[MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Earl is the man, He taught me how to play my paladin and helped me a shit ton with gear and AGM. I highly recommend this guide to any paladin.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Hammer of Justice and Warstomp effect eachother, they minus eachothers durations when used one after another. Human Prot with double AGM's eats everything,
Blood elf's are the best horde prot paladins imo, they get a interrupt that additionally gives them mana (good for the small mana pools of MoP). Futhermore, they have increased enchanting, so they can access the shield +1 stamina enchant.

Human's for Protecton on ally (consider a different race if you cant get AGM's)
Blood elf's for Protection on the horde.
Also refer to this guide which is up to date for MoP. :)
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Updated Chardevs as of 5.2

Not all of your prot chardevs are spell hit capped in BGs now. You need 15 hit (13 for human/draenei). Its debatable how much you want to sacrifice right now since HoJ will be borked anyways, but at least you wont see your shields flying all over the gulch.

You'd lose some armor, but both the horde ones could be hit capped by replacing Foreman's and Demon Band with Dividend Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft and either Blood Ring (FC) or Band of Foul Strength - Item - World of Warcraft (DPS). DPS set wouldn't lose any strength, FC wouldn't lose any stam. Ally DPS could cap using either DPR or bravo company signet.

There might be better ways to do it, just throwing out some ideas off the top of my head.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

For Alliance DPS battleground hit cap, don't forget about Gorewalker Treads as another option to bravo company signet and DPR.

Edit: My post above was/is redundant:
Earlwing said:
Prot DPS Alliance: You can exchange the second ring for Silverlaines. You could also exchange the Gorewalkers for Savage Trodders if you switch to either the Demon Band, or Bravo Company Signet.
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Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

I noticed that random enchants and boa scaling were fixed on chardev, so I figured I would toss those in there and mention the new trinket. I haven't done the math for horde BiS, but at a glance, I think the setup you mentioned would be best, though I haven't looked into DPR. I'm really busy this week, but I'll try and update that as soon as I can be 100% sure. Thanks for catching that, I totally forgot.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Why not ret?
In terms of damage (if one looks at their own live numbers and in fights), Avenger's Shield + Holy Wrath >> Templar's Verdict.
Oh, Avenger's Shield and Holy Wrath also deal holy damage, unlike TV which deals physical damage. In other words, Avenger's Shield and Holy Wrath are not mitigated by a foe's armor, at all, yet a foe's armor weakens the damage dealt by TV.

Sure, ret has stronger flashes of light, though Holy > Ret for healing.
On the damage part, one could easily try both specs, and draw their own conclusions.
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Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

earl im definitly aware that ret is fucking awful atm and that i spelt definitly wrong because im fucking retarded,

and ik you play prot and holy and this is an amazing guide for that but i'd love to see a ret guide posted due to the fact i don't wana be a fotm reroll :)
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Im playing ret, granted with some p2p gear and enchants, but its working alright...the secret lies in healing your teammates. If you prioritize healing over burst as ret, you can do pretty well I find.
Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Is it even practical to spell hit cap if you go with BoA shoulders, chest and main hand? I've kept every piece of gear that I ever got that had hit on it and I could do it but I would be taking a bit of a dive on strength and stam. I can't see how any pally could be close to spell hit cap with the LFH.
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Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

Is it even practical to spell hit cap if you go with BoA shoulders, chest and main hand? I've kept every piece of gear that I ever got that had hit on it and I could do it but I would be taking a bit of a dive on strength and stam. I can't see how any pally could be close to spell hit cap with the LFH.
I haven't been spell capping on my prot while FCing. Link me your armory and I'll tell you the best way with your current setup!

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