Wow, this thread really grew throughout the day. A lot of blame that I don't agree with going around too.
Donteventrii said:
Shouldn't that be a good indicator that 39s should split between Horde/Alliance when playing 29s to make games fun for everybody? I understand your qualms, you like playing with people you are familiar with, and everyone hates losing. If 6-7 get in the same game on the same faction, it's a win. But if 3 get on one side, 4 get on the other, at least 3 of you "won't be having any fun." But at 39s in NF it was understood that for a healthy bracket, you needed pug games to be balanced between the factions. This was put at a higher importance than playing with friends or winning every game. Again I ask, please ask your guild, even by leading by example, to roll a Horde 29 so that you have a Horde to queue on when you win multiple games in a row.
The way you plead with us to make Horde, you create the impression that we've been steamrolling for months. Furthermore, you are selling your own faction short. Last night was literally our second night playing 29s, at least for the majority of MB. I highly doubt that our players are better than the entirety of the 29 Horde, at least skill-wise. Perhaps our vent communication is slightly better at this stage? And I give most of the vent coordination credit to Rubikz and Toastage; kudos to those two.
You folks are really blowing things out of proportion. Make Horde 29s? Lmao. Most of us haven't even finished our Alliance 29s yet. I think Toastage is the only MB 29 who even has an AGM. Why don't we give it some time, and allow the Horde to step up their game, before we start jumping to conclusions? If we truly enjoy the bracket, I’m sure we'll get around to rolling Horde 29s.
Donteventrii said:
When games end up sucking on Hordeside, people will log early figuring they can get into a better game night that's more balanced. Then comes the next game night, and it's the same selfish players making it not fun on the next night. All the while, college students have many other enjoyable activities to keep them busy, keeping them from playing. I'll start playing again when I see some dedication from Alliance to make games fun for the bracket.
Are you serious? That is some grade A garbage spouting out of your mouth. It is OUR responsibility – the brand new 29s who haven’t even finished their toons yet – to make Horde in order that games will be fair (according to you)? Putting the onus on us is entirely unjustified and unfair given our tenure in the bracket, or lack thereof. Jesus, you are giving us one heck of a lot of credit, clout, and influence that is entirely unfounded. The only selfish individual here is you. You are a good player and a benefit to either faction. Refusing to even play until the new kids on the block create Horde characters is laughable and serves no purpose except to make you appear as a petulant child.
Donteventrii said:
I can't teach people how to play in game. You aren't what an experienced player would call good. You are mediocre. If you think a team of mediocre players can match up against MB successfully you are truly delusional. When I go over Fraps and see my MSBT indicate that you aren't WSing focus targets, taking long to Fear healers in between dpsing on your lock (indicating you aren't using focus), failing to purge PWS and other buffs, or many of the other mistakes I facepalm. Why do you say "Horde need to coordinate"? You need to coordinate your damn self first, and then once you figure out how to do that, you need to help coordinate who will be getting focused (and pick the right targets) and who will be CCed (Healers), and who you will be focus shearing. You need to help off heal when appropriate.
Donteventrii said:
Unselfishness is ultimately wanting a bracket with equal skill, variety, and composition on each side. Selfishness is doing anything but trying to reach those means. I want MB to help by playing against each other. This is no different from what I asked DetoX to do when they made the bracket one-sided for a 3-4 weeks.
I don't have the time to teach people how to play. The onus is on them to do so. They need to go watch pvp videos, read Arena Junkies or Skill Capped, or talk with people that are willing and have the time to devote to them. It is my hope that my criticism in game and on vent will push them to figure out just what the hell I am talking about. Franchi, for instance, takes my criticism and wants to do better by it.
In the Horde vent channel I am 90% of the "kill X" "CC Y" "Silencing Z". Sure other people talk "inc A" "EFC going B" "Cap" "repick". How do you propose I teach people this kind of stuff? I don't hear you getting in vent and calling targets (you should be the one to be doing it as a melee class). I can't teach people in the 1 minute before game time how to use a assist or focus macro. THEY NEED TO DO THIS THEMSELVES. I won't be hand holding Horde while Alliance throttle us with this kind of gameplay.
I don’t always remember you being so... elitist? From the sounds of it, none of us possess the capability to approach your level of unparalleled skill. Given your above expectations of ol’ Captain Kirk, I would almost think that you play this game unhindered by the general cool-down. I’m curious to know if the majority of the Horde know how much better than all of them you are?
Sarcastic jibes aside, you seem to have the expectation that every Horde player must possess the arena skill of a 2600+ rated player in order to compete with MB. There are two problems with that:
1. You are artificially inflating our skill level beyond what is reality. I assume your purpose for doing so is such that the responsibility of improving game quality falls upon us. This way you can refuse to play and claim that you are justified.
2. Vent coordination far outweighs individual player skill. No doubt in my mind AT ALL about this. None whatsoever.
It is not our intention to destroy games, and I don’t believe that is what we are doing. I agree that it is a fair request for players of the winning faction to create opposing faction toons. However, it IS unfair to make the aforementioned request of newly arrived players with unfinished twinks. I also feel it is selfish and unfair when individuals refuse to participate until we DO create opposing faction toons. As Yoube said, give us a chance to finish our Alliance toons and play the bracket for more than a few nights before you decide that the world is ending. Let’s wait and see if yesterday’s games were a blip or if they become the norm.
Another picture of Phauren's GF.