[MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Thanks Earl, this guide will be invaluable in making my Holy Paladin. Hopefully when healers get toned down a little more it will be a little more of a challenge. But it shouldn't be too bad, since they are stacking 15% healing nerfs with the 30% hotfix so I shouldn't be healing for 90% of someones health bar.
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Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

One thing that you do need to correct.

The argus rings for horde are not GF.

I've been meaning to edit that, I'll get to it today. Thanks :)

So, in Cata I started Kariyüi. Fix it! Do I salvage or reroll?

Reroll. Unless you wanted to play holy, you could get away with shitty rings. But I rerolled my dual AGM prot paladin with LFH, and 3 sets of BoAs.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

AGM is much harder to get now though, so you might want to think twice about rerolling.

The benefit of AGM is 12 stam, and a dispellable bubble that breaks within a few GCDs. The stats gained from the BiS gear would be more of an improvement. And it's not like AGM is grandfathered, just hard to obtain. This guide is for those interested in being BiS.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Its not impossible to be viable without the AGM. Its nice to have, but in the end its several months work just to get one, if your lucky. 2 if your human. Better to just be BiS in every other slot if you are not into competing against your most likely superior geared comrades, or the 90's that probably lounge about one shotting you bare-handed.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Damn since MoP hit I've tried ret and felt it could be viable, but I didnt bother trying prot because I just hate the idea of playing prot. Does ret seriously have nothing that does better damage? Thats ridiculous.

Love the new balance but give rets, mages and locks a small dmg increase. Just small dont fucking take a hammer to the game like Blizz does every time they balance it.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Hello Earl, very indepth guide. I think there's almost nothing important missing.
Right now i have one almost neglible thing(in f2p bracket) due to the amount of buffs.

Righterous Fury: if you have a free GCD and you dont have it on, cast it. Its just raising chance of keeping other buffs not get removed instantly(again rare i f2p bracket.. PW:S, stam buff..)

Avenger's Shield: like 99% of prot paladin's are DUMB. Yes healers are strong, but so is prots, actually i think its only lvl20 class which every healer should be aware off at any situacion and dont let his HP go down too far. HoJ + AS is a very long disable time.
And here comes the thing... its not related only to paladin's but i think that it should be here(in very nice indepth guide like this)

JUST THAT FCKING DR'S HAVE 15SEC CD FROM THE END OF THE EFFECT. So just in moment when someone should die it rather gets smallduration silence or even immune just becouse prot are spamming it on 15sec CD.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Damn since MoP hit I've tried ret and felt it could be viable, but I didnt bother trying prot because I just hate the idea of playing prot. Does ret seriously have nothing that does better damage? Thats ridiculous.

Love the new balance but give rets, mages and locks a small dmg increase. Just small dont fucking take a hammer to the game like Blizz does every time they balance it.
I think there are 3 ways of fixing ret to do a bit more damage than prot
1- Double Templar's verdict damage through a mix of base damage and scaling
2- Making exorcism attainable at lvl 20
3- Making Judgement of The Bold attainable at 20 and Increasing the damage increase on sheath of light by 10-15%

unless one of those 3 happen Ret is forever doomed to suck in this bracket, but at least they do better than enhancement shaman.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Hey Earl, I had a question! you say in the gear section that all gear sets are spell hit capped, but i am looking at the Holy Spell Power Horde and on Chardev it says there is zero hit, and none of the gear seems to have hit on it... it all has crit? whats the deal? Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Healer specs have 15% base spell hit, so no need for hit gear on an Hpal.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Hey Earl, I had a question! you say in the gear section that all gear sets are spell hit capped, but i am looking at the Holy Spell Power Horde and on Chardev it says there is zero hit, and none of the gear seems to have hit on it... it all has crit? whats the deal? Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much

no need for hit as a healer since for the most part you will be healing. Kind of counterproductive trying to dps as a holy paladin.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Healer specs have 15% base spell hit, so no need for hit gear on an Hpal.

HoJ isnt counted towards the passive spell hit cap. Holy Insight - Spell - World of Warcraft

holy Insight
Requires Paladin (Holy)
Requires level 10
Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 25%.

Increases your mana pool by 400%.

Allows 50% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue while in combat.

Increases your chance to hit with Holy Shock, Judgment, and Denounce by 15%.
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Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

HoJ isnt counted towards the passive spell hit cap. Holy Insight - Spell - World of Warcraft

holy Insight
Requires Paladin (Holy)
Requires level 10
Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 25%.

Increases your mana pool by 400%.

Allows 50% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue while in combat.

Increases your chance to hit with Holy Shock, Judgment, and Denounce by 15%.

Nope. It does count toward it, those tooltips just aren't updated. The hit bonuses for healers were changed from specific spells to a flat 15% spell hit not too long after MoP hit

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