I'm not blaming you for anything but isn't it quite clear? If games are shit then people don't want to que. Premades often make PuG games shit if you haven't noticed. Why don't I run a premade? Because I cba. Why do you get all mad and flamey here
You probably are going to say that you enjoy playing with your friends, and that's a really good excuse. One shouldn't have anything against someone who wants to play with his friends. But if you don't want to have 1h que times, or ques stopping to pop at a time when there should be most 19 activity in a day, maybe you should log to the losing side or something? It's good for the community and the bracket, especially when it's not exactly in its best state in terms of activity. Play with whoever you want, with whichever spec, class or setup you want, but try to see the big picture and think about the community as a whole. Getting my point here already?