Is this really bannable??

It puts all the wow screens on the screen at once (different sizes). It is open source and complies with Blizzards policy. You can swap a smaller one to the big one or click directly on the smaller windows icon.
Sounds like a plan. New account, pay subscription but not get TWW, so it maxes to 70 right? Any class recommendations for 70? Need to check these forums to see if theres any information I can gather
You really want a class that can tank and BM Monk doesn't seem to be it. I've seen some 70 twinks and they tend to be Paladins and Warriors. That may just be observational bias, however. Blood DK was pretty OP in DF. Not sure if it still is at 70. There was videos of Blood DKs soloing Mythic dungeons in DF.

The best 70s are those who loaded up on Bismuth Lockbox gear and are like ilvl 546. That door is pretty much closed now. Instead you have to gear up in DF S4 gear. Veteran (ilvl 480) is trivial to get from weeklies and ED. Champion (493) will take a little longer and we obviously don't get the DF vault anymore. More than that and you really have to be doing Heroic/Mythic DF raids at 70 I'm not sure how you do that now. The best 70s were those that geared in DF S4 and never moved on. TW gear is pretty useless (Adventurer, 467). I'm not sure what ilvl the TW weekly gives at 70 now. It used to be a Heroic piece.
if blizzard uses this: characters exploiting functionality to the detriment of the game environment or the intended player experience

this insane catch all legalize worded is a loose cannon

i have been in these TW LFDs for 3 months now, groups that had 80s, highly geared, some from top guilds, from my experience i noticed they complain most and are the most vocal. especially when a 11 has like killed a boss they never got to even touch or never made it to. nothing adds slat to the wound like a 11 using the addon that says X-dungeon cleared in 2min 34 sec. btw this was aggravating players when WOD was our zip zip bing bang running dungeon.

imo, you get the right 2-4 80s complaining, doing tickets, reporting hacks, etc that you are out epeening their epeen's.
they are:
- 80s
- paid for and play the current expac
- subbed

you are:
- DF capped
- unsubbed w/wo TWW
- playing as a Vet ot F2P

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Good news everyone!
I was banned on 4 accounts and all are back now.
I should just chargeback my 12 month sub, I only got 2 months out of it, this situation is utterly ridiculous, they robbed me of my chars, they will not rob me of my money too.
I also got unbanned today, I only got 1 automated reply to my appeal, and then a reply from a GM saying they had escalated the request to their team for review, and now 2 days later I got unbanned.
I also got unbanned today, I only got 1 automated reply to my appeal, and then a reply from a GM saying they had escalated the request to their team for review, and now 2 days later I got unbanned.
I'm guessing I'm screwed because I had a shitty GM already review it and say no, and the one I got afterwards said he can't review it because it's already been reviewed
I'd really like to know what these tickets have said from people claiming they've been unbanned, and new members in this forum? I'm sus
I'd really like to know what these tickets have said from people claiming they've been unbanned, and new members in this forum? I'm sus
I attached 2 page pdf file explainin all the thing i was doing last days before ban. How i was farming with legacy loot, both my accounts, the process of inviting characters from the same account etc. So i just gave as much information as possible
Those of you who got unbanned, what method yall were using? queing with the xp debuff penalty, queue dodging, macro? just so we know the extent of the issue
Here's me opening my 4th ticket because of all these people being unbanned and giving me motivation to try again. Reeeee
Those of you who got unbanned, what method yall were using? queing with the xp debuff penalty, queue dodging, macro? just so we know the extent of the issue
Well i was totally clear of all teh boosting/dodging/macros etc. I just LFD BC dungeons with may own 5 acc party. Funny thing, my main acc involved in this was not banned. This looks like a totally random ban weave.
Well i was totally clear of all teh boosting/dodging/macros etc. I just LFD BC dungeons with may own 5 acc party. Funny thing, my main acc involved in this was not banned. This looks like a totally random ban weave.
My main account wasn't either. Just my twink account and 3 trials.

Have all 5 of your accounts got a sub?
I attached 2 page pdf file explainin all the thing i was doing last days before ban. How i was farming with legacy loot, both my accounts, the process of inviting characters from the same account etc. So i just gave as much information as possible
You got unbanned as well???

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