Ima gonna go ahead and say ele > boomkin, feral > enhance. resto = resto = shit.
Kore nametooshort said:Ima gonna go ahead and say ele > boomkin, feral > enhance. resto = resto = shit.
Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown of Charge by 5 seconds and now makes Charge and Intercept share a cooldown instead. Now increases the duration of your Charge stun by 2 sec.
Kore nametooshort said:Ima gonna go ahead and say ele > boomkin, feral > enhance. resto = resto = shit.
Karok said:keeping OT of healing, id still say druids could dish out more pure heals, the combo of HoTs and heals just beats 1 single long heal. I guess factoring in ES may equal things up in melee situations.
Yeah I have purge and Shear but both trigger GCD which reduce my Dps
Also Thunderstorm is th most overrated Ability in the whole twink community
blueisbetterthanyou said:![]()
because person dps matters right? oh wait it doesnt and i shouldnt even have to explain why.
bankbeauty said:Well sorry to burst your bubble, but killing an FC with spells that hit for 200s is a GL.
bankbeauty said:Well sorry to burst your bubble, but killing an FC with spells that hit for 200s is a GL.
blueisbetterthanyou said:ok except you fail to realize that purging a bop that makes people immune to physical damage for 10 seconds or p urging a renew that heals for 100 every 3 seconds or pws that absorbs 250 damage is sometimes more important than lightning bolting a fc.
wsg is a group based battleground not solo
bankbeauty said:haha. I guess you know how to play a shammy don't you?
I premaded a lot, and the only fucking thing I would do is spam Purge and Shear. What I'm saying is, the DPS of a shammy is useless and isn't comparable to the one of a druid.
bankbeauty said:haha. I guess you know how to play a shammy don't you?
I premaded a lot, and the only fucking thing I would do is spam Purge and Shear. What I'm saying is, the DPS of a shammy is useless and isn't comparable to the one of a druid.
blueisbetterthanyou said:do u? b/c you seem to think windshear is on the gcd
bankbeauty said:Wind Shear not on GCD but does waste time because you trigger a spell.
Evade said:bankbeauty clearly doesn't know what she is talking about