I hear warrior is the new OP class now

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This is such a joke.

LOL @ all the 19 twinks who call themself #1 twink #1 rogue #1 US hunter. Nice imaginary tittle brah, please delete your twink and stop playing. You are pathetic. Trying to be big fishs in small pounds, your life must be so sad. If you wanna call yourself something, level up and hit Rank 1 for real instead of living in your own imaginary world with your imaginary #1 twink tittle.

LOL @ 90% of the twink clicking their trinket ( cuz you have like 4 spells on your bar - right , its way too hard to keybind a trinket ) and wasting their 5 min pvp trinket on nothing. Lol at 99% of the hunter that don't even know how to use scatter shot or pet stun at the right time so OP but yet still so bad.

LOL @ anyone who play a pally or a hunter , YOU GOT MAD SKILL BRAH

LOL @ all the angry twinks who will get butthurt after reading this because they think they are the shit. Hey this is a wake up call for you guys , ITS LVL 19 , you have like 3 buttons to press and yet most of you guys can only hit 1-2. Stop acting like this shit is hard.

LOL @ all the mad kids calling us GY farmer and saying we never do anything to help the flag when in reality we have 150 flag return in 90 games played

GET MAD ( took those screenshot yesterday and today aka those are just typical games, nothing special … no premade … only us 2 queueing

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SO MANY HORDE AFKing , you mad ? We never afk even if you have 7 hunter 3 pally.

re-roll something else than a hunter please … those minor magic resistance potion are expensive

wow ok first in a soon to be great thread
Rance is incredibly buffed, with hit potions, fire festival foods, might, mark, rallying cry, and of course a pocket healer.

Those numbers are amazing I can't lie, but I would like to see him achieve half of that damage without the factor's stated above.
As much as I absolutely ADORE the fact that you are out there proudly smashing Horde (especially the screenshot where you annihilated that premade of TCF baddies), I'm not understanding the point of this thread. But w/e, keep killin' it...
I admire your MS Paint text-boxing skills.

You must be US #1 level 19 MS Painter. How's that for an imaginary title?

Also, running around with a pocket healer is hard.

Also, /popcorn.

wanna cookie?

on the plus side, i enjoy seeing you guys on the field. At least something different then getting strafed by hunters and I know that if the horde side is somewhat ok we can win against you since you'll break off on objectives to kill farm
You are either very brave, or just turned 12. Either way, I agree with some parts of this thread, though they are a little extreme lol

Wish I could have been there in the games; in before lock.
So, OP, what is your other account name? I mean from the perspective of anyone with a working brain, you must have created a new account so as to, with your first post, rant about horde and hunters.
Warriors with a pocket priest have ALWAYS been OP lol. You're just lucky most of the bads on horde are too stupid to focus priest and instead mindlessly beat on a buffed up warry, otherwise you'd be getting shit on by the vek'nilash hunter brigade. 19 is not a skillful bracket, this is known. Pretty hard to outplay 1400 TV crits or triple rogue ambushes. The only skill is in coordination and strategy, individual play is skilless.
Rivfader said:
Warriors with a pocket priest have ALWAYS been OP lol. You're just lucky most of the bads on horde are too stupid to focus priest and instead mindlessly beat on a buffed up warry, otherwise you'd be getting shit on by the vek'nilash hunter brigade. 19 is not a skillful bracket, this is known. Pretty hard to outplay 1400 TV crits or triple rogue ambushes. The only skill is in coordination and strategy, individual play is skilless.

Point out to me where there are more than two hunters in one of our games. Also, notice that we have been queuing with a wider variety of classes recently.
The point of this thread is to identify all the bad and mad twink , there 2 pages of them already , more to come.
Awesome said:
Point out to me where there are more than two hunters in one of our games. Also, notice that we have been queuing with a wider variety of classes recently.

Calm down, could just as easily have said the bleeding hollow hunter brigade :p

I have seen 3+ hunters from vek'nilash many times, but to be honest I never bothered to check their tag hence why I didn't call it the TCF hunter brigade.
Rivfader said:
Calm down, could just as easily have said the bleeding hollow hunter brigade :p

I have seen 3+ hunters from vek'nilash many times, but to be honest I never bothered to check their tag hence why I didn't call it the TCF hunter brigade.

Ah k, sorry for the rash remark then =/

Yes it is true though, Vek'nilash does get a lot of hunters that join and/or want to join. This is why we are in need of more classes for premades.

For the record, though, not all of the twinks you see in WSGs belong to TCF; there are several orphaned not-quite-twinks on our realm.
Seleyzor said:
The point of this thread is to identify all the bad and mad twink , there 2 pages of them already , more to come.

You start a ranting thread and then accuse the posters of ranting?


Edit: Wow...didn't know this picture had a transparent background, this would make an epic sig for someone :D
Seleyzor said:
The point of this thread is to identify all the bad and mad twink , there 2 pages of them already , more to come.

Man, and all this time I thought that globalling people at half HP was skillful. Thanks for the eye opener.
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