
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi are u b/grl

You: hi

You: depends what you want me to be

Stranger: forget it

You: forget what?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey there big boy.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hey there

You: How are you on this fine evening?

Stranger: im ok how about you?

You: Nosy arent you?

Stranger: haha just asking the same question back

You: Well repitition isn't the way to make a friend

Stranger: im sorry i was just asking how you are thats a good start still

You: im sorry i was just asking how you are thats a good start still

You: see? doesnt work

Stranger: well then instead i will say whats up?

You: whats up?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Orcgasm said:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hey there

You: How are you on this fine evening?

Stranger: im ok how about you?

You: Nosy arent you?

Stranger: haha just asking the same question back

You: Well repitition isn't the way to make a friend

I laughed extremely hard right here lol!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hay

You: Hey

Stranger: whats up

You: NM

You: You?

Stranger: nm

Stranger: asl, you dont have to though

You: Huh?

Stranger: asl, if you wanna share

You: ASL?

Stranger: age sex location

You: Oh

You: 19, F, PA

Stranger: pa?

You: Pennsylvania, it's in the US

You: A state

Stranger: oh right

Stranger: coo;

You: You?

Stranger: australian

You: Nice

You: Guy or girl?

Stranger: guy

You: How old are you?

Stranger: 18

You: Got a name :p

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: do you?

Stranger: :p

You: Of course

Stranger: harley

You: What's your name?

Stranger: yours

You: Molly

Stranger: cool

Stranger: well molly i have a confession

Stranger: im actually 38

You: You are an old guy xD

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: :p

You: Are you really from Austrillia?

Stranger: bloody oath i am mate

You: xD

You: Hows it going in the land down under?

Stranger: good

Stranger: its rainy atm

You: I love the rain

You: We are getting a big snow storm tomorrow, will be like well over 10 inches

Stranger: thats what she said

Stranger: :p

You: xD

You: Office fan?

Stranger: hahai watch sometimes

You: I watch the UK and the US version

You: But I love the US version, Ryan is soooooooo cute on that show

Stranger: usualy conan is on when the office is on

You: I watch Conan from time to time

You: I am a BBC and Anime junky xD

Stranger: nicee

Stranger: what animes you watch

You: A lot of them ... None of the stupid mainstream shit like Naruto or Bleach

You: I watch stuff like Kare Kano, Nana, Mushishi, and Detective Conan

Stranger: oh yeah

Stranger: i used to be heaps into anime and manga

Stranger: now i just watch the mainstream stuff occasionally

Stranger: like full metal alchemist if its on

Stranger: or like randomly pokemon

You: Ugh, mainstream shit is lame -_-

You: I work at a comic book and gaming store, so I have to stay up to date with anime and comics

Stranger: omg thats heaps awesome

You: And games like Magic The Gathering, Pokemon TCG, and DnD

Stranger: ughh MTG

Stranger: i hate it

Stranger: you have msn or facebook?

You: I don't have any IM, but I do have a FB, why do you ask?

Stranger: ill add you

You: Okay :D

You: Do you have pictures of you up on FB?

Stranger: yuo

Stranger: yup*

Stranger: whats your last name

Stranger: so i can search you

You: I'll give you a link in a sec

You: Do you have a GF?

Stranger: nahh

You: Let me check a picture of you :D

Stranger: ok

Stranger: you got the link

You: It won't let me post it, saying it is to long -_-

You: Hold on, might be my browser

Stranger: just give your last name

You: My computer is all fucked up

Stranger: ill search it

You: Login | Facebook

You: Got it :D

Stranger: ok let me check it out

Stranger: wtf!!

You: Hi, I am Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.

You: Why don't you take a seat right over there and talk to me for a minute.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hi




Stranger: lol

Stranger: on mine is shows mine winning

You: yours is a nigger

Stranger: thats what your mom called me

Stranger: last night

Stranger: it was degrading

Stranger: in a dirty way

You: good i hoped you cleaned our kitchen real good

Stranger: lol

You: get back to the farm

Stranger: nice

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: racism is fun

You: no im sorry im not really racist

You: I just think its funny

Stranger: i don't care

You: you should

You: racism is bad

Stranger: i don't know you, be whatever you want

You: can i be a penguin?

