Racials (Now that we can have Worgens)

Ally side: Which is better, Worgen (1% increased Crit) or Human (2 min Trinket.....and am I reading it correctly that all the trinkets are 5 mins, so the Human Racial is that much stronger?)

Horde side: ?
I'm more interested in the Human vs. Worgen racials.....thoughts? 1% increased crit is pretty nice (I'm rolling a warrior).
also, non humans end up with the pvp trink with resil, so make sure to count that in.

i have not played this patch yet though, so idk about better
IMO, worgen, speedbuff and Nice 1% extra crit, human's you just get a free trinket slot.
Worgen racials are in my opinion best for those classes that seem to be easily kited and have a hard time closing in on others. *cough* WARRIOR *cough*.

Frick....Warrior is what I rolled. Human warrior. Bloody hell....although, it's a free trinket slot + 2 min instead of 5. /sigh
Warrior's too rage starved as of now to deal with targets that have 70%-83% physical damage mitigation.

Well, I tried Arms (2h wep was what I had, worked decently PvE), and ran into healer op'dom. So, I'm wondering if Prot is viable so I can make a FC?

Oh, and btw....playing w/ a Pocket-Disco. :)
Prot's not viable because your only decent ability is on a 6 second CD and you won't generate hardly any rage outside of defensive stance which is the whole point of speccing prot. PM Bass as he can tell you more about it because he's actually done tests.

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