Hunters lol

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Willyshatner said:
PS: LOL @ Donteventrii doing his 'head under the sand' trick as soon as a competent alliance team shows itself.

I can't teach people how to play in game. You aren't what an experienced player would call good. You are mediocre. If you think a team of mediocre players can match up against MB successfully you are truly delusional. When I go over Fraps and see my MSBT indicate that you aren't WSing focus targets, taking long to Fear healers in between dpsing on your lock (indicating you aren't using focus), failing to purge PWS and other buffs, or many of the other mistakes I facepalm. Why do you say "Horde need to coordinate"? You need to coordinate your damn self first, and then once you figure out how to do that, you need to help coordinate who will be getting focused (and pick the right targets) and who will be CCed (Healers), and who you will be focus shearing. You need to help off heal when appropriate.

You are mediocre. I can't teach mediocre players to match up against good ones. And I certainly can't teach bad players how to become mediocre players. I hope MB is considering rolling Horde and queueing against each other for the betterment of the bracket.
Congratulations, MB, you're in 29s for a week with unfinished toons and already you're turning the Horde against each other by playing competently.


Selfish is trying to pressure certain players into doing something YOU want them to do (stop playing Alliance! Come play with me or I will say mean things about you on the forums!). And what is this whole "I can't teach people how to play in game" attitude of yours, Donteventrii? Perhaps if you made more of an effort to be constructive about it rather than berate players in-game and in vent, people would put some value to your suggestions and coordinate with you rather than opt not to. But look, you've apparently pointed out some of Willy's flaws in his gameplay! That's a good start! Rather than trying to pull away new recruits from Alliance that are fresh to the bracket, talk it over with your veteran 29 Horde that have been playing with each other for months and should be in tune with each other's habits. Take some initiative in the Horde vent channel and help your team to victory rather than telling someone else to come and do it for you so you can start playing again.
Kaorinite said:
Congratulations, MB, you're in 29s for a week with unfinished toons and already you're turning the Horde against each other by playing competently.


Selfish is trying to pressure certain players into doing something YOU want them to do (stop playing Alliance! Come play with me or I will say mean things about you on the forums!). And what is this whole "I can't teach people how to play in game" attitude of yours, Donteventrii? Perhaps if you made more of an effort to be constructive about it rather than berate players in-game and in vent, people would put some value to your suggestions and coordinate with you rather than opt not to. But look, you've apparently pointed out some of Willy's flaws in his gameplay! That's a good start! Rather than trying to pull away new recruits from Alliance that are fresh to the bracket, talk it over with your veteran 29 Horde that have been playing with each other for months and should be in tune with each other's habits. Take some initiative in the Horde vent channel and help your team to victory rather than telling someone else to come and do it for you so you can start playing again.

Unselfishness is ultimately wanting a bracket with equal skill, variety, and composition on each side. Selfishness is doing anything but trying to reach those means. I want MB to help by playing against each other. This is no different from what I asked DetoX to do when they made the bracket one-sided for a 3-4 weeks.

I don't have the time to teach people how to play. The onus is on them to do so. They need to go watch pvp videos, read Arena Junkies or Skill Capped, or talk with people that are willing and have the time to devote to them. It is my hope that my criticism in game and on vent will push them to figure out just what the hell I am talking about. Franchi, for instance, takes my criticism and wants to do better by it.

In the Horde vent channel I am 90% of the "kill X" "CC Y" "Silencing Z". Sure other people talk "inc A" "EFC going B" "Cap" "repick". How do you propose I teach people this kind of stuff? I don't hear you getting in vent and calling targets (you should be the one to be doing it as a melee class). I can't teach people in the 1 minute before game time how to use a assist or focus macro. THEY NEED TO DO THIS THEMSELVES. I won't be hand holding Horde while Alliance throttle us with this kind of gameplay.
Kaorinite said:
Congratulations, MB, you're in 29s for a week with unfinished toons and already you're turning the Horde against each other by playing competently.


