Interest level in p2p 20

I play my Iil 20 chars because I prefer them to my 24's. They have two advantages I like; targeted less than 24's, can use f2p gear if wanted (I still have 225 proffs wich does keep an imbalance). Disadvantages are mainly for the stealth classes that are spotted to easy by 24's, other than that the surprise effect works as long as you name is not recognised to much.

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The Olympics have been a nice refreshing distraction. Last night couple of nights in between watching the prime time show of the Olympics there were a couple of groups of P2P 20s that grouped up and had some fun. More should be coming in more frequency. :)

See you on the field.
I have taken no offense. Just asking for clarification.

I queue alone every day as a Horde 24. Every game is challenging. Even with another wins are not assured. When I queue alone as an Alliance p2p 20 every game is a roll unless a strong Horde 24 group shows up. Even as all 20s we beat Horde teams that have a couple of 24s. Queuing as Alliance not only takes forever it is a roll most of the time at any level and as such is truly boring.

We are dedicated to Horde 24s for so many reasons. I played p2p 20. Horde Invasion has a number of former p2p 20s as well as f2p. The overall experience was lacking and all moved on. As a "twink" I will not be caught on unequal footing and if my opponent does not prepare or step up it is on them, not me. As a GM with a goal of a highly active PvP guild spending my time on distracting the guild with diversions that only appeal to a few is not something I am going to do. It is counter productive and will have a negative effect on the guild.

Some may enjoy being caught and destroyed by an s key 24 hunter but most don't. Today Yang (24 gnome Rogue) was using his gnomish deathray again hitting for 1300-2200. As 20s we would have had no chance. As 24s we won 3-0 but they gave a good fight. Our 85s and 24s are our focus and if you play this game in a balanced way and still have time for side projects, good for you. If you can do side projects and run a successful PvP guild more power to you.

A roll costs me 5-8 minutes and I will get a challenging game or two within an hour. It also serves other purposes like helping guild re-rolls earn BoAs. Getting farmed costs me 25 minutes and that same hour spent may well be two such games and serves no such purpose.

This brackets 24 activity continues to spike and is this summers place to be leading up to MoP. :D

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Tapatalk 2

i dont usually post in this particular section..but i just couldnt resist this time.
You say you dont usualy win. Your statistics say otherwise 1303 BGs played 1214 won.So did alliance ''20s'' beat you most of the time?No.
What really offended me is what you said alliance wins more than horde 20s.I have a 24 on horde and 2x horde f2ps and does that mean horde PuGs are more dumb?I do not wish to pull up my statistics but i will say off the top of my head its 50/50 in WSG.

Do you know why i went 24?I got tired of getting beat by skilless 24s.
Sure your or honeybadger guild might afk me due to 7-8 24s because of massive piles of gear crutching quantity>quality but i sure know one thing ill put a couple of you into your GY before i go.
And its not just gnomish deathray.Ive gotten hit for 2007 by a goblin sapper charge just the other day. Not to mention horde has BiS 24 gear for healers. So why dont you throw that ''horde inferiority'' out of the window.
I think youve ran waaay too much Gnomer if you think queueing with 5-7 24 paladins/hunters/rouge/disc priests is a ''challenge'' vs f2p level 20s.That gnomer or horde fanboy is really beginning to affect your mind and i seriously fear for your mental health and of those in your guild

Based on your post we are not all just people behind the screens, but alliance are some sort of ''superior beings being able to coordinate effectively'' and the horde f2ps need some sort of 7-8 gear crutching 24 messiahs that descended from the heavens to redeem our worthless souls
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You have to just respect what people want to roll. I played games last night on my alliance and horde ran into plenty 5 man premades.The bracket now is 5-24's & 5- 20's mostly. You have to think why you play this game. I do it to be social with guildies and real Ids. Plus guild wise a lot of guilds will die in beginning of MOP. Only certain guilds will make it. Blinka you made a huge effort in your part and don't be discouraged.

FYI if anyone ever wants to transfer an ally or horde p2p lvl 20 both guilds always looking for active twinks.

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Probably wouldnt matter as if F2p was raised to 40 there would just be new 44s ironically as soon as they did and we would have this same problem of P2P 40s or P2P 44s.. This is something blizz knew would happen if they put any kind of thought into the trial world (doubt they did) and something trials will just have to get used it
So does anyone suppose they will raise the level of F2P?

Nope. No blue post or any reason based on facts has been presented.

They wont

I don't think so either.

Probably wouldnt matter as if F2p was raised to 40 there would just be new 44s ironically as soon as they did and we would have this same problem of P2P 40s or P2P 44s.. This is something blizz knew would happen if they put any kind of thought into the trial world (doubt they did) and something trials will just have to get used it

Agreed. It would only make the differences greater the higher level you go. Wherever the instant queues go we will follow.
I think you mean, "Wherever we have the advantage". There are probably more active twinks in the 20-24 bracket than anything else besides 70s, if the level cap on F2P was increased, would you really want all those gnomer runs to go to waste?

Than you think wrong.

First you find the queues and than you twink. The queues ARE the advantage.

Mainstream twinking is always about maximizing, not minimizing. Many of us have twinked in multiple brackets and regularly mothball a twink and all the fun, difficult to obtain gear and resources that it took to build it. Gnomer runs are never a waste...its a fun game. I play for fun. Unless you are playing for some other reason where Gnomer is just a means to a nefarious end it should be fun. I have run Gnomeregan 450-500 times over 6 months and still have fun in there.

That being said, I both believe the trial account cap will stay at 20 and prefer that as well. Here is the kicker...if the program continues. If trials are not graduating to subscriptions the marketing program called trial accounts will stop.
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That being said, I both believe the trial account cap will stay at 20 and prefer that as well. Here is the kicker...if the program continues. If trials are not graduating to subscriptions the marketing program call trial accounts will stop.

Not that you probably know since your not on AP, alot of people have gone p2p from the trials. I never thought that would happen, but me included. Although I still play f2p more, lots of friends have gone p2p. I think the trials thing is working out for blizzard.
Not that you probably know since your not on AP, alot of people have gone p2p from the trials. I never thought that would happen, but me included. Although I still play f2p more, lots of friends have gone p2p. I think the trials thing is working out for blizzard.

Interestingly enough I've noticed that on Vashj as well. I can count at least 8 people who are subscribers now. Is that enough? I'll leave that to Blizzard to figure out. But people are converting. Even in our tiny communities...
Interestingly enough I've noticed that on Vashj as well. I can count at least 8 people who are subscribers now. Is that enough? I'll leave that to Blizzard to figure out. But people are converting. Even in our tiny communities...

Horde Invasion currently has at least three long time members who have returned to the game as trials and they intend on subscribing again when able. We also have over a dozen players new to HI that were trials. To my knowledge there is no stated Blizzard position on the success of th program.

Used to be when one of our players had financial reasons to quit we lost them for awhile. Now they play as a trial but we still have them playing with us. Mumble helps with the communication limitations.
Horde Invasion currently has at least three long time members who have returned to the game as trials and they intend on subscribing again when able. We also have over a dozen players new to HI that were trials. To my knowledge there is no stated Blizzard position on the success of th program.

Used to be when one of our players had financial reasons to quit we lost them for awhile. Now they play as a trial but we still have them playing with us. Mumble helps with the communication limitations.

For sure. Mumble or vent or w/e makes everything so much easier. F2p channel does wonders for us. :D

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