I hear warrior is the new OP class now

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Rivfader said:
P.S. To the mad glad, I never once claimed that 19s were skillful. If I wanted to trumpet my accomplishments I would do it in the real world, not on the game I log onto when I'm in the mood for mental masturbation. When applying at taco bell do you put "Rank 1 priest in world of warcraft video game" under achievements?

SO ANGRY ^^^^^^^^

P.S. never once called myself rank1 anything, someone making shit up cuz so mad. Its okay Viel, your 2200 post about skilless stuff while masturbating will serve you IRL

allahkazam said:
it's entertaining to see Rance running away once we train Zegly. And I do mean entertaining.

if you were able to land 1 succesful counterspell it could happen , sadly you fall into the category of bad that can't interupt , you have like 4 spell ... be a good mage and learn to CS
I remember once we were going to 3 cap you guys and saw you picking on some lowbies below the horde GY. We even took the time to completely crush both of you before capping. Even joked in skype that it was gratifying to cockslap both of you before winning 3-0 in 10 minutes.

And sorry I don't fight it out in mid with bads.

inb4 calling me mad, because I'm quite the opposite :)
Fisher. said:
Just posting here saying l can't kill hunters fc without another dps slow/cc support(don<t include my priest, please we have 6 horde on us the whole game) when l get slowed myself by another horde while the stealthed rogue only had to ambush a 1k life shitty druid to win.

l'm not chasing someone the whole map either, warrior/rets are the worse classes to do that. I'm here to have fun, which is not chasing a hunter or staying in their fc for over 10 mins.

This rogue was lying, which doesn't surprise me considering how talentless he was in a already noskill video game(spam sap/get wrecked while showing me your back, etc), the only healer l had was the priest while getting occasional druid heals.

Get mad on this if you wish, l couldn't care less

Nothing to get mad on when you don't win. Look forward to seeing you in future games.
o i thought u wer a warrior kk nvm
making up stories again , so sad

I guess if it makes you feel better lol

P.S. counterspelling mindblast is bad , though I guess if you have 10v2 we might die anyways.
this has gone no where fast.
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