customers into a rabid lynch mob. Couldn't possibly be the company's fault.
" Honeybadger is here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and Honeybadger's all out of bubble gum "

Can you hear something? That's the sound of Sanctuary getting " Harder , Faster, Stronger".

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Honeybadger will be honest the women in the guild keep the guild up and running. They crack their whips and we jump. Shout outs to Resyheals running most Premades ( transfer from month ago). Also Starspirit the (Guild mom) running and jump kicking the raids. We are truly blessed the new additions make the guild their own.

Most our members see their 85's as their alts and their 24's as their mains
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Funny how they manage to turn so many loyal customers into a rabid lynch mob. Couldn't possibly be the company's fault.

Have you heard about the colossal goatfuck that is Diablo 3 in South Korea? They went too far with DRM; Bobby Kotick is going down.
You need to lighten up. Everyone knows looms have inadvertently creating new problems for levelling brackets (becoming less pronouced as one advances up the brackets), but that doesn't mean Blizzard hasn't tried to improve things for non-twinks.At the end of the day Blizzard have become victims of the complexities of their own game. Every time they add a new facet, multiple elements are brought into dissaray. I don't envy the job they have to do.

This message is the closest to the truth of the matter. Trying to use what you think others intentions (including Blizzard) are in your arguments does not carry as much weight as some seem to think.

Imputing others motives as negative does not pass the golden rule test. Obvious egregious behavior aside, players for the most part are just playing a game the best way they know how. Don't like what they do? Show them something different, don't tell them what their reasons are for doing what they do because if you are wrong they won't hear anything you say after that and what you do won't matter.

I like the players on my team by default...whatever their level. I support them and the vast majority of them support me. Our opponent has 20-24 just like we do. Players choose classes like hunters and druids because they want to win...nothing wrong with that.

Blizzard has their hands full and do a fine job in light of the facts. :D

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Tapatalk 2
Players choose classes like hunters and druids because they want to win...nothing wrong with that.

Wait what? Druids? I think i would change the statement to rogues, am I correct? If you mean 24 druids, yes they hit very hard, but rogues are a more burst class that will take down other opponents easier. As I cannot think that you could mean 20 druids. Yes we can kill classes but we don't have that "easy" game-play and are not OP.

If your statement was true, then why wouldn't we see half the games filled with druids and hunters? My experiences come with not seeing very many druids (most games, there are only 2-3 druids total, if that) and tons of rouges and hunters? I wonder why....

Yes, I used to play rogues in 19's, yes I played them a lot, yes I play a balance and feral druid, yes I play them a lot. Although druids might last longer, they are not easy to do well with. Rogues are easier to play, with more burst and interrupts. Evasion with a rouge is like a miss fest.

Other than that, I can agree with your post, and do respect you.
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You say "many". I say "some". Again with the cynicism ;)

Anyway, just to play devils advocate, one could just as easily pin the Blizzard bashing on the WoW playerbase, which some might say constitutes an unusually high proportion of antisocial basement-dwelling neg-heads. That's not necessarily my actual opinion, but you see what I'm driving at. Don't prove the stereotype right.

I couldn't possibly, I live in a 3rd floor apartment. Only people further from the basement than me are my upstairs neighbors xD

As to being negative, "many" is a relative term. I deem the amount of people I have come across being very irritated or angry with Blizzard services to qualify as "many," maybe even in the majority of people I know who play. That's just my experience. I don't think it's negative to say so :p

Maybe I am a bit negative concerning my play experience with them but in that regard, the only person who can remain positive while watching backpeddling hunters succeed in PvP due to sheer brutal class imbalance is the person behind the hunter. Unfortunately I like playing druids. When and if Blizzard buffs them through the roof you will undoubtedly see my positivity increase.
Druids are the second most played class (according to realm census). Feral druids are very strong. I think you will see even more of them start popping up.... and you might start noticing the druids already around.

The point is

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Druids are the second most played class (according to realm census). Feral druids are very strong. I think you will see even more of them start popping up.... and you might start noticing the druids already around.

The point is

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I see what you are saying. And I know in MOP we will see alot more. Druids are strong in the correct hands, but not often are they in the correct hands. But the realm census has to be wrong. It is impossible that there are more druids than pallys or rogues. IMHO.
I see what you are saying. And I know in MOP we will see alot more. Druids are strong in the correct hands, but not often are they in the correct hands. But the realm census has to be wrong. It is impossible that there are more druids than pallys or rogues. IMHO.

Realm census is not BG census. I do those by using ocr to pull the data from screen shots. I dislike afk'ers for more reasons than most. Druids are second in my data as well but by not as much of a margin. Hunters spike up in my data.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Maxx Tapatalk 2
Wait I thought the realm census was a totally untrustworthy source?

(Druids are on third place on that by the way, very closely followed by mages and DKs.)

My personal 9000% more accurate Screenshot BG census says druids are behind hunters, pallies and rogues.
Wait I thought the realm census was a totally untrustworthy source?

(Druids are on third place on that by the way, very closely followed by mages and DKs.)

My personal 9000% more accurate Screenshot BG census says druids are behind hunters, pallies and rogues.


Age old time proven method...push your opponents argument to the extreme in an attempt to invalidate it.

Never said it was untrustworthy. It is just information and has its flaws.

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Age old time proven method...push your opponents argument to the extreme in an attempt to invalidate it.

Never said it was untrustworthy. It is just information and has its flaws.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Tapatalk 2

You think way too much calculation into my posts. :(
I was just poking a bit of harmless fun. Also I don't really see you as my opponent, as I really like your goals. :)

I know statistics are always flawed, and I never made an argument for realm census being infallible in the first place. ^^
You think way too much calculation into my posts. :(
I was just poking a bit of harmless fun. Also I don't really see you as my opponent, as I really like your goals. :)

I know statistics are always flawed, and I never made an argument for realm census being infallible in the first place. ^^

Don't get defensive...just yanking your chain while you yank mine. :p

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