Fcftw said:
4 alliance hunters every game, yeah what a ****ing joke
That is laughable. I was in a SINGLE game all night that had 4 alliance hunters, and one of them afk'd about 2 mins into it. The vast majority of games I've been in tonight have had 2 Alliance hunters. There were a few with 1 and a few with 3. I will concede that the Alliance had the hunter advantage in more games than the Horde did.
Literally however, I was not in a single losing game all night. EVEN those games where Alliance had fewer or an equal amount of hunters, we still demolished quite a few Horde teams. This suggests to me that perhaps hunters aren't the source of all your woes afterall? I know both sides had some bad, undergeared players tonight.
While I was sitting out a game, I went down and listened to Horde in vent. Very few people were calling out any sort of WSG strategy. Maybe this is because you guys have been playing together so long and don't need to say anything. Or maybe it was just an off game, an exception. I don't know. But what I do know is that in our games, Alliance side was very vocal about BG relevant strategy: "EFC is going this way", "CC Daydra, and burn down the hunter!", "You take first interrupt on Amywineheals, I'll take second", "Keep mid control, cut off the support before they get to EFC!", "Inc 3 coming tunnel and 2 coming ramp. Lets drop down and kill the two coming ramp before they meet the 3 in tunnel", etc, etc.
Anyway, we had 10 people from our guild on at one point and we enjoyed some of the games.
Edit: Yea, from what you guys are saying, it appears lack of vent coordination was the deciding factor. Most of us Alliance side were in vent.