Making a 20 Vet guild for Premades!!!

Hi twinks!!!

So after seeing Burgs guild thread, i decided i'm going to put a tight 10 man together to beat all these 20 guilds to the ground.

Am looking for experienced players who are competent in communicating, positioning and being a team player.

I will be making a guild both on alliance and horde Aerie Peak.

This group won't be any bigger then 15 players, have to be able to play on what ever dates are organised.

I'm not asking for you to be active but merely show up on premade days and able to perform.

If your interested, post on this thread and i will get back to you via private message.

For those whom i already deem good and can get the job done will be let in straight away, if i believe you can't do the job. You can still prove to me by playing in a few arenas and BG's and you will be assessed on you're performance as a player mechanically, communication, positioning, intangibles ect...

Once i get around 10 players we will make a group decision on what the guild name should be, so everyone is happy with the name.

Expected date to start premading, one month max.

To all those i haven't spoken to yet, i will get to you guys. I can't promise anything until i make a rough roster to see who plays what class. This should be decided for the most part from 3 weeks of the date this thread was created. Also some people that might not be able to play on horde might have a chance on alliance, visa versa.

I will try to keep people in the loop as best as i can.


Good luck with the guild friend! Hope to see your face around more in pugs as well once you get this going.

See you in the gulch!
Do you hold the world record for signing with /cheers every time you communicate with someone electronically?

Why is that so irritating to everyone? Would it be irritating if it was in my signature? Look at the post above mine's quote. The very OP of this thread. kek

Notice me living senpie !!!!
Why is that so irritating to everyone? Would it be irritating if it was in my signature? Look at the post above mine's quote. The very OP of this thread. kek


Pro dating tip: if you ever decide to text a girl, this /cheers shit won't fly m8
Pro dating tip: if you ever decide to text a girl, this /cheers shit won't fly m8

Pro Tip #1 : I don't text girls. I text women. Boys like you text girls.
Pro Tip #2 : I don't need to text for a date.
Keep trying...

Good luck Livingforce.

So your guild makes the thread to get competition and guilds growing, then when a new guild comes into fruition because of your guilds efforts, you try to shame the ppl in it? What's with your logic recently

it's burgs guild, burg's thread. i said from the start that people would, and are blowing this out of proportion.

my logic is fine, it seems to be your memory that is failing.
everybody tryna grab this non existent title lmao

it's burgs guild, burg's thread. i said from the start that people would, and are blowing this out of proportion.

my logic is fine, it seems to be your memory that is failing.

Give it a rest man, i'm following the rules i didn't go on about it. This team is 110% happening and we will be the most dominate team in the 20's bracket, everything your saying is irrelevant now, i'd already gotten over it and your still going on about it. Get ready for your demise because we're not coming here for second place.
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I decided that when I get that "title" I'm going to want to keep it. So I'll leave it at this, I did a little bit of recruiting and got some help from a buddy last night. Got me a team ready and waiting for you. Just let me know when your team is ready. :)

Calling in the big guns!
I decided that when I get that "title" I'm going to want to keep it. So I'll leave it at this, I did a little bit of recruiting and got some help from a buddy last night. Got me a team ready and waiting for you. Just let me know when your team is ready. :)

Calling in the big guns!

Thats the spirit!!! All the better when we take to title from you :p. My team will be coming in guns blazing.

P.S: Pay attention: This is a prime example of healthy drama and rivalry, it's what spurs competition. Drama ='s more people being interested.
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Thats the spirit!!! All the better when we take to title from you :p. My team will be coming in guns blazing.

P.S: Pay attention: This is a prime example of healthy drama and rivalry, it's what spurs competition. Drama ='s more people being interested.

I'm all for friendly competition. I'm glad to see you making a team cuz I know it'll for sure be a challenge!

Welcome to the twenty vet guild family? Yeah...... I just said that.
Re: Making a guild for premades!!!

None of my characters i have, have been bought. And thats a fucking stupid comment if you think gear is going to be a factor in 10 mans. Don't be a loser.

I don't need grandfathered gear to carry, i'm already good.

your ego has been huge since cata, and you havent improved much since
Re: Making a guild for premades!!!

None of my characters i have, have been bought. And thats a fucking stupid comment if you think gear is going to be a factor in 10 mans. Don't be a loser.

I don't need grandfathered gear to carry, i'm already good.

so you didnt buy truztmee's 19 priest when he quit? he just gave you his full bis toon for free? Also you may havent bought many toons but your brother has boughten a lot, when i was in departure lounge i had a guy in there a rogue who was the most geared rogue in the bracket that told me he got multiple offers from ben for his rogue
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Re: Making a guild for premades!!!

so you didnt buy truztmee's 19 priest when he quit? he just gave you his full bis toon for free? Also you may havent bought many toons but your brother has boughten a lot, when i was in departure lounge i had a guy in there a rogue who was the most geared rogue in the bracket that told me he got multiple offers from ben for his rogue

I don't see your point. Your gear will not win you the game if you are a shitty player. That's all.
Re: Making a guild for premades!!!

I don't see your point. Your gear will not win you the game if you are a shitty player. That's all.

ok think of it this way, 2 players with equal skill level, one has gf'd gear one doesnt, the gf'd gear wins the game, livingforce and his brother buy toons that have gear that no one else in the bracket has so they have a distinct advantage in tournaments and pugging too i guess

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