I hear warrior is the new OP class now

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Awesome said:
Edit: Wow...didn't know this picture had a transparent background, this would make an epic sig for someone :D

Please to make sig for me because DesH has forgotten all about me. Check your thread kthxl8
Awesome said:
Ooh didn't see that lol, since you happen to be here and that pic is there, want me to include that in sig for extra awesomeness?

Naw, I need something reppin <revolution> to entice more people to come alliance. Help me fight the good fight! :p

more feed plz , you guys sound so butthurt

o wait , veil ?!?! are you that bad warrior in one of those screenshot lololol ? tell me its someone else. awwww thats just sad if thats you.
KK lol Riv, looks like that GTFO picture is going to go to waste... :(

Check my sig thread, asked a question there.

By the way, where are the mods on this thread lol? Didn't expect it to reach page 3
this thread is going places
Seleyzor said:

more feed plz , you guys sound so butthurt

o wait , veil ?!?! are you that bad warrior in one of those screenshot lololol ? tell me its someone else. awwww thats just sad if thats you.

I outplay people with 1100 executes, please explain how I can be bad.
Seleyzor said:

more feed plz , you guys sound so butthurt

o wait , veil ?!?! are you that bad warrior in one of those screenshot lololol ? tell me its someone else. awwww thats just sad if thats you.

Unfortunately, successful troll is successful. Gratz on the third page.
by this butthurt sounding reply I assume thats you.

ROFL wow I saw you post quite few time, I though you might have been somewhat decent with all the talking you do. Thats disapointing to see how much you talk on the forum but how shitty you play =/ btw from looking at the screenshot you don,t even do enough dmg to bring people to execute range so that might be difficult for you.
Awesome said:
Unfortunately, successful troll is successful. Gratz on the third page.

I find this far more entertaining than the usual "WAT WEPS 4 ROG?!?!" threads. Coming here to rant about how skilless 19s are is like running around on a clear day screaming "THE SKY IS BLUE!!!".
Seleyzor said:
o wait , veil ?!?! are you that bad warrior in one of those screenshot lololol ? tell me its someone else. awwww thats just sad if thats you

LOL Thank You!!! He is a terrible warrior. You couldn't post any screenshots with my warrior in it cuz I was jacking KB's and damage from you guys
Seleyzor said:
by this butthurt sounding reply I assume thats you.

ROFL wow I saw you post quite I few time, I though you might have been somewhat decent with all the talking you do. Thats disapointing to see how much you talk on the forum but how shitty you play =/ btw from looking at the screenshot you don,t even do enough dmg to bring people to execute range so that might be difficult for you.

Since when does damage matter? A shitty player can easily be on top of dmg-done
On a side note, I hope the non retarded twink don't get offended by this thread as its not aimed at them. If it doesn't take you 2 second to trinket cuz you actually have it keybinded and if you can use your interupts properly you are probably safe.
Mehcritkillu said:
Since when does damage matter? A shitty player can easily be on top of dmg-done

No? What are you dumb? Oh yeah you are.

This guy is giving evidence straight in your faces and you STILL can't accept the fact that you are inferior to him.

Just a bunch of hater's on TI, you guys don't know how to give credit to someone you just keep denying and denying.
Seleyzor said:
you don,t even do enough dmg to bring people to execute range so that might be difficult for you.

Yeah, when that happens I just log onto my rogue and snipe KBs from stealth. Helps to boost my self-esteem.

Too much of this in this thread
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