liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

Quinp said:

U have much posts brah, very useful post :)
Kore nametooshort said:
Yeah, seriously i could use that. I also need a big tub of ice cream and a copy of pride and prejudice, maybe just the big where colin firth dives into the lake.

But seriously, blizzard is just insane. Their endgame changes are fucked over as well. Christ, i could do a better job than their devs. I would even do it for free.

From a arena point of view the endgame changes are very nice and were needed imo.
Kore nametooshort said:
Some of them were, but many key issues were overlooked.

Thats true but ghostcrawler said that not all the changes that would be made were in the current patch notes and they were being tested before they add them in. My guess is that this patch wont even be out until the end or near the end of season 9. :3
Evade said:
bankbeauty clearly doesn't know what she is talking about

Clearly .
If I use Wind Shear, I'm actually Triggering an ability and so now starting to cast or use another one.
I meant not instead of now

If I use Wind Shear, I'm triggering an attack and so i'm not starting to cast or using another ability.
bankbeauty said:
I meant not instead of now

If I use Wind Shear, I'm triggering an attack and so i'm not starting to cast or using another ability.

are you like physically incapable of simultaneously pressing 2 buttons at once or something?

because thats all i can come up with when you say "trigger"
Kore nametooshort said:
True. Anywho, the only relevant point is that level 19 resto druids are broke, and 85 resto druids are not good in pvp. Moh, I'm going to bed.

Yo honestly stfu, stop feeling so sorry for yourself. Did I retire my shaman? I still see warriors and warlocks playing. Jesus christ, this was HARDLY a nerf to you, it's a faster, quite big heal, quit the QQ.
Lawlpurge said:
I SWEAR to god, you fucking pansy ass druids "BAWWWWWWWW they took away our OP heal, instead giving us the "flash heal" version which will most likely turn out to be better".


Quit your crying, honestly it's pathetic.

take away shaman heals and leave them with valuable/irreplaceable utility

take away druid heals and leave them with practically nothing?

i dont really expect blizzard to put any thought into balancing sub 85 brackets but if they gave shaman a 1.5 second heal they would be right back to where they were in wotlk, extremely retarded so w/e

also nourish and healing touch have the same cast time and it heals for about 400 less so at least get your facts straight before going retard mode
blueisbetterthanyou said:
take away shaman heals and leave them with valuable/irreplaceable utility

take away druid heals and leave them with practically nothing?

i dont really expect blizzard to put any thought into balancing sub 85 brackets but if they gave shaman a 1.5 second heal they would be right back to where they were in wotlk, extremely retarded so w/e

also nourish and healing touch have the same cast time and it heals for about 400 less so at least get your facts straight before going retard mode

They don't have the same cast time, and certainly wouldn't after talents. If, like you say, healing touch has a 1.5 sec cast (wtf?), that heals for around 600, that's insanely OP. Go bawww some more, even if resto is nerfed to shit (which it won't be), you have 2 more retardedly OP specs to choose from. Think about that before you go "retard mode", brah. Resto and hance are shit, are you HONESTLY gonna compare the state of shaman to druids right now? You have some fuckin nerve mate.

Obviously shaman heals are in a bad way, im not denying that nor envying you your misery, but HT was not OP. Have you read the tooltip of nourish since 4.0.1 by the way? Its the same cast time as healing touch, but with substantially lower throughput. Nourish is roughly the same as your healing wave.
Lawlpurge said:
They don't have the same cast time, and certainly wouldn't after talents. If, like you say, healing touch has a 1.5 sec cast (wtf?), that heals for around 600, that's insanely OP. Go bawww some more, even if resto is nerfed to shit (which it won't be), you have 2 more retardedly OP specs to choose from. Think about that before you go "retard mode", brah. Resto and hance are shit, are you HONESTLY gonna compare the state of shaman to druids right now? You have some fuckin nerve mate.

yeah, you're a stupid fucking cunt

Kore nametooshort said:

Obviously shaman heals are in a bad way, im not denying that nor envying you your misery, but HT was not OP. Have you read the tooltip of nourish since 4.0.1 by the way? Its the same cast time as healing touch, but with substantially lower throughput. Nourish is roughly the same as your healing wave.

Ya ya, ok I see that now, my bad. And yeah that does suck, though I wouldn't go so far as to call your spec "broken".

@ Blue, u mad

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