liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

Hey....least you didnt leave 19 warrs for end game warrs to find

Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown of Charge by 5 seconds and now makes Charge and Intercept share a cooldown instead. Now increases the duration of your Charge stun by 2 sec.

i understand the HC nerf; it was hitting ridiculously hard but the juggernaut made the 19 twink in me feel a little better.

Also hunters get buffed moar? WTFUMAD.

Time to make more threads on wow forums bitching bout low level pvping experience.
Kore nametooshort said:
Ima gonna go ahead and say ele > boomkin, feral > enhance. resto = resto = shit.

I was about to say now don't tell me Balance is worst then ele, but thought you wouldn't do that, but you did, REALLY?!

Balance>Ele, Feral>Enh, Resto=Resto=Shit

Balance have an ENORMOUS amount of additional DPS compared to Ele. Yeah I have purge and Shear but both trigger GCD which reduce my Dps, Also my lightning botl doesn't hit 600+ Btw, it hit less then 250 and it's a 2,5 Sec Cast. Also Thunderstorm is th most overrated Ability in the whole twink community. It's EXTREMELY situational and the damage is about 300 and on a 30 sec CD, 30SECONDS CD. I have my Shock that hit under 100s and Earthbind, that's it. Sorry but there's no way on earth I will accept Ele Over Balance.
Karok said:
keeping OT of healing, id still say druids could dish out more pure heals, the combo of HoTs and heals just beats 1 single long heal. I guess factoring in ES may equal things up in melee situations.

The point is moot. Both are too poor to be of any practical use.
Well i wouldnt take either except the ele has purge which redeems it.

Shamanism - Spell - World of Warcraft

looks like a 1.45 sec cast time to me. Balance have a 1.5 sec cast time on starsurge which has a cooldown and 2.2 cast on wrath and 3.2 on starfire. Yes we have natures grace, but its not perfect.

The balance doesnt have enough utility to make it on to my premade. A shamam might do depending on my setup.
blueisbetterthanyou said:

because person dps matters right? oh wait it doesnt and i shouldnt even have to explain why.

Well sorry to burst your bubble, but killing an FC with spells that hit for 200s is a GL.
bankbeauty said:
Well sorry to burst your bubble, but killing an FC with spells that hit for 200s is a GL.

well d'oh, if you are trying to solo an efc you are failing
bankbeauty said:
Well sorry to burst your bubble, but killing an FC with spells that hit for 200s is a GL.

ok except you fail to realize that purging a bop that makes people immune to physical damage for 10 seconds or p urging a renew that heals for 100 every 3 seconds or pws that absorbs 250 damage is sometimes more important than lightning bolting a fc.

wsg is a group based battleground not solo
blueisbetterthanyou said:
ok except you fail to realize that purging a bop that makes people immune to physical damage for 10 seconds or p urging a renew that heals for 100 every 3 seconds or pws that absorbs 250 damage is sometimes more important than lightning bolting a fc.

wsg is a group based battleground not solo

haha. I guess you know how to play a shammy don't you?

I premaded a lot, and the only fucking thing I would do is spam Purge and Shear. What I'm saying is, the DPS of a shammy is useless and isn't comparable to the one of a druid.
bankbeauty said:
haha. I guess you know how to play a shammy don't you?

I premaded a lot, and the only fucking thing I would do is spam Purge and Shear. What I'm saying is, the DPS of a shammy is useless and isn't comparable to the one of a druid.

is this in 3.3.5 or post shattering? Because before shattering lots of druid healers and priest healers had 30% dispell resistance, they had more magic effects inbetween, purge removed half as many effects and nature resistance was more useful. Far fewer purges are needed now than there were needed before.

Also with purge and shear you're removing a large amount of the enemies healing from the field which is comparable to straight damage. Remember that druid casts are inexcess of 2 seconds and moonfire is mediocre, comparable to flame shock.
bankbeauty said:
haha. I guess you know how to play a shammy don't you?

I premaded a lot, and the only fucking thing I would do is spam Purge and Shear. What I'm saying is, the DPS of a shammy is useless and isn't comparable to the one of a druid.

do u? b/c you seem to think windshear is on the gcd
blueisbetterthanyou said:
do u? b/c you seem to think windshear is on the gcd

Wind Shear not on GCD but does waste time because you trigger a spell.
bankbeauty clearly doesn't know what she is talking about

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