More balance to the bracket

Yde approves.

Honeybadger feels the people who engage in such Histrionics and shout "look at me!" is redonkulous.


Using Word of the day "Histrionics" as much as possible and 3rd person is Awesomesauce.
Hello, New joiner here, but I have been twinking for little over a year. Concerning the balance of the bracket (and I am F2P So this only concerns the 20-24 bracket, I would say its pretty balanced. I play an Arms Warrior, and I have good games, and I have bad games. Sometimes I have terrible games, but its never unfun unless there are too many 24s on the horde side (Which there are 7/10). I can go toe to toe with most classes, and come out on top, or darn well close unless its a hunter. I get stomped alot in that department. the 20-24 bracket is pretty balanced, though some classes may die off in MoP because certain spells are getting a higher level requirement (like the rogues Vanish) and some classes that you never saw much of before may start to pop up ( 24 Frost mages, because ice lance is being moved to level 22). So, yeah for now its alright. In my opinion of course.
/bump still working on balancing bracket.

Honeybadger take 3 days off , thread takes Nose dive . WTB more Yde,Crit,Sally,Metro.
Kratos has been on keeping up a float.

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Do you feel bracket has gotten better or worst ? Since original post or has it been slightly balanced?

From my Point of View, I would say no. Hunters and paladins both 20's and 24's are running rampant primarily on the Horde side. It will be balanced when Hunters get a bigger nerf than a 15% Stam nerf. Other than that, most classes can beat any other classes, even while missing some of their key talents or skills.
look i play both factions, i can't tell you straight up. alliance has way more hunters. which i like its more fun, also they rarely run no heals
look i play both factions, i can't tell you straight up. alliance has way more hunters. which i like its more fun, also they rarely run no heals

Last couple WSG's I did, Alliance had 5-6 hunter, the rest rogues, with maybe a druid in there.

Horde side, usually 2-3 hunters tops. Horde lacks healers too. Gotta love the people with 500 hp too. Wish I could just delete them off my raid bars.
The problem with Alliance mostly having hunters and Horde mostly having paladins, is that hunters still come out on top if equally geared (Idk if skill is even important in that debate). Once saw 8 hunters vs 8 paladins. It was a duh game. Horde could never get past mid. I'm pretty sure, almost no hunters died as their heals could stand well behind them, and every paladin died before getting in range.

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