Selfish is trying to pressure certain players into doing something YOU want them to do (stop playing Alliance! Come play with me or I will say mean things about you on the forums!). And what is this whole "I can't teach people how to play in game" attitude of yours, Donteventrii? Perhaps if you made more of an effort to be constructive about it rather than berate players in-game and in vent, people would put some value to your suggestions and coordinate with you rather than opt not to. But look, you've apparently pointed out some of Willy's flaws in his gameplay! That's a good start! Rather than trying to pull away new recruits from Alliance that are fresh to the bracket, talk it over with your veteran 29 Horde that have been playing with each other for months and should be in tune with each other's habits. Take some initiative in the Horde vent channel and help your team to victory rather than telling someone else to come and do it for you so you can start playing again.

veteran 29 Horde that have been playing with each other for months and should be in tune with each other's habits.

kao is right :)

also even we lost so many times last night i thought they were still fun.... ><

i hope i wont be sleepy when i play tomorrow~ ( i ate dinner and i got sleepy last night... :( i wont eat tomorrow rawrrr!)

i actually am having more fun since 39 ppl get in 29 personally....

well peach will be back shortly from her trip to vegas w.o me /cheer.

ps. that fat chick sig video- if i was ever that fat i wouldt no wear bikini.... oh i can do 200 sit up now yaaaaa! :D
Its all laughable because when horde are rolling or have the upper hand for an extended period of time you don't see any Qq about faction balance and alternate faction toons. Hmm wonder why? And yes horde has gone periods of time having the upper hand as documented by multiple forum posts.
Donteventrii said:
I can't teach people how to play in game. You aren't what an experienced player would call good. You are mediocre. If you think a team of mediocre players can match up against MB successfully you are truly delusional. When I go over Fraps and see my MSBT indicate that you aren't WSing focus targets, taking long to Fear healers in between dpsing on your lock (indicating you aren't using focus), failing to purge PWS and other buffs, or many of the other mistakes I facepalm. Why do you say "Horde need to coordinate"? You need to coordinate your damn self first, and then once you figure out how to do that, you need to help coordinate who will be getting focused (and pick the right targets) and who will be CCed (Healers), and who you will be focus shearing. You need to help off heal when appropriate.

You are mediocre. I can't teach mediocre players to match up against good ones. And I certainly can't teach bad players how to become mediocre players. I hope MB is considering rolling Horde and queueing against each other for the betterment of the bracket.

I'll be honest with you Donteventrii. You're the worst player I have ever seen play this game. Everything that comes out of your mouth in vent, and everything you type in BG chat is so negative, I wouldn't take anything that you say seriously based on that fact alone. You act like you're the resident pro twink and it's your job to carry the bracket and tell everyone what they are doing wrong or how they are bad.

You can sit here frapsing everything and comb through weeks worth of video all you want, it doesn't mean a thing to anyone besides yourself, and you're not helping anyone by doing so. At the end of the day you're just wasting time and patting your own back. The simple fact of the matter is that you COULD teach people in game. You COULD take whatever time is necessary in game to help people get better.

But you won't. You'll instead opt to sit in your glass house, throwing stones at everyone else when they don't give you perfection.

I'll even be the first to admit that I am not the best player in the world. However, I DO know how to play the game, and I do know what it takes to win. My 'coordination' as you put it isn't relevant to anything if the other 9 people on my team can't coordinate with me. Getting in vent and being on the same page is the first step to doing that.

So, why don't you just keep your head in the sand and let the rest of us do what you would rather find excuses not to do.
Also Dont when horde a rolling when was the last time you hopped on an alliance character? In before I only play for a limited time yada yada yada. Not a valid excuse.
Kao the reason for you, Crypto and ohai getting griped at for being on the alt faction when there are losses is a compliment. Why would you take that any other way? It infuriates me to see Ohai on his rogue at times not gonna lie. Only because he, along with you and crypto, have shown that you can not only be objectively focused but objectively AWARE. You see where the heals are at, you blow the right cooldowns, you are where you need to be a good majority of the time.

Nade, Nade, Nade.

No but seriously I swapped over to ally because i won the first 2-3 games I played on horde (not against any of the dh kids) by a considerable margin, and wanted to switch to give that second game some comp. I swapped back after facerolling once. I was unable to find a close game after queueing for 5-6, and I just gave up and went back to leveling my hunter. If I'm gonna be the only offensive player besides FCftl to make it past mid, I might as well be able to dps.

you don't necessarily need one person to lead. you just need everyone to talk.

I disagree, we need someone who plays offense well, and is a DPS who knows what he/she is doing. I'm sorry but the difference between when we have Lrig calling our offense and when we don't is ridiculous. I've tried calling it as a priest but I have trouble calling focus and CC targets while healing and positioning myself, the best I can do is stuff like telling people when the FC is dropping to 2nd floor, etc.

I don't really have any RBG experience, and my premade experience is limited. Horde needs someone in vent calling it who knows more than I do anyways.