Stranger: if you want

Stranger: i like pretending

Stranger: be a ninja penguin

Stranger: that is way cooler

You: want to pretend to be a gopher?

Stranger: not really

You: then we can have gopher penguin adventures

Stranger: haha

You: and save the princess

You: you can be the princess

Stranger: i want to be a crow

You: ill be the penguin

You: who saves you

You: then fucks you

You: sound good?

Stranger: i'm not really about being a princess

You: yeah you are

Stranger: i just want to be a crow

You: cows are gay

You: you are gay

You: you are the princess

Stranger: i will sit on a fench out side while you fun the princess

Stranger: a crow, not a cow

You: WTF???

You: fun the princess?

You: i dont want to fun you

Stranger: that was supposed to be fuck

You: oh

You: watch the language nigger

Stranger: i'm not really just how that happened either

Stranger: my hands just kind of type stuff on there own

You: yeah im sure

You: you just are a bad person

Stranger: i can't really pay that much attention to what i am saying

You: but back to the game

You: im the penguin you be the princess

Stranger: i don't want to play your game


You: YOU*

Stranger: you are a little depraved

You: i spelled you wrong

You: ok what does princess say?

Stranger: she says that porn is less of a bother

You: no thats wrong

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello!

You: What did you eat for dinner?

Stranger: Boneless chicken wings

Stranger: What about you?

You: Mmm yeah that sauce did look good

You: were they mild?

Stranger: Nope. Some were parmisean garlic, the others were hot bbq

You: oh yeah, i remember now

Stranger: Haha

You: I didnt eat dinner

Stranger: I've had real stalkers

Stranger: You don't really do as well as them

You: ?

You: What do you mean"?

Stranger: Well, since I don't know you, but you watched me eat dinner, I'll assume you are a stalker

You: I never watched you eat dinner

You: What are you talking about?

Stranger: But the stalkers I've had online in the past have done things like figure out my name, and the names of my family members and such

You: Thats creepy

Stranger: While the real life one just figured out where I lived, and awkwardly invited himself into my dorm room

You: Where do you go to college?

Stranger: Yeah, the first one was creepy in one case. Not creepy in another case because he resisted the urge to stalk and instead talked to me... that worked out very well

Stranger: Although, the creepy one worked out too; have used almost $400 of his money thus far :)

Stranger: In the midwest, in America

You: Oh cool

You: A S L?

Stranger: 21, female, midwest

You: Mm interesting

You: Why are you on a random chat site like this?

Stranger: Because the world is an interesting place

Stranger: And because I'm terrible with secrets, and need an outlet

You: Want me to tell you a secret?

Stranger: Yes!

You: Ok I have a good one

Stranger: Excellent!

Stranger: I'm excited

Stranger: Can't stand the tension

Stranger: Really hope you can type quickly

Stranger: omg

Stranger: Wooo! "Stranger is typing..." !!

You: I have to ask you this question first?


If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Stranger: Haha

You: ?

Stranger: Grammatically, yes

You: Ok

You: Now the secret

Stranger: woo

You: I slept with my college professor to pass my Psych class

Stranger: Wow!

You: She's a freaky chick

Stranger: Are you female, and the prof was male?

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: Define "freaky"

You: Here

You: Its hard

Stranger: That's what she said.

You: I was going to say that

You: But yeah thats my secret

Stranger: Nice

You: Do you have any secrets?

Stranger: Although you never defined "freaky"

Stranger: Oh so many

You: Care to Share?

Stranger: Well, "officially" I've slept with two guys

Stranger: But it's actually 6 thus far; the other 4 guys I acquired through the internet

Stranger: As of tomorrow, it should be 7

Stranger: And hopefully by next Tuesday it will be 8

Stranger: Oh!

Stranger: And there's a guy in Texas whose debit card I have access too

Stranger: Because he gets turned on by a woman taking his money

Stranger: So I can't use it at restaurants and such, but I can order things online

Stranger: Related to the sex thing, during fall break I told my friends I drove to Ohio to visit a friend...

Stranger: But in reality I flew to Florida, and had a lovely 4 day sex romp

You: =O

You: You beat me

Stranger: haha

Stranger: Oh, and the online-sex things have been BDSM related

Stranger: The guy in Florida was a boyscout, so he's really good with tieing knots :)

You: O.O

Stranger: The session tomorrow is probably going to involve mild pain and humiliation

Stranger: Haven't really tried the humiliation thing before, could be interesting

You: Sounds interesting

You: Never done anything like that before

Stranger: And the thing that is perhaps on Tuesday will involve attempted, and perhaps successful, vaginal fistin

You: Not sure its my thing o_O

Stranger: haha

Stranger: It isn't for everybody, certainly

Stranger: Oh, and the hotel we are going to use is going to be paid for by the guy in Florida

You: Have a picture?

Stranger: Not any that I'd want to share

Stranger: I'm rather average looking

You: Thats ok =P So am I

You: I'll share if you do

Stranger: Don't really want my peers to think, "That's the girl that likes being flogged!"

Stranger: Would much rather them think about project work when we are on project teams

You: Your secret will be safe with me ;-)

Stranger: haha, glad to hear it

You: Sure about that picture? I have mine ready =P

Stranger: I'm good, thanks

You: Want me to go first?

Stranger: If you want to share, you are welcome

Stranger: But I won't reciprocate


Stranger: Cutish

You: Cutish?

Stranger: *cute-ish

Stranger: I pefer lanky, geeky looking guys

Stranger: But I have odd tastes in men

You: So you like geeky guys to tie you up?

Stranger: They've been the best at it thus far :)

You: Interesting

You: So you sure about that pictur? I showed my ugly self

Stranger: haha

Stranger: I'm good

Stranger: Even though no usually doesnt mean no for me, I'm pretty good at sticking to my limits

Stranger: Plus, if I'm not sendin my picture to the guy whose money I'm spending

Stranger: Why would I send it to you?

You: Because I'm awesome

Stranger: haha

Stranger: But can you code?

You: I actually can

Stranger: Sexy

You: I mostly work with Ruby, and some HTML/VB

Stranger: You had me at Ruby

Stranger: ... lost me at VB

You: VB is just easy stuff

Stranger: True

You: Mostly framework

Stranger: Fun times

Stranger: And all the more reason not to share my picture

Stranger: There's only so many women in the industry

Stranger: Chances are slim... but we could meet someday

Stranger: It's a small world, and all that

You: How is that a reason to not share a picture? =P

Stranger: If you are trying to win this

Stranger: You have already lost

You: Interesting

You: Well, if we do meet someday, how will I know it was you?

Stranger: You won't

Stranger: Which is the point :)

Stranger: But I'm thinking about starting a blog somday about my experiences

Stranger: Perhaps I'll become famous

Stranger: And you'll be able to say, "I talked to that girl before she was famous!"

You: I actually won't

You: Because I won't know if its you or not xD

Stranger: Such is life

Stranger: There's only so many computer science women with double lives, who are involved with being a financial-dominatrix and the submissive side of BDSM

You: There could be thousands, you don't know that

Stranger: True

Stranger: We could all do it

Stranger: That would be excellent

Stranger: I already know at least one of my friends has a similar secret life

Stranger: But she isn't a coder

You: I see

Stranger: Here, whatever

You: Wow

Stranger: ?

You: Ugly Whore.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Started as a stalker troll, but i got deeper into it, trying to get a picture so I could close with that.
this site is too damn addicting. never knew all the lesbians (and wanna be's) were holed up on one website..
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: wanna sex?

Stranger: hi

Stranger: m/f

You: f

Stranger: ofc

You: im slutty at school

Stranger: ok how old are you

You: 17

Stranger: ok 16 name

You: sarah

Stranger: ok msn ?