Rather than trying to pull away new recruits from Alliance that are fresh to the bracket, talk it over with your veteran 29 Horde that have been playing with each other for months and should be in tune with each other's habits.

Come off it if you think that the people on doomhammer are in any way "new" to playing with each other. I understand you said "new to the bracket" but that means nothing unless you are implying they are new to playing with each other. I don't think there is literally anything wrong with asking them to make some alt faction toons so this isn't a bunch of boring wins for them.

And those of us with cross faction toons made them for a reason, to ****ing fix the games when they are shit. You are doing exactly what I did when detox came back, and I totally get it. But don't pretend to be Mr. Victim guy:
Selfish is trying to pressure certain players into doing something YOU want them to do (stop playing Alliance! Come play with me or I will say mean things about you on the forums!).
Simmer down peoples. Do you really expect someone who has been in the bracket for a week or two to have toons on both sides already? I would be willing to bet a substantial amount of gold that if the former 39ers enjoy the bracket enough they will roll horde toons, much like Dayman and myself have already done.

It isn't like these are the scum of the 39 bracket coming to test the waters at 29. These are all good peoples and players who have toons on both sides at 39 (except Toast, I do not think he would know what to do with the Horde flag in his hands). 29s will benefit much more from having them and other former 39s (to a certain degree) than not. Give them more than a couple weeks to decide if this bracket is even worth investing time to finish their current toons, let alone roll a brand new one.

Despite the inane forum banter, 29s do have an awesome group of people to chill out with on vent. It is a major reason why I slowed down 39s and played 29s so much more. I wish I had the time to play games on the regular still, so I could drop poo balls on some foos, but unfortunately I do not. (SATURDAY FIGHT NIGHT, PLEASE) The forum discussions most certainly do not relay that to the general public and potential recruits, however. There is a good chance people do not want to get in vent because they expect it to be just like the forums. Why would they think otherwise?
Come off it if you think that the people on doomhammer are in any way "new" to playing with each other. I understand you said "new to the bracket" but that means nothing unless you are implying they are new to playing with each other. I don't think there is literally anything wrong with asking them to make some alt faction toons so this isn't a bunch of boring wins for them.

And those of us with cross faction toons made them for a reason, to ****ing fix the games when they are shit. You are doing exactly what I did when detox came back, and I totally get it. But don't pretend to be Mr. Victim guy:

Except for the fact that horde have been generally dominant in games since Detox quit playing. No one was willing to go over to the alliance to help them not get face rolled, unless it meant farming Amy and Kow. Add to that the fact that any DH kids rolling horde would have just caused the alliance to get dominated that much more. I don't see any of the DH kids rolling horde as a viable solution to anything.
Willyshatner said:
Except for the fact that horde have been generally dominant in games since Detox quit playing. No one was willing to go over to the alliance to help them not get face rolled, unless it meant farming Amy and Kow. Add to that the fact that any DH kids rolling horde would have just caused the alliance to get dominated that much more. I don't see any of the DH kids rolling horde as a viable solution to anything.

No one? hmm seems i remember me and FC playing on alliance side to try and get things going, but then they rolled out the 3 huntard brigade and we decided to play horde instead.
I give us about a week before we find something else to do. On a nice side note ill completely fund anyone without a twink in the 39 bracket a 39. Get at me
Phauren said:
I give us about a week before we find something else to do. On a nice side note ill completely fund anyone without a twink in the 39 bracket a 39. Get at me

Ive got a hunter almost ready for 39's wanna help me finish it out?
Phauren said:
Sure, whenever you xfer to doomhammer let me know.

oh damn you guys are alliance /facepalm, she's horde and on ursin, looks like ill just have to finish her myself.
Phauren said:
I give us about a week before we find something else to do. On a nice side note ill completely fund anyone without a twink in the 39 bracket a 39. Get at me

By us you mean yourself. Your guildies seem rather interested in 29s.
My admiration for willy grows more and more by the day.

And really nothing pisses me off more than someone who tries to tell me how to play my class. No, I'm not rushing into the entire alliance team without waiting for the rest of my horde team to help support our flag across mid. If I die in 3 seconds, what good does that do? After that I didn't really feel like playing anymore. I think after that game I logged and played some 360 for a while before logging back on a couple hours later to get in a game or two.

It's one thing to call out needing a peel or an off heal. I'm more than capable of doing both. If you want me to throw my face into a meat grinder you might as well do it yourself first. I don't think I've ever been yelled at by someone in vent for waiting for the rest of my team before I charge off to fight the entire alliance team on the alliance ramp.
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