You: want a pic of me? i love to show myself

Stranger: ok


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lololol. that link gets them EVERY time.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: What brings your fat ass to Omegle, my friend?

Stranger: well i hv no friends at school

Stranger: so i want to make them on omegle

You: What on earth makes you think I'm your friend, jackass?

Stranger: iam not ur friend

You: I'm tracking your IP down atm

Stranger: no way

You: Way

You: 20%

Stranger: anyway asl

You: 26%

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: A wild Snorlax appears!

Stranger: wild abra appeared

Stranger: wild abra teleported

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: yo nigga watchu been up to?

Stranger: asl


You: BLASTOISE, use Hydro Pump!

You: The opponent was washed away!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

had to do a pokemon battle myself
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: you're the headmaster, and I'm the student.

You: Okay harry, now look into the Pensive. What do you see?

Stranger: I'm a girl, dumbledore.


You: AVADA KEDAVRA. You're dead.

Stranger: no I'm not.


Stranger: no I ain't

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I like being Dumbledore.
Stranger: hi

You: asl

Stranger: 22 male

You: are you hot

You: i like my men hot

Stranger: yeah

You: and steamy

Stranger: I am very hot

Stranger: and you are?

You: gay

You: but only for you

Stranger: good for you

Stranger: but I am not a gay

Stranger: so pees off
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hello,

You: asl?

Stranger: what?

You: age / sex / location?

Stranger: 14 f louisiana

You: white trash whore

Stranger: what

You: fucking white trash whore living in fucking louisiana

You: are your socks dry yet?

You: whore

Stranger: wow get a life.

Stranger: i bet your a white trash whore.

You: shut up whore

You: no one said you can talk

You: whore

Your conversational partner has disconnected

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: did u see avatar?

You: Its fun to be a cowboy when your name is sleepy joe

Your conversational partner has disconnected

If anyone knows the song i quoted, you get a cookie.

PS Stickeh this thread

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl??

You: 8===[}

You: I drew a dick

Stranger: lol

Stranger: m or f

You: do you have a dick?

Stranger: yeah

You: i like dicks

Stranger: ok lol so you a girl then

You: wanna cyber?

Stranger: lol sure

You: Heres a pic


Your conversational partner has disconnected

My pedo pic beats your pedo pic
Sorry for double post, but this guy deserves his own. He was such a trooper, lasted a lot longer than I expected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: are you black?

Stranger: nope

You: mexican?

Stranger: nope

You: jewish?

Stranger: nope

You: italian?

Stranger: nope

You: norwegian?

Stranger: nope

You: gay?

Stranger: nope

You: i dont believe you

Stranger: im sorry that you dont

Stranger: im american

You: fucking american

Stranger: ok i hate my life anyways

You: pussy

Stranger: i like pussy

You: homo

Stranger: shit eater

You: shut up fag

You: you suck at lige

You: life*

Stranger: im sorry??

You: You

You: suck at

You: L

You: I

You: F

You: E


You: yeah you do

You: thats the sad part

Stranger: no i really dont

You: yeah you do

Stranger: nah

Stranger: if i gave a fuck than i would have disconnected you fuckin fuck tard

You: big man

You: threatening to DC

You: just go play in the road

Stranger: i do all the time, like muddin

You: no

You: the highway

You: make a snow angel

Stranger: yea i throw beer bottles at random cars

You: in the snow on the highway

You: no you dont, you're 14

Stranger: theres no snow here

You: yeah there is fag

Stranger: ok you dont have to believe me

You: 14 year old faggot

You: you gonna be a ditchdigger?

You: because thats all you will ever amount to in life

You: or a janitor

You: if you are lucky

Stranger: no but you goin to be suckin dick at guanatamamobay

You: yeah I saw harold and kumar too

You: just give up

You: take a dumpster dive from your window

Stranger: umm i live in a house

You: good

You: climb to the roof

You: and dive off

Stranger: nah cause my house is underground

You: no its not

You: you fucking liar

Stranger: no really it is

You: you are a shit faced liar

You: your parents hate you because of it

Stranger: ok whatever

You: fag

Stranger: my parents ar dead dip shit

You: good

You: because they were disappointed in you

You: they just killed themselves

Stranger: they died when i was 3

You: thank god

You: you must really be a fuck up

You: to make them kill themselves that fast

Stranger: they were murdered

You: by each other

Stranger: no they never found who done it

You: you did it probably

You: because they beat you

Stranger: i was fuckin 3

Stranger: how in the hell could i possibly do it

You: you found a way

Stranger: i was never beatin

You: you fucking psycho

Stranger: nah im reliougus

You: wtf is reliougus?

You: is that a cult?

You: you drink blood and kill your parents?

Stranger: yea part of the KKK bitch

You: no you arent

You: you fucking retard

You: again with the shit faced lying

You: no wonder your parents are dead, it was a blessing

Stranger: lol ok you can believe iim lying but im not

You: fag

You: 14 year old murderer

Stranger: 18 year old

You: no

You: lying again

Stranger: actually bitch

You: fucking fag

You: someones getting serious

You: calling me a bitch

Stranger: man someone have anger isuses

You: you do

You: murdering your parents

You: at such a young age

Stranger: im talkin bout you fuck face

You: no you arent

You: you are talking about yourself

You: fag

Stranger: yea... i am

You: its ok though i wont tell that you murdered your parents

You: or are in the reliougus cult

Stranger: ok thank you

You: maybe i will

You: where do you live?

Stranger: brazil

You: 14 year old kid killed parents at the age of 3

You: I like it

Stranger: lol thank you

You: you are a fucking retard

You: trying to deal with your anger with humor

You: "lol thank you"

You: what the fuck is that?

Stranger: idk something an actual person says and dont cus ppl out

Stranger: for no reason

You: when I tell you im reporting you to the police

You: you dont say thank you

You: you dumbass retard

You: maybe you shouldnt have murdered your parents

Stranger: like i care

Stranger: maybe its none of its true and this is all a dream

You: no, its real

You: dumbass

Stranger: nah

You: you are fucking retarded

Stranger: idc

You: you didnt dream about killing your parents

You: your 3 year old ass went in their room, stabbed their necks with a fork, and drank their blood

You: what a fucking sicko

You: yeah good, you cant think of anything to reply

Stranger: your dumb dude or chick or it whatever the fuck you are... do actually have a life than fuck with ppls life? no cause your fuckin piece of shit that prolly 400lbs and plays world of war craft all fuckin day with his parents

You: people like you dont deserve a voice

You: at least i didnt kill my parents

Stranger: o so you are 400lbs and play world of war craft and play with your parents

You: i have parents

You: i didnt stab them with a fork and drink their blood

You: its cool though you just need to turn yourself in

Stranger: ok well have a nice life ruining your life fucking fat ass

You: have a nice parentless loveless life

Stranger: haha later fat ass

You: you fucking ditchdigging retard

You: i win

You: fag

Stranger: you didnt win shit cause there proof of this its just a fuckin chat room you dum bitch

You: nope

You: have fun in jail you parent killer

You: how did it taste, after they beat you so savagely?

You: their blood, i mean

You: did you lick the fork?

Stranger: well atleast i wont die fuckin fatass thats 40 years old and is goin to die of diabetes

You: yeah but you did murder your parents

You: and caused your grandparents to kill themselves

Stranger: i didnt so fuck off

Your conversational partner has disconnected
Ahhh triple post, but this is a fun one to do. Just repeat everything they say, but backwards. See how long they last.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: ih

Stranger: what is your name

You: eman ruoy si tahw

Stranger: how are you eman

You: name uoy era woh

Stranger: old are you

You: uoy era dlo

Stranger: what

You: tahw

Stranger: what is you from

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: RONALDO




Stranger: BUCETEIS


Stranger: DO GUETO




Stranger: EOW

